Mondays with Maria

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Sometimes I Cry

A great quote by one of the best storytellers and authors of our time!!!  

A few days ago I was at a gathering of friends and some important and life changing moments were being shared within a smaller group of people at that gathering.  We've all known each other for a few years now, one person in particular has known me longer, and in conversation with them I had a desire in my heart to share MY story about this particular topic we were discussing.  I think they were all a little stunned at my story, and caught by surprise.  It was very brave of me, mainly because the sharing of my story could've started an embarrassing and endless flow of my tears instantaneously, but also because I allowed myself to be vulnerable and fully seen at that moment and time. I am glad I chose that route.  It was healing for me, and I think it touched them and helped them with their healing process in return.

When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, we show others that their struggles are valid.  Just because someone looks "picture perfect", doesn't mean that they have life figured out; pain and worry free days.  I am an optimistic to a fault, but I am also a very realistic person.  I try to see the good in everything and everyone, but I am not exempt by any means of life struggles, disappointments and sadness from time to time.  I wear my heart on my sleeve and that can be challenging sometimes because I experience every emotion fully, but I also wouldn't want it any other way, even if the choice was given. 

We all have a story.  We all experience disappointments. We've all walked through life at one point feeling like we are carrying bricks on our shoulders going uphill.  The courage in that struggle is the ability to allow ourselves to be vulnerable, to talk about it, to be fully seen and known, to share our stories with those who we chose to share it with, so that our hearts and souls can breath and heal once again, and continue to remind ourselves that choosing to show up and be vulnerable is one of the most courageous acts we can perform as human beings.  We never know what healing our stories can bring to others. 

Be courageous. ♥