Mondays with Maria

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LOVE IS: Kind, Joyful, Understanding, Humorous, Accepting, Encouraging, And So Much More ❤️

Three weeks ago I had one of the most debilitating migraines I’ve experienced in a few years.  The day I took this picture, I was laying in bed with a heating pad on for comfort and an ice pack on my head to relieve some of the pain.  I had also already taken the maximum amount of prescription pills I could take for the day and I was feeling quite desperate because despite all my efforts to feel better, nothing seemed to be working. 

That weekend I laid in bed all day both days, not exactly what I had in mind for the weekend, which is my only opportunity to catch up at home after working out of my house all day during the week. 

Weekends are for family time, lots of cooking and eating together, cleaning, organizing and some relaxing watching a movie or two. Not this weekend, this weekend was different, and it eventually it resulted in me visiting the hospital, sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Chronic pain is poison.

But I’m not here today to tell you another sob story about my migraines, but to share a little light about the AMAZING human being that I have for a husband. 

As I laid in bed all day this particular weekend, he took care of everything and anything that needed to be done at home, never complaining or making too much fuss about it, instead, he made light of everything, brought me medicine, drinks to keep me hydrated, and ice packs.  He did laundry and organized things in the house and even showed up with all the folded towels, wearing a basket we use for the hand towels, on his head to make me smile!!!

Well, I smiled alright and I also cried, which didn’t help my head, but most importantly, I was SO extremely moved once again, realizing how incredible he is in so many ways.

We will be married 25 years next April, and believe me when I say this, we are not perfect, he is not perfect, I am CERTAINLY not perfect, we argue, we disagree, we bicker, once in a while I give him looks of “are you kidding me?!”, but we couldn’t be a better match for each other... at least, I’d like to think so. 😉

Stan is an introvert, I’m a natural born extrovert. 

He Iikes soft music, I’m more of a trending pop artist kind of gal.

He likes tea, I prefer coffee any day of the week.

He’d rather be home, I like to explore.

And the list could go on an on, but the most important quality we have going for us is the way we care about each other and how much FUN we have with each other.  Stan and I are always teasing each other (well, more me than him 😁), we joke around a lot (he wins this one!), and we laugh about the silliest of things! 

Humor and faith, faith and humor, have been the foundation to the life we have built for our family, but most importantly for the two of us, because one day not too far from now, it will just be him and I spending most of the time together, and according to what we have right now, I like what I see. 

Thankful for a life partner that wears a basket on the head to sprinkle my life with joy. ❤️