Mondays with Maria

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December Pages ❤

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Well, here we are bidding farewell to 2020, a year that will be remembered by many for generations to come.

A year of great challenges, incredible losses, but also a year of personal, emotional and spiritual growth. 

If we’ve ever clung on to our faith more than ever, it was in 2020, at least speaking for myself.  

This year I witnessed dear, dear friends go through the horrifying experience of loosing loved ones, four of them unexpectedly, pain that will probably never go away.  Pain that might become a little “easier” to deal with at times, but will remain in their hearts and souls until they take their last breath themselves.  

Grief is something that you can’t simply pacify by turning the page and moving on.  Grief becomes part of who you are by these experiences, but I find comfort in knowing that all of them, are constantly being lifted in prayer by people that love them, and being comforted by life’s ordinary and daily miracles, the simple joys that we encounter by the love and kindness of others. They see it, these are people that recognize these miracles, and that in itself it’s a great gift. 

For us at home, as for many others, 2020 was supposed to be a year of celebration, a year of wonderful milestones and great opportunities. 

Our oldest daughter was supposed to be graduating from a Theater Conservatory in a grand and well known theater in New York City, weeks prior to that big graduation celebration, she had landed the lead role in the big end of the year graduation play that would’ve opened many doors in her professional career.  That didn’t happen. Instead, in the peek of rehearsal times, costume fittings and stage setting building, our family drove up to New York City to pick her up right before the closed borders after the Governor had mandated a complete lockdown as they faced horrifying Covid numbers.  We made it right on time, and it was a very bittersweet experience.  We were happy to have picked her up and know that she was safe and with us, but also, I remember looking back at that big city of opportunities in the Arts and not knowing when she’d be able to go back and under what circumstances.  

Michelle did graduate from College, it was a graduation via zoom, she got her diploma in the mail, and we watched her recorded play after taping through zoom as well, instead of live rehearsals and live audience.  Bittersweet. 

Our youngest daughter also had big milestones to celebrate and opportunities heading her way this year of 2020.  This was the year to graduate from High School, she was excited to do another season of Badmington, a sport she grew to love, and was devastated by seeing that dream of hers slowly be turned off. She was so involved in High School that she had many milestones to celebrate her Senior year.  She would had been part of a big all day event at school where she was to lead a group. It was her last year to go on a 10 day Mission trip to the Appalachian mountains, she had her big end of year Orchestra concert where they highlight all the Seniors and they all get a solo or special part in the concert and awards and flowers and all kinds of fun things are presented, her last end of year Tennis bash, last this, last that... all of that wen puff in the air when her school closed it’s doors on March 13, 2020 and went online for classes 100%.  I will never forget the day I picked her up from school that day.  THAT day, she was supposed to be having her Badmington sports pictures taken. She had made the Varsity team again after days of tryouts, and she was so excited! Bella has always been the sunshine at home, and I could physically sense her sadness that day as she jumped in the car, rackets and violin in hand knowing that most likely all the things she had hoped and wished for her Senior day at High School was now gone. Crushing. 

Bella too graduated.  She finished clases via zoom and I couldn’t have been more proud of the way she tackled these classes and how well she did considering the circumstances. She applied to a few Colleges and Universities and got acceptances to some pretty amazing schools, we were so, so proud of her! She eventually chose a school she wanted to attend in the Fall and found joy in that hope.  Eventually, she made a decision to stay home and attend community college instead since her classes wouldn’t have been online anyways.  I’d like to say here, bittersweet also, but there was not much sweetness about these decisions, other than the fact that she also had good opportunities at our community college with a full scholarship and a home and a family that love her deeply, encourage her and support her.  So more than bittersweet, maybe it was a disguised blessing, I’d like to see it that way. 

We celebrated both of the girls graduations in the best of our abilities with yummy foods, barbecues, family car rides, balloons and everything and anything I could think of to make things a little lighter and fun.  I think it was worth it.  

They both struggled with ups and downs and some anxiety caused by the lockdown of this Covid times, but we did that we could as a family to stay afloat.  It was a challenging year. 

We also made GREAT memories as a family this year.  We spent time together that otherwise we hadn’t been able to spend.  I’m especially grateful for the relationship that my girls have.  They are each other’s bigger support system. They are each other’s shoulder to cry on and laughter when they need to be goofy and silly. They get each other, they love each other immensely and unconditionally, they teach me each day what love looks like.

For me, 2020 was a year of growth.  I felt like I had to learn all over again how to parent, especially.  I was especially thankful for Stan’s support, wisdom, faith and humor, I don’t think I would’ve gotten through the year with sanity if it hadn’t been for him, I say this with all sincerity. He rescues me every time I think I can’t keep going on. 

My job was another huge blessing this year and a year of growth.  As much as I wish we had never had to close doors at the church and then find, create and establish new procedures for reopening, that alone taught me a great deal about my profession and I feel like I grew up so much professionally speaking because of it.  It opened many other doors for me and I will forever be thankful for my job as a “church lady.” 

And although I could go on and on and on about 2020, I better stop here because I have things to do and places to go... 😉 but, I couldn’t finish this page without mentioning the three F’s that “saved” me this year.   FAITH, FAMILY and FRIENDS! ❤️❤️❤️

I will forever be thankful for the gift of faith that was planted in my soul from the moment I took my first breath on this earth.  My family near and faraway that loves me and supports me every step of the way NO MATTER WHAT, and my friends that are always around the corner in my life, ready to lend an ear, a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, or have a word or two of wisdom for me to help me move on in the world. 

Here is to a year that started with us dancing for joy and in celebration for what it was to come, and then took us through a dark tunnel of uncertainty when we least expected it, but also, to a year that taught us to love deeper, to be more faithful, and to act kindly. ❤️

Cheers to a new year, new hope, more love, and new opportunities... love to you all! ✨

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

I decided to take a well deserved day, if I say so myself.  As much as I love working and appreciate the opportunity to do it, I have to say that I also recognize the need to simply sit back and relax and do absolutely nothing!!!

Today, has been a day of nothingness and I’m not going to lie, I’ve felt a little guilty because I always feel like there is something that can be done or worked on and I don’t like (have never liked that) my kids, which are not little anymore, watching me be “lazy”.  I have always struggled with that, but I also understand the importance for our children to see us take time for ourselves, and not just work, work, work.  Leisure is as important as work. 

With that being said, I will continue this day of relaxation doing a whole bunch of nothing, if you know what I mean. 😃

The agenda for the rest of the day:

Watch a movie or two. 

Take a nap.

Drink more coffee.

Have dessert.

Order take out. 

In LOVE with today! ❤️

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas... everywhere you go! 🎶

We got the first heavy snowfall of winter so far and it’s sooo pretty I can hardly stand it! I was so excited about it that I even made myself another cup of coffee that I’m enjoying right now with one of the many Christmas treats I’ve been getting from friends.  I have to say, I might not love snow all through winter, but I do love the first snowfall of the year, it looks so majestic and the air feels blessed!

 In the past few days I’ve been getting food donations from the reverse Advent calendar project I did with some friends and it has been so wonderful receiving these donations that I know were gathered with lots of love and care for others.  A Girl Scout that dropped off donations with her family said “there is a lot of joy in helping others”, so sweet!!! It really warmed my heart to hear a 12 year old say that after collecting those food items for people in need.  A simple act of kindness touches people and hearts beyond our imagination... it creates a ripple of blessings and love. 

Nothing fills my heart more and makes me happier that generous people.  People that help, people that answer yes to the needs of others, whatever those needs might be. 

“The best part of life is not just surviving, but thriving with passion and compassion and generosity and kindness.” Maya Angelou 

Monday, December 28, 2020

It was nice not to set up my alarm clock for this morning for the first time in a long, long time!!! Although my body wakes up naturally now at the same time these days, knowing that I didn’t have to sprint out of bed to shower and get ready for work was definitely a treat.

With that being said, I still need to get some work done but I’m taking my time this morning drinking my coffee and relaxing before I have to go anywhere.

Today I’m determined to get some organizing done at home, something I haven’t been able to do lately because I simply haven’t had the time or the energy to do it, so hopefully today I’ll have the time and the energy. 💪🏻

And changing subjects a bit... 

We all know the well known saying “there is always two sides of a story...” and that couldn’t hold more truth!  Just because someone is saying one thing doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the true version of events.

Every story, every situation, every experience always has two sides if not more.  The way we experience something and the way we perceive it.  The love, the hurts, the words, the way we feel and express ourselves.

When I feel hurt or offended by someone, I try my very best to see the other person’s point of view, but I also wonder if the other side sees the way I’m perceiving it, feeling and hurting by their words or/and actions.  I know, I know, I probably put way too much energy into this, but I can’t help it. I’m always hopeful that the intentions from the other person were never ill intended but simply ignorant, it works better for my health and sanity to view it that way, even if it’s not.

My point with this is, I think we are becoming an over sensitive society where everything and anything we say and/or do offends someone.  You can’t be too honest or simply honest these days, even if you are expressing your opinion in the nicest of ways without the other party jumping to conclusions.

Why is that? 

I don’t really know, and I wouldn’t dare to say why, because I am not a profesional on this matter, other than my own personal experience.  We seem to live in the Age of Sensitivity, or at least it seems.  We have to be SO careful with what we say, how we say it, when we say it and whom we say it too.  Truthfully! 

On that note, we must of course be sensitive and respectful of one another, but at the same time work on creating boundaries so that by respecting others opinions and ways of living and thinking, we don’t disrespect ourselves in the process.

“There is always two sides of a story...”, seems to be a little more complex than we thought, but if we really think about it, we can also learn a lot from working on understanding the why’s of how people react to certain situations.  

Healing can be found in everything we do in life, if we are open enough to learn new lessons. 

Sunday, December 27, 2020

In the Hanukkah menorah, the candle used to light the other candles is called “the shamash”. 

On Christmas Eve at the Catholic Church where I work and worship, our Pastor celebrated the last liturgy of the day as a candlelight Mass.  After people came in to check in and get sanitized and do all the proper protocols, they were handed a candle (not lit) to keep with them throughout the Mass.

Just before Mass started, all the lights in the church were dimmed and candles were lit one by one, starting with a big candle used by our Pastor after blessing the Nativity who was then passed to the person next to him, and then the other person, and the other person, creating a rippling effect of light!!! Just within a few minutes, the entire church was illuminated by the light that these candles were producing.  One candle, lit all the other candles and set the mood for our beautiful liturgy. 

That practice made me reflect on how our own light, our mood, our reactions, the way we treat others, also has a rippling effect on the lives of others.  How we treat others MATTERS, our words, MATTER, the love and energy we send out to the world and those around us, MATTERS.

I think it’s a beautiful coincidence that so many faiths use candles as their main symbol to teach and evangelize.

We might come from different faiths, different religions and ways of worshiping, but we are all connected through the same light and love we give to others. 

May we always be bearers of positivity, bearers of joy, hope, love, peace and make every effort to shine the light within us as it was meant to be from the moment we were born. 

This morning I woke up with that thought on my mind, thankful for the people that bring light and joy to my life, and I thought “what a wonderful world it would be if we all purposely went out of our way every day to spread that light...” then headed downstairs to the kitchen to brew myself a fresh cup of coffee and lo and behold, the beautiful cup above in which I brewed my coffee, was literally staring at me when I opened the cabinet, and I know it was meant to be because I have an entire cabinet filled with coffee cups and every day I have to go searching just for the “perfect” cup for my coffee... not today.  Today, the cup chose me! ❤️

This little light of mine

I'm going to let it shine

Oh, this little light of mine

I'm going to let it shine

This little light of mine

I'm going to let it shine

Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

Ev'ry where I go

I'm going to let it shine

Oh, ev'ry where I go

I'm going to let it shine

Ev'ry where I go

I'm going to let it shine

Let it shine, let it shine,

let it shine

All in my room

I'm going to let it shine

Oh, all in my room

I'm going to let it shine

All in my room

I'm going to let it shine

Let it shine, let it shine,

let it shine

This little light of mine

I'm going to let it shine

Oh, this little light of mine

I'm going to let it shine

This little light of mine

I'm going to let it shine

Let it shine, let it shine,

let it shine 🎶

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Yesterday, was one of the happiest days I’ve had in a while.  I worked from early morning until around just past noon and then came home to my family. 

Although I was really tired yesterday when I woke up from working really long hours the day before, I had this enormous sense of joy, and by the time I arrived at work to get things ready for our Christmas Mass it was like my body wasn’t even tired anymore, every corner of the church spoke of joy and hope and love, and so much peace.  I’m always thankful for my faith, but it’s especially times like right now, when we live surrounded by uncertainty and grief from the hard year we’ve all had - some people have experience grief at really hard and extreme levels - that I am MOST thankful for the gift of faith. 

After church I went home to have breakfast (well, it was more like lunch) with my family.  Stan was already in the kitchen getting some things ready, I had cooked the main dish the night before and he was taking care of the side dishes and garnishes.  The girls were upstairs finishing showers and getting dressed and the house had a particular feeling of peace and calm in the air, and I couldn’t have been happier about it, I really needed that.

We prayed at the kitchen table before our meal, we enjoyed our food, we laughed, we talked A LOT, enjoyed our very many different drinks haha and then we opened Christmas presents.  

I didn’t grow up with an over abundance of Christmas presents or that very many to be honest, and I have modeled that practice in our house now as well. The years of Christmas gifts extravaganza were definitely when my girls were little, like toddler and early elementary years I’d say, then we scaled down a lot, now, my youngest who is 18 years old, all she asked for was her favorite brand of nail polish and Polaroid film haha love it!!!  My oldest (23 next month) also requested essentials, things she needs for her big move, and I have to say that their Christmas “lists” brought me a lot of joy, even though they made it hard to shop for, especially my youngest, because there was not a lot to shop for.

After breakfast and gifts opening, we fixed ourselves our favorite coffees and teas, grabbed a few treats and headed to the living room for a double Christmas feature of “Dr. Seuss, The Grinch” and the old time favorite, Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase, but the time the second movie ended, I was having a really hard time keeping my eyes open.

Before I went to bed, I washed a few dishes that were in the sink and chatted with my mom on the phone while I washed dishes, something we do quite often.  She told me about their day, and how much fun they had. My brothers grilled all kinds of delicious steaks and made quesadillas on the grill and fresh salsa, yum (it’s always sunny in Mexico, even on winter days 🥰), and then they watched a movie after dinner.  It made me happy to listen to her Christmas Day tale of happy events. 

Yesterday, was indeed the happiest day of the year. We celebrated the birth of Jesus, the REAL reason for the season, and in a serendipity kind of way, we all experienced that joy inside and outside of the church and especially in our hearts. 

May the joy and hope and love and PEACE of this Christmas season remain in your hearts for days and months to come. ❤️

Friday, December 25, 2020

Joy to the world, the Lord is come! ❤️🎶

After 12+ hours of nonstop running around in preparation for Christmas Masses at the church, I’m now resting my feet, eating all kinds of delicious food, I’m officially in pajamas, enjoying my family and our time together.

Yesterday was a little tough for me, I felt sad most of the day for some reason, well, I think I know the reason.  I was feeling the heaviness of this year in my heart and I couldn’t shake it off.  I went to sleep and wept a little silently after we had dinner, then this morning I woke up early and left for work almost immediately to get ready to live stream Christmas Day mass and do a few other things. 

The spirit of Christmas could be felt all throughout the church building, it was wonderful seeing so many happy people and families arrive to celebrate Mass with us.  People have been so gracious and kind and I have been very touched with their love and generosity. 

By the time I left work, I was tired but happy.  As soon as I got home we had brunch and then opened Christmas presents, attempted to take a family picture (ok, didn’t turn out to be too bad considering the circumstances and the fact we were using a timer 😂), and then had dessert while watching “Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch”.  

I’m thankful for the laugher, I’m even thankful for the tears that make me appreciate even more the moments of joy, but I’m most thankful for the miracle of Christmas that nourishes me my soul. 

Lifting up my glass (or coffee cup that is...) to kindness and love and the things we need most. ❤️

A very Merry and Blessed Christmas to all! 🎄💫

Thursday, December 24, 2020

This morning as I prepare to start my Christmas Eve day, many people come to mind.

Family members and friends who will spend their first Christmas without their loved ones.  Friends facing uncertainty or worry in their lives.  People everywhere with aching hearts because the absence of a loved one never gets easy and for those who right now are feeling lonely or displaced.

May the mystery and sacredness of this season break through their darkness and bless everyone with a glimpse of hope and joy in their journey.  May we always be aware of the heavy burdens and sadness some people carry, especially around this time of the year.

In silence, Lord,

I place myself amongst all those

in many parts of the world 

and in various circumstances 

who are praying for peace

on this day,

as I, too, pray for peace. ❤

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

What a day this Christmas Eve Eve has been!!! Work has been very busy lately, but of course, working at a church means, Christmas being one of the biggest liturgical seasons is lots of projects and things to get done before Masses and many other preparations.

This season I’m super thankful for our Pastor that encourages us daily to look for signs and moments of faith and grace that lead us to a more spiritual life as we anticipate in great joy for Christmas Day, the birth of Jesus, the reason for this season.

After work I ventured out to the mall (I know crazy me, I don’t even like going there), to get our annual Christmas ornaments.  If there is anything I focus on every year, it’s those ornaments.  I almost didn’t find the kiosk where they sell them when suddenly I noticed a huge store dedicated to Christmas ornaments and I found the perfect ones, I was a very happy camper.

As soon as I got home from work and the mall, Stan, the girls and I went to see a light show about 22 miles from our house and it was worth every mile, it was so beautiful!

Now, we are home, it’s almost 11 pm, I could tell many, many, more stories about the day, but I’d need at least another hour to recount. 😁

I think I’m going to put my feet up for a few minutes more before I go to sleep.  Tomorrow is another busy day for me at work, live streaming, taking pictures, coordinating the reservation system and reopening and being there for our parishioners.  I love my job! 

Happy last day of Advent! 💜

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

How can we be two days away from Christmas Eve??? It just doesn’t feel like Christmas yet to me, does it?

Speaking of Christmas, last night I did something that brought me a lot of joy, I addressed Christmas cards, something I haven’t done in at least 10 years, it’s been so long since I’ve mailed Christmas cards I don’t even remember when it was.  

Receiving Christmas cards from friends in the mail is one of the most joyful experiences for me during the Christmas season, I literally jump out of my car when I get home from work, and excitedly leap to the mailbox to see if we got any Christmas cards.  Imagine a young child opening presents on Christmas day, that’s me when I rip open the envelopes.  Receiving Christmas cards in the mail brings me even more joy than opening presents on Christmas Day itself!  

As soon as we get a new card, I carefully tape it to the coat closet by the front door of the house where the Christmas cards are beautifully displayed during the Christmas season.  Every day as we go to take our winter coats out of the closet before leaving the house or do anything in the entry way of the house, we look at those cards and we smile.  If I were to speak for myself in our home, looking at the cards makes me VERY happy! I look at the pictures, and the families, and the messages and their faces inspire me.  Yes, I do put a lot of effort and attention to these beautiful Christmas cards.  I treasure them and keep them as keepsakes year after year.  At the end of each Christmas season, I carefully gather them and wrap with a big bow before they are tucked in for the year, oh they bring me so much joy.

Designing the cards, ordering them, picking up holiday stamps, addressing them and dropping them off at the post office last night gave me a special sense of the magic of Christmas, and I think I will make a plan from now on to send out Christmas cards every year.  My husband even wrote a poem, he got inspired too! 🥰

Working at a church and Christmas season means... loads of work, thankfully, work I LOVE to do!!! 

After a long day at the office and many projects getting done left and right almost literally, I got home to finish addressing envelopes and then looked at a couple of presents I received from two friends yesterday.  When I got home I told the girls I was going to put them under the Christmas tree and open them on Christmas Eve, well, who was I fooling?! As soon as Stan and the girls went upstairs to sleep, and I got done with my Christmas card project, I looked at those presents looking at me and thought “ah no, you guys are getting opened TONIGHT!” 😂

Well, let me tell you a little story.  I found myself in my kitchen, by myself, eating a piece of Asiago toast, and crying, literally tears streaming down my face at the thoughtfulness of those gifts.  Each gift was so incredibly thoughtful and especially made for me that it made me very sentimental (in a good way).  I was sitting on my kitchen chair teary eyes and overwhelmed with joy, and thinking... I am blessed.

I am blessed with a family that loves me and supports me.  I am blessed with wonderful friends that bring me so much joy and a community of faith and people that lift me up and encourage me with their own witness of life. 

So perhaps I didn’t really quite get into the Christmas season right away, and maybe I just wasn’t feeling the spirit of Christmas from the very beginning, but I’m thankful for the reminders that Christmas doesn’t come with an agenda, and that the blessings of the season are found in the people that we love and love us in return and the moments of joy we encounter daily. ❤️

Monday, December 21, 2020

It’s Monday, another glorious week that’s starting with the sun shinning, and I’m thankful for the opportunity to be leaving the house to go to work, something I never take for granted.

Today I’m feeling a little sluggish from the new prescription meds they put me on for migraines and although I don’t like the feeling I’m feeling and want to quit cold turkey, I know I shouldn’t, I have to make my best effort to see if THIS will work for me, perhaps something will finally work, we shall see! I might not be happy, but I get an A for trying! 😉

My daughters made kolaczi last night, the official Polish cookie that is so delicious!!! They were in the kitchen for five straight hours if not longer and did everything by themselves, I just peeked in a few times to give a few directions but never got my hands “dirty”, they get all the credit for this!  The state of the kitchen is questionable, although they did clean up a lot, the kitchen floor feels like you are stepping into the biggest bakery in the world, I might have to change my socks before I leave for work! 😁

Christmas Eve is just three days away and I still have, oh so much to do, but I’ve never worried before, eventually, things get done and we enjoy the day fully. 🎄

Wishing you a happy joyful day ahead! ❤️

Sunday, December 20, 2020

A few days ago I started taking a new maintenance migraine prescription pill that it’s supposed to help lower the number of times I get migraines in a month.

I’m always skeptical of “maintenance” prescription meds, but when you hit a dead end road, you have very few alternatives and desperate times, call for desperate measures, so I said yes, I’ll try it... again! This is not the first time I’ve been put on a maintenance medicine for migraines but the first prescription gave me such drastic side effects I decided to stop. 

This new medicine is supposed to be milder, and less side effects, the one side effect to be expected however, is drowsiness, so it’s recommended to be taken at night.  Apparently, eventually your body gets used to it and it doesn’t affect you in that way, but it helps with the number of migraines I’d get in a month. 

So far, I’ve had great sleep the last few nights but I definitely don’t like the lethargic feeling it leaves me with during the day, I need energy, lots of energy to do all things I have to and want to do. 

I’ve decided to give it a try and take it for a month and see if it will help, I definitely don’t want to feel like I’m missing half the day but feeling somewhat out of it.

Ugh, there is just not an easy way to address chronic pain, and since it’s a “silent” illness, one where you don’t physically show signs of it, it’s damaging in other ways as well. 

For now, I’ll take advantage of the sleep opportunities and take my medicine early evening so I can wake up refreshed and ready to tackle any work in the morning! 🥳

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Last night I got home from work to find a super cute little Christmas bag that had my name on it.  It made me so, so happy even looking at it.  So happy, that I decided to simply stare at it for a little while longer, leave it on the counter and wake up to the surprise of opening it and making me happy again. Silly, but it’s not often I get excited about things like that, or get surprised of these type, so I embraced it! 🥰

As soon as I woke up I wanted to go downstairs to open the bag and find out what there was inside. To be honest, I thought it was a bag of homemade cookies 😂 - I thought, yum, I’ll have them with my coffee this morning, little did I know it wasn’t cookies but a beautiful and personalized brand new coffee cup made especially for me with all the love in the world! 😍 It also came with the cutest pair of taco socks haha and a taco ornament for my Christmas tree, so adorable! 

I’m very grateful for friends that get me, that listen, that stick with me no matter what and that love me and accept me exactly for who I am.

This Christmas season definitely feels a little off balance, but the gift and blessing of the season doesn’t change and that’s truly what we need to focus on.  Embracing every blessing that comes my way and celebrating the little things that make the big picture at the end. ❤️

Friday, December 18, 2020

Energy is contagious, SO contagious! 

Positive energy from people of good, people that radiate kindness and goodwill is so revitalizing.  When you surround yourself with this type of people, you feel renewed and as if you could conquer the world.  You feel energized, optimistic, hopeful, joyful, simply amazing!  Positive people, people with good energy will make you feel like you are worthy and capable of doing and being anything you ever dreamed of doing and being.  

People that manifest and send out negative energy can be physically sensed and felt.  When you surround yourself, or simply are around people whose vibes are negative, your body feels drained and your soul feels spent.  It’s like running a marathon, going uphill and people booing you instead of cheering you.  Negativity in all it’s forms is toxic and draining. 

Have you ever been in there situations before? Have you been surrounded by positive people and negative people?  Perhaps not by choice, but by necessity and coincidence.  I have.  Both forms of energy, and I can tell you honestly and sincerely (at least in my experience) that energy from people can be physically felt, experienced from deep inside our souls. 

I’ve experienced both this week.  I’ve reflected on both DEEPLY when it’s happened. My body physically goes through a metamorphosis when I’m around people with good every, and the same in a very opposite way, when I’m exposed (not by choice), by people that send out a negative, unpleasant vibe. 

I’ve always analyzed behaviors.  I actually think that I overanalyze behaviors, I simply can’t help it.  I think I was born with an old soul.  Behaviors from other people, whether positive or negative, have a huge impact on me.  They can either make me soar, or push me down.  It doesn’t matter how much I talk myself into ignoring negative behaviors, I can’t.  I’m a work in progress. 

This is my goal. To work in the way I perceive energy from others and how to welcome it or make it stop. 

Life is energy in movement, may we always be conscious of the energy we want to give to others and how that energy makes others around us make them feel. ❤️

Thursday, December 17, 2020

It was another long day at the office yesterday so today I decided to go in later, and do a few things around the house, so far, so good! 😉

I’m sitting in the kitchen, I have a candle lit on the table and I’m sipping a hot cup of coffee, and at this moment everything is right with the world, I’ll take it. 

A few days ago my mom was sharing the story of her dear uncle who was adopted at birth.  He was my grandma’s brother and the youngest of the family.  When my grandmother was still a baby or maybe barely a toddler, her dad used to work at a Catholic hospital and one day the Director of the Hospital and a nun that worked in the labor and delivery unit approached him about the possibility of adopting a baby whose mother had died at birth and whose father decided to give him up for adoption (maybe one day I’ll share the entire story).   My great grandfather went home immediately to talk to my grandma’s mom about adopting this baby. Grandma used to tell the story that her mom’s answer to my great grandfather was immediate, “yes, we will adopt him.” 

My mom’s uncle became part of their family from the moment he was born.  Raised by two amazing loving human beings that put aside their needs and wants and made the needs of this brand new life a priority.  

My mom has the best memories of her uncle, and just before covid started, she visited her late uncle’s wife and cousins and she said her aunt showed her all the letters my mom used to write to her uncle who at the age of 20 something had moved out of state.  

Now I know where my grandmother got her generous spirit from and her desire to always help anyone that came to her for assistance of any type.  Generosity is born from generosity and living a life a service is one of the best legacies we can leave behind. 

Thankful for the each moment I get to spend on the phone with my mom sharing stories, laughing, crying and being present for each other. ❤️

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Well, this is my Christmas story, my shopping Christmas story that is. 

I have zero presents for anyone yet, I’ve never liked going to department stores and especially now I’m not setting foot in one, not for a while, and yes, I know I can shop online but work has been intense lately and by the time I get home I only have time and energy for the bare minimum but tomorrow I shall tackle that project and hopefully Santa will be good to me and deliver all the presents on time! 😁

Today was a busy and productive day and I’m thankful for it.

Big news in town (or my house that is) is that my youngest daughter had her last final of her first college semester today and we are so happy we can’t hide it, SO happy we are celebrating with one of her favorite, if not her favorite meal, chicken wings from a local restaurant that she loves! These days and every day is about celebrating the special moments and she’s been working so hard on everything school related that she deserved every wing she got! 🥳

Tomorrow I have an appointment with a new neurologist to address my migraines and I’m really hoping this new doctors is able to answer some of my questions about these annoying and debilitating migraines.  Thankfully, I’ve been feeling pretty good the last few days and I’m very thankful for that!

Good evening everyone! ❤️

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Last night I watched a documentary on Netflix called “The Surgeon’s Cut” that follows the lives of four medical professionals pioneers in their fields.  I was so glued to the tv that I could’ve watched all four episodes last night, but it was getting late and I had to go to sleep so I could wake up rested for work today. 

The first episode follows the life of Doctor Kypros Nicolaides, a fetal surgeon pioneer in his field.  His humbleness and philosophical way of seeing life really touched my heart, and I went to bed saying a prayer for him as he is facing some health challenges of his own.  

The second episode is centered on the life of the head brain surgeon at the Mayo Clinic, born and raised in Mexico from very humbled beginnings who actually came to the US illegally and built a life for himself, and in what way.  He tells the story of a conversation he had with his cousin while working in the cotton fields sharing with him that he wanted to learn English to what his cousin promptly replied “you don’t have to learn English, you already have a job picking cotton and you should be thankful for that.”  Doctor Quiñones shared that that particular moment was the beginning of the end and the end of a brand new beginning.  He left the next day, found himself another job and started taking English classes at night after a long day’s work.  He went from Harvest to Harvard in less than 7 years, and the amazing way in which he has touched so many lives with his gift of medicine, is just incredible.  

Although I was so touched and impressed with their stories, the series left me reflecting on my own life, with the way we live our lives. 

What is our mission in life?

Are we doing enough? 

Are we challenging ourselves in a way that the gifts we were born to offer to the world are being used and explored?

How do we even seek?

Where do we begin? 

Is there something else waiting for us ready to be discovered? 

I have always been a true believer in seeing the gift of the ordinary, I think there is real value in that, actually a lot of value on that, but I also believe that we are all born with extraordinary gifts. Qualities that are raw jewels waiting to be discovered and polished. 

There is so much to be done in the world, so many great causes and things to fight for, and joy to be shared with others.  

How do we do it? Where do we begin?

I think the key is visualization.  I have a good story about that, something my grandma shared with me once about visualizing her own life after a horrific experience she endured and how she overcame it.  I think I’ll share that story tomorrow, it has always touched me and helped me see the world from a different perspective. 

There are SO many people making a difference in the world, but last night, Doctor Kypros and Doctor Quiñones left me yearning for more. ❤️

Monday, December 14, 2020

I took a very much and well deserved (if I say so myself 😂) half day off today to be and work from home and do everything and anything I needed and wanted to do.  Sounds like a luxury, right? It really isn’t, but being on the go all the time with work and life, makes you appreciate even more the days when we don’t have to get dressed and get in the car to go somewhere. 

I am sitting in the kitchen trying to figure out what to make for dinner, my fridge is exploding with produce that needs to be used, but don’t have a whole lot of protein to go with, but I’ll figure something out I’m sure. 

I’ve been taking a little bit of a break from my personal social media accounts and I have to say that it has felt like a cool breeze in a hot summer day.  Social media tends to overwhelm me, especially around the holidays, and Covid and politics hasn’t helped matters either, but it’s nice that we have the power of picking and choosing what and when we want to be exposed to “news” and things we see. 

I’m praying that early next year I’ll be able to visit my parents, it’s been way too long, but I’m thankful for technology that allows me to feel them right next to me when we talk on the phone.  Well, I talk to my mom on the phone, my dad is not much of a phone talker, but my mom makes sure to fill me in with news about dad which is nice.

It’s a sunny day in Chicago and I’ve decided to take a short walk even though it’s still very cold, but my body and mind need the warmth and the light of the sun.  

I guess I’ll start cooking now so I can later relax watching a movie or something like that. 😉

Enjoy today! ❤️

Sunday, December 13, 2020

I had an “off” day yesterday, I want really feeling myself.  I had no energy, no motivation to do anything, I was in more pain from my fall, my head was still hurting from the leftover migraine and overall I was just not in the mood for anything.

I forced myself to get in the shower to go to work, I had a few things to do there.  On most days, a shower revitalizes me and makes me feel a lot better, even on days when I don’t feel great.  Not yesterday, the shower felt like a hard thing to do, I knew then whatever pain or grief I was carrying was bigger than my typical joyful and energetic self.  I let the hot water soothe me for a little longer than usual.  

I got out of the shower, got dressed, dried my hair, straighten my hair and then decided to put on some make up, something I haven’t really been doing since covid made an appearance in our lives.  My thinking process has been, “why put make up on if I’m going to cover my face with a mask anyways?!” Well, this time it helped and it reenergized me in a way.  I was still low energy, but by the time I went downstairs and put on my shoes and coat to head out to work, I was feeling a little better. 

The moment I got to work and started tackling projects and things I needed to do, it’s like something took over me, I had energy, I was happy, excited to be there and be able to do my work.  As I was walking out of one building to the other carrying a basket before Mass at church started, I realized how amazingly blessed I am to have a job that allows me to minister to others, and at the same time, it ministers to ME!  I can sincerely say that I can spend hours and hours at work and even though I do get physically tired at times of course, I’m always beyond grateful for what I do.  For the interaction I have with so many people either in person or over the phone. 

I left work last night feeling so grateful for my job of almost 25 years, feeling renewed and energized and ready to go back to work today.

One day at a time is the best gift I can give myself on most days, and maybe a little make up here and there wouldn’t hurt either. 😉

I just got off the phone with my mom after talking for over an hour.  We laughed so much tonight about the silliest of things and I could almost feel her next to me, just like the times when we used to spend so much time together in the kitchen or by her bedside before bed chatting and giggling about things.  

A weekend with some challenges that ended with family time, delicious food and homemade chocolate chip cookies from my oldest daughter.  Today, is the Third Sunday of Advent in the Catholic Church, a Sunday dedicated to JOY, and I’m choosing to do just that tonight, filling my soul with joy from all the little and big blessings that came my way yesterday and today. ❤️

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Confucius 

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Today is the Feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe and as a Catholic Hispanic, today is a big day of celebrations and prayer for Holy Mary who appeared to San Juan Diego in Mexico on a winter day in 1531.  On this special day we offer our prayers and needs to our lady who watches and protects us always. 

I’ve been sitting in the living room for a good while now, candles lit, and no lights on. It’s raining outside and the house has been so quiet I could almost hear all the crackles the hardwood floor makes with the slightest movement or change in temperature.  The girls are still sleeping, and Stan just came downstairs to take our dog Daisy out to potty.  He walked into the living room and said as he saw me surrounded by lit candles and coffee cup in my hand “that looks peaceful...” yes, I’m trying.  Trying my best each day to seize every moment of grace and peace I can find, because I need every one of them and right now, I am very thankful for this opportunity. 

Good news about my freaky fall last night... nothing is broken!!! Hurray for that, I was really worried when I got home and everything hurt and throbbed.  I used ice and heat and took ibuprofen and waited two hours at least before going to bed in case I had a concussion.  I don’t know if the two hour wait time for concussions is a myth, an old wives’ tale or truth, I guess I should consult with a doctor instead 😂,  but I always heard that growing up if we hit our heads, “you can’t go to sleep for another two hours at least.” That was the wait time to see if we would develop any concussion symptoms I guess in case we needed to take action.  Ok, enough of my concussion story, long story short, I’ll be fine, and aside from being in pain from head to toe (literally) from a migraine, the pain under my rib cage from a week ago that is getting better and all the other corners of my body that got injured last night, and feeling like a real hot mess haha, I’m happy because it’s the weekend and I get to relax a little, I’m happy because it’s the weekend and I get to spend time with my family, and I’m happy because I can sip my coffee in the comfort of my favorite corner of my home and not have to rush somewhere like I always do.  In all things give thanks. ❤️

I remember when my girls who are now almost 22 (almost 23) and 18 were little and mornings revolves around early wake up times filled with toys and playtime and breakfast making and on most days, staying in pj’s for a good number of hours after waking up.  Toys spread out throughout the house and floors and then behind them or aside them playing, running, giggling and loving on each other.  I sure do miss those moments, but I am also thankful for their growth, milestones, accomplishments and especially the bond they have developed over the years, which has become stronger and stronger with each passing day. 

Today, I will rejoice in the simplicity of my day, embrace the aches and pains that make me feel alive and aware of my body and joyful for the gift of friendship on which I have been reflecting a lot lately. 

Little moments, big blessings. ❤️

Friday, December 11, 2020

A long day of doing and doing that ended with me falling flat on my face outside in the rain! 😂

Oh my goodness, I’m laughing now but I hurt myself pretty badly, I’m just thankful that I didn’t break anything (at least that’s what I think). 

It’s so strange how freak accidents happen, I don’t even know what prompted it to be honest, one second I was walking to the car, the next second I was literally seeing myself fall in slow motion and my neck and face landing on the gravel by the sidewalk. 

My left hand and thumb is throbbing but I don’t think it’s broken because it’s not sweeping. My back is also throbbing and my neck and everything, omg, why oh why, haha - yikes! 

For safety measures I think I’ll stay up for two hours in case of a concussion which I don’t think I have but I also slammed my head on the ground. 

I might have to sleep with a heating pad again, also, thank goodness for ibuprofen. Talk about a bang to my Friday! 😂

Alright, enough of laughing at myself... good night all! 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

As they say “work hard, play hard”, and by playing hard I mean, taking a day off from work, running a couple of errands with the family, finishing decorating for Christmas, sipping my coffee a little slower, writing my journal page in the morning, and making dinner for my family... all things that bring me plenty of joy. Joy that I so much need these days, it’s been a challenging season that is for sure.

I’m sitting at my kitchen table opening a few Christmas cards we received yesterday and smiling from ear to ear. I’ve always admire people that send costumed made Christmas cards, I’ve never been one of those people I have to admit, BUT, I have always desired to be so, and that should count for something, right? Ha! It’s only the 10th of December, maybe I’ll click my heels three times and make it happen before Christmas Eve! 

On a separate note, very different that any of what I’ve shared in the last two paragraphs.  I was on the phone with my mom a couple of days ago (that day we talked three times on the phone, one for a long period of time, second one, just briefly and the third one on speaker phone while I made dinner).  Anyways, as we were hanging up the phone she mentioned that she still had to say all her prayers and do all her blessings she does every night - my mom has always been very devoted and faithful - and I said to her “would you please pray for me?” and before I could even get the whole sentence out she said “mi hija querida (dear daughter I’m Spanish, that’s what she calls me 😍, you are my first thought of my awakening and the last prayer of my day, I think and pray for you all the time.”  And I know this to be true.  Sometime, I don’t know how I would’ve gotten through some life experiences without the spiritual support of my mother which has been for certain one of my biggest blessings in life.

We go through life doing our best, rejoicing in the ordinary, celebrating the extraordinary and counting our blessings.  Relying on the people that lift us up in prayer each day and support us in some way.  

Have a lovely day. The sun is shinning in all it’s glory in my neck of the woods and I’m planning on fully taking advantage of it. 💛

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Moments of joy today.

🌟 Being at work and rejoicing on the work I do. 

🌟 Two cups of delicious flavored black coffee while I got work done. 

🌟 Take out dinner from Outback tonight after work.

🌟 Getting home from a long day of work and finding the house decorated for Christmas and a yummy chocolate chip cookie cake my daughter baked.

🌟 Dinner with my family and fun conversations with them. 

🌟 Being able to relax on the couch low and savor the simple but joyful moments of today. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

How do we find and experience joy and hope in the midst of heartache and exhaustion with the current life that is living behind face coverings?

Not sure about you, but the constant wearing of masks and uncertainly and abnormality in the way we live, it’s starting to drain me a bit. 

I work out of my home a lot, and I have to wear a face mask all the time and it’s challenging.  For the first few months it was a mindset of “alright, we can do this, it’s temporary.” Now, it feels more like “omg, when will this end?!” There is no end in sight, BUT, I think because there is no end in sight (at the moment), we have to work harder at finding joy and peace and hope.

Joy and peace and hope in the ordinary days of our lives.  For me, all that today was:

🌟A good laugh with a friend at work.

🌟A phone call conversation with my mom on my way to pick up take out because I was so hungry after work.

🌟 A sweet, warm welcome from my dog as I arrived home from work.

🌟 Sharing a home cooked meal that my daughter made (yes, I had two dinners today, oops), and talking to my husband and my daughters at the dinner table.

🌟 Brewing a fresh cup of coffee after dinner.

🌟 Hearing my daughters laugh about the silliest of things while I relax in the living room.

🌟 Realizing that this too shall pass. 

What are the things that brought you joy today?  I invite you to look within and pay attention to your surrounding every day and savor the little moments of random joy thought out the day.  You might surprise yourself. 💛 

Monday, December 7, 2020

It’s past 9 pm and I’m just sitting down after a long day.  Work was busy and then I got home to cook a full meal, we ate dinner and then sat and talked for a while.  I’m doing a loud of laundry now and resting my feet while the cycle ends in the washer so I can switch it and go to bed, thrilling, isn’t it?! 😂

Yesterday I didn’t feel too good, sometime in the late hours of the morning I got a sharp pain under my right rib cage and as they day progressed it got stronger and stronger. By the end of the day, the pain was almost intolerable and throughout the night I started becoming quite concerned about the situation. Apparently not concerned enough for me to go to the hospital.  I laid in bed all night not being able to sleep and wondering if I was making a mistake by not going to the hospital and figuring out what was wrong, not smart now that I think about it.  I treated the pain with a heating pad and ibuprofen and it feels a little better today. It almost feels as if I had fractured a rib, which cannot be possible, also the fact that it’s the right side, makes me feel a little better about it.  Maybe I pulled a muscle without realizing it? Who knows! Praying tomorrow I will feel a lot better and will get some rest overnight and make up for the sleep I didn’t get last night.  A heating pad and another dose of my anti-inflammatory have a nice sound to it right now. 

On another note, after dinner my daughters and I sat around the dinner table and talked about their feelings about social media.  Neither one of them likes social media that much, or not at all actually.  Both of them have always said that when exposed to social media platforms, they feel anxious and overwhelmed.  They don’t like the negative effects it has on them, the constant hype of it and the overall sensationalism of what it stands for.  I have to say that their thoughts on it makes me proud.  It’s not very common for kids their age to feel that way about social media, or maybe it’s more common than not, but it’s not what we see. 

For me, social media is different.  Although I definitely don’t agree and support (especially) all I see on the many social media platforms, some do make smile, especially anything that has to do with cooking, travel and nature.  I love reading and following modern philosophers that help me grow with their wisdom.  Other than that, I think I agree with them on the “makes me feel overwhelmed” mood of it.  I go through phases with social media, where I use it a lot from time to time, and then I can’t simply scroll without cringing and then I have to pause my viewing for a few days or weeks so I regain my balance and peace.

Nothing will ever replace a face to face conversation around a table, a book with paper pages, moments of simplicity with soft music in the background and lit candles and the joys of cooking and being just because that’s what’s life is all about.

I’ve been taking a little break from my personal social media accounts and just enjoying this, journaling and cooking, and drinking lots of coffee while doing it.

Life is all about simple moments that come with little to no effort. 💛

Sunday, December 6, 2020

I’ve been “running” around since the early hours of the day, I worked until mid afternoon and now I’m just sitting down, relaxing a little after dinner, early dinner that is. 

I was talking to my mom yesterday and I don’t even know how the conversation started but we somehow found ourselves talking about how my parents met.  They recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and my kids have been very curious lately about all the details of their married life.

I had their meeting story all wrong, I had mixed up part of their courtship with the “how we met” story, and it made me really happy hearing it from my mom, she sounded so joyful sharing the story. 

My mom said she was at a dance in a town about an hour away from her hometown.  My dad happened to be there too, they had never met before. 

He approached her and invited her to dance.  In those days - even in my days - asking someone out to a dance or “to dance” was a big thing.  My mom said yes and according to her, after the first song, my dad wouldn’t leave her sight. She was smitten by him too. 

My mom said she remembers distinctively what my dad was wearing,  a light green shirt that according to her, made my dad’s skin glow.  She said he was perfectly dressed and she loved his smile.  Interesting enough, she doesn’t remember what she was wearing, but he sure made an impression on her. 

At the end of the dance my dad asked her for her phone number but she decided not to give him that information that night.  My dad is almost 12 years older than my mom and in those days, being single in your mid 30’s was not very common, she had her suspicions about my dad possibly being married.  He was not, he was quite the Bachelor apparently. 😉

My mom says that a few days or weeks after their meeting, she was driving down a main road in her hometown when at a stop light who parks next to her? My dad of course! Coincidence? I’m thinking not! Ha! 

Dad asked again if he could have her phone number and my mom hesitated once again, but my dad wasn’t going to give up that easily.  My mom started doing her own investigating about him and his family and eventually realized he was someone he could trust to give her phone number to.  Back in those days, there were no cell phones, computers were not very common, and just used for businesses, and definitely no social media. 

Eventually my dad succeeded in his pursuit to date my mom, and my mom said he was always the most perfect gentleman, and he was very handsome too.  The dated for just a little bit over a year and the rest is history... lots of history. 

Funny thing is, soon after they started dating, my mom found out that her sister’s in laws were renting a house from my dad’s mom, my grandma.  Small world! 

It brought me joy listening to my mom share the story of how my mom and dad met, love at first sight.  Perhaps, the beginnings of their life together and the foundation they built during those years is what helped them sore through stormy winds from time to time. 

Their story is my story. ❤️

Sunday, December 5, 2020

I’m not a very patient person.  Actually, I’m not patient at all, I usually want instant results for everything I do. 

As I get older I have come to realize that patience IS one of the most important virtues.  

Patience helps us navigate through life with a greater awareness of the blessings in our lives and also a deeper understanding of gratitude. 

Patience is most crucial during difficult moments in our lives and adversity. 

I have been reflecting a lot on the gift of patience in my own life.  Yes, a gift, because when I practice patience, the results usually mean joy. 

Practicing patience for me means, working on understanding the way my now young adult children view the world and how they react to it.  Sometimes, a lot different than the way I do, but it doesn’t mean at all than my perspective is better than theirs or viceversa. 

Practicing patience to me means, calmly waiting for a day when I can once again visit my parents without the fear of contamination and carrying a virus that has proven to be deadly for many people.

Practicing patience for me means, allowing my not so able, achy and tired body as a result of chronic pain to take it’s time to heal and to move at the speed that it can. 

Practicing patience for me means, being sensitive to the way people react to certain situations and realizing that there must be a reason for their behavior.

Practicing patience for me means, not jumping to conclusions when something doesn’t agree with the way I view the world. 

Practicing patience for me means, waiting, breathing in and breathing out when I’m feeling out of balance, and being kinder to myself by not allowing the environment around me to affect my essence. 

Life is not always about winning and being ahead of the game.  Life, a meaningful and joyful life (from my perspective at least) requires a lot of patience, a lot of work, daily effort and constant motivation and a deep understanding about the fact that a good life, a successful career, a well balanced lifestyle takes time and that life is a journey. 

We’ve all heard the phrase “Rome wasn’t build in a day...” and that couldn’t be more true.  

Almost everything good in life requires time, and a great deal of patience and confidence in knowing that there is a perfect plan created for each and everyone of us and that our lives are unique in every way.

May we journey through life practicing patience every day.  Patience with those around us, patience with the little things and the big things in life, but most importantly, patience with ourselves.  The more we practice patience, the more at peace we feel. ❤️

Friday, December 4, 2020

Today I attended a prayer service.  It was an hour long prayer service that included a lot of silent moments.

Silence.  Something we are not accustomed to, not me at least, and I think most of us feel uncomfortable with it.  I’m not talking about 1-2 minutes of silence, I’m talking 10-15 minutes at a time, meditating and praying between sessions. 

One of the prayers made tonight was “the longer you carry a burden, the heavier it becomes.”  So true.

What’s weighing you down? 

What’s taking your peace away? 

Breath. Let go and let God. ❤️

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Truth of the day: I fell off the “ eat clean” wagon badly leading up to Thanksgiving and I have not succeeded in jumping back INTO the wagon quite yet and my body is feeling it!!!

Work has been a bit intense too lately with the Christmas season around the corner and that has left me with little to no time for cooking, let alone healthy cooking which takes a little more thought and planning. 

Maybe tomorrow will be the day, in the meantime I’ll enjoy the few extra hours I have this evening and do something fun, like watch Dateline and eat Cheddar ruffles! 😂

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Today I decided to give myself a day off, a well deserved day off if I say so myself. 

It’s barely 40 degrees today but the sun is shinning in all it’s glory and it feels like 70 degrees outside.  I’m sitting on the front porch drinking my coffee and letting the rays of sun nourish and replenish by body.  It won’t be long before all we see out the window is snow and cold, cold days. 

If there was any non profit organization or cause you’d support, or that you’d like to get involved with which one would it be? 

For me it’s no doubt, any program that fights against hunger.  HUNGER, the first basic physical need for humans to survive.  We can have everything else in the world, but if we don’t have food, we can’t simply live.  Our bodies need nourishment, fuel that keeps them going and thriving.

One of my daughters was sharing a story the other day about something extremely frivolous someone she knows spent money on.  I was immediately NOT impressed with the way she chose to spend her money, a little outraged if I have to be honest, and then I had to remind myself that people can do as they please with their possessions, and that she’s probably been generous in the past with her wealth.  I am human, my instinct is to defend what matters most to me immediately, before reasoning, but  whenever I hear stories like that, I immediately think about the millions of people suffering hunger in the world.  People in OUR community struggling to put food on their table.  People having to make not very healthy meal options because their money can only stretch so far. 

On that note, I also know SO many generous people that are constant givers, people of good will.  They give what they have, and even give when they don’t have as much, they give.  People always jumping in when they have an opportunity to donate, to contribute and help the poor and the less fortunate among us. 

I have a friend who has always had her share of financial hardship, raised her family with the little she’s had and has done it with great joy, and when someone needs her help, even someone she doesn’t know, she is the first one to say “I’LL HELP!” Speaking about her usually brings tears to my eyes.

The Christmas season, the holiday season is the joyous time of the year, but it’s also a time of great anxiety for many people that are struggling financially. 

How can we help??? 

Start with your community.  Contact a local church, an organization that helps the needy.  Reach out to a friend that is struggling financially, ask how you can help this holiday season. Maybe make a special meal or treat to drop off at a friend’s house living on a fixed income.  Look up organizations that support hunger and find out how you can get involved.  The needs are plenty. 

There are many ways in which we can work and advocate to meet the needs of others, of the most vulnerable of our community, of the world. 

Take action, get involved, make an impact in someone’s life. ❤️

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

When I was a little girl I had a best friend with whom I spent a lot of time with. Her name was Martha.

We must’ve been 6 years old when our friendship started.  We didn’t go to the same elementary school, but her grandma used to teach Catechism in a cute little area of the backyard at my friend’s house where her grandma lived.  I still remember her grandma, her mannerisms and her passion for teaching us about church, the Bible and Jesus.  

Her son, (my friend’s dad) had built a special bench area for her to teach her Religious Education class under the shade of a huge tree.  I remember coming to class in the afternoons after the sun had gone down, books in hand and ready to learn and prepare for my First Communion. 

My friend Martha and I were magnets to each other from day one and on most days, I would stay after class to play with her and her siblings.  She was one of six kids, three girls and three boys. 

Her dad was an elementary school teacher, a very well respected man in the community and someone who always struck me as kind, and generous.  He was not very talkative, he was more on the quiet side, but he was always very involved with his family. 

Martha’s family owned a mini market which was an extension of their house.  It was more of a convenient store, the one where you could buy staples and last minute necessities.  It was the place where neighbors frequented often and people gathered.  My friend’s mom and her grandma worked in that market.

In the backyard of their house, her dad had build a huge carrousel for his kids, it wasn’t motorized, but there was always someone who would run, pushing it until it picked up enough speed to ride it for a short while.  Sometimes it’d go so fast, I was afraid the thing would come off the ground and we’d all go flying out... it never did. 😊

Those were good times, some of my favorite memories growing up and visiting my friend’s family.  

I remember being extremely sensitive and very observant even from a young age.  I sensed moods, I welcomed certain personalities and behaviors and avoided the ones that didn’t aligned with my beliefs.  Sometimes I reflect in the why’s of my inquisitive mind from a young age, and I think that is because from a young age I experienced many family transitions and some hardship in my own life growing up. 

Although my friend’s life seemed so dreamy on most days, it wasn’t always like that - of course, I understand that now as an adult.  No life is perfect, even now with all the social media portrayal of perfection that flood our “walls” and feeds, we know behind everyone’s doors, there is not a built from scratch carrousel, a bench under a shaded tree where the matriarch of the home teaches lessons to young kids and a mini market where people gather to chat. 

But what I think is that, even in the most challenging of our days, we can strive to make life a joyful experience, one that when even after we’ve lived and experienced the most ordinary of days, we can look back and say “you know what has made me really happy in life? It was that walk with you, preparing a favorite meal and sharing it with my family; staying up until the early hours of the next day chatting with people I love, and thriving on the blessings of the day to day moments of my life.”

We don’t need a perfect life, for a perfect life doesn’t even exist. What we need is a joyful and thankful heart that makes us see life with gratitude and appreciation for all that we have. 💛

Well, here we are bidding farewell to 2020, a year that will be remembered by many for generations to come.

A year of great challenges, incredible losses, but also a year of personal, emotional and spiritual growth. 

If we’ve ever clung on to our faith more than ever, it was in 2020, at least speaking for myself.  

This year I witnessed dear, dear friends go through the horrifying experience of loosing loved ones, four of them unexpectedly, pain that will probably never go away.  Pain that might become a little “easier” to deal with at times, but will remain in their hearts and souls until they take their last breath themselves.  

Grief is something that you can’t simply pacify by turning the page and moving on.  Grief becomes part of who you are by these experiences, but I find comfort in knowing that all of them, are constantly being lifted in prayer by people that love them, and being comforted by life’s ordinary and daily miracles, the simple joys that we encounter by the love and kindness of others. They see it, these are people that recognize these miracles, and that in itself it’s a great gift. 

For us at home, as for many others, 2020 was supposed to be a year of celebration, a year of wonderful milestones and great opportunities. 

Our oldest daughter was supposed to be graduating from a Theater Conservatory in a grand and well known theater in New York City, weeks prior to that big graduation celebration, she had landed the lead role in the big end of the year graduation play that would’ve opened many doors in her professional career.  That didn’t happen. Instead, in the peek of rehearsal times, costume fittings and stage setting building, our family drove up to New York City to pick her up right before the closed borders after the Governor had mandated a complete lockdown as they faced horrifying Covid numbers.  We made it right on time, and it was a very bittersweet experience.  We were happy to have picked her up and know that she was safe and with us, but also, I remember looking back at that big city of opportunities in the Arts and not knowing when she’d be able to go back and under what circumstances.  

Michelle did graduate from College, it was a graduation via zoom, she got her diploma in the mail, and we watched her recorded play after taping through zoom as well, instead of live rehearsals and live audience.  Bittersweet. 

Our youngest daughter also had big milestones to celebrate and opportunities heading her way this year of 2020.  This was the year to graduate from High School, she was excited to do another season of Badmington, a sport she grew to love, and was devastated by seeing that dream of hers slowly be turned off. She was so involved in High School that she had many milestones to celebrate her Senior year.  She would had been part of a big all day event at school where she was to lead a group. It was her last year to go on a 10 day Mission trip to the Appalachian mountains, she had her big end of year Orchestra concert where they highlight all the Seniors and they all get a solo or special part in the concert and awards and flowers and all kinds of fun things are presented, her last end of year Tennis bash, last this, last that... all of that wen puff in the air when her school closed it’s doors on March 13, 2020 and went online for classes 100%.  I will never forget the day I picked her up from school that day.  THAT day, she was supposed to be having her Badmington sports pictures taken. She had made the Varsity team again after days of tryouts, and she was so excited! Bella has always been the sunshine at home, and I could physically sense her sadness that day as she jumped in the car, rackets and violin in hand knowing that most likely all the things she had hoped and wished for her Senior day at High School was now gone. Crushing. 

Bella too graduated.  She finished clases via zoom and I couldn’t have been more proud of the way she tackled these classes and how well she did considering the circumstances. She applied to a few Colleges and Universities and got acceptances to some pretty amazing schools, we were so, so proud of her! She eventually chose a school she wanted to attend in the Fall and found joy in that hope.  Eventually, she made a decision to stay home and attend community college instead since her classes wouldn’t have been online anyways.  I’d like to say here, bittersweet also, but there was not much sweetness about these decisions, other than the fact that she also had good opportunities at our community college with a full scholarship and a home and a family that love her deeply, encourage her and support her.  So more than bittersweet, maybe it was a disguised blessing, I’d like to see it that way. 

We celebrated both of the girls graduations in the best of our abilities with yummy foods, barbecues, family car rides, balloons and everything and anything I could think of to make things a little lighter and fun.  I think it was worth it.  

They both struggled with ups and downs and some anxiety caused by the lockdown of this Covid times, but we did that we could as a family to stay afloat.  It was a challenging year. 

We also made GREAT memories as a family this year.  We spent time together that otherwise we hadn’t been able to spend.  I’m especially grateful for the relationship that my girls have.  They are each other’s bigger support system. They are each other’s shoulder to cry on and laughter when they need to be goofy and silly. They get each other, they love each other immensely and unconditionally, they teach me each day what love looks like.

For me, 2020 was a year of growth.  I felt like I had to learn all over again how to parent, especially.  I was especially thankful for Stan’s support, wisdom, faith and humor, I don’t think I would’ve gotten through the year with sanity if it hadn’t been for him, I say this with all sincerity. He rescues me every time I think I can’t keep going on. 

My job was another huge blessing this year and a year of growth.  As much as I wish we had never had to close doors at the church and then find, create and establish new procedures for reopening, that alone taught me a great deal about my profession and I feel like I grew up so much professionally speaking because of it.  It opened many other doors for me and I will forever be thankful for my job as a “church lady.” 

And although I could go on and on and on about 2020, I better stop here because I have things to do and places to go... 😉 but, I couldn’t finish this page without mentioning the three F’s that “saved” me this year.   FAITH, FAMILY and FRIENDS! ❤️❤️❤️

I will forever be thankful for the gift of faith that was planted in my soul from the moment I took my first breath on this earth.  My family near and faraway that loves me and supports me every step of the way NO MATTER WHAT, and my friends that are always around the corner in my life, ready to lend an ear, a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, or have a word or two of wisdom for me to help me move on in the world. 

Here is to a year that started with us dancing for joy and in celebration for what it was to come, and then took us through a dark tunnel of uncertainty when we least expected it, but also, to a year that taught us to love deeper, to be more faithful, and to act kindly. ❤️

Cheers to a new year, new hope, more love, and new opportunities... love to you all! ✨

Wednesday, December 30, 2020