Mondays with Maria

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Quiet Moments Inspire the Soul

Good morning from not so sunny anymore (thank goodness!) Mexico!!! 🌴

It’s still hot during the day, don’t get me wrong, but at least the mornings are enjoyable. I’m sitting by the pool deck of the hotel having breakfast, everybody else seems to enjoy their breakfast indoors, I’ll never understand that. 😅 The only times I eat my meals indoors are when temps are too low, or too hot, or of course, if I’m at a friend’s house for dinner and they are hosting dinner indoors… other than that, my plates travel to the outdoors where fresh air flows free, and birds fly by uninvited.

I’ve had a few days to relax, nap, and ponder. I’ve actually pondered a lot because that’s always been my nature, sometimes is a good trait, sometimes, not so much, but in this occasion, reflecting about life has made me grow, and also has reminded me about the importance of centering my focus on the things, and circumstances that matter.

I’ve had a few stressful experiences while in my hometown bringing my mom back after a three month vacation in Chicago. Those moments have made me uncomfortable, anxious, and have put me in a place I don’t ever like being, BUT, they have also made me think, and realize that I am (on most occasions) in charge of my emotions, and even though certain circumstances are unavoidable, I can still do something about the way I react to them.

We can eat all the healthy foods, exercise all we want, get fresh air, meditate, but if we are not careful, and selective about how, and with who we spend our time, and what we allow our hearts to be exposed to, sometimes that can be more (or equally) damaging.

It may sound a bit dramatic, but these days in solitude have given me the energy I was lacking to focus on personal projects.

I’m excited to start writing more, I had stopped doing that for quite sometime, and I really enjoy it. Writing brings me joy, I need to make time for me… if I don’t, nobody will. ❤️

Remember to be kind, and smile at strangers. Both cost not a dime, but it can change the course of someone’s day, and sometimes, life.