Mondays with Maria

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Thankful Thursdays


Well, maybe this could be a theme, because after all and despite all that we go through, there is plenty to be thankful for! 🥰

I’m sitting on my front porch bench, it’s SOOOO beautiful out, the sun is shinning in all its glory. Weather forecast says 53 degrees, but it honestly feels like 75 in the sun, if not more. I’m a little toasty right now, but probably the sweat pants aren’t helping. 😁

I had a sleepless night last night, that usually doesn’t happen to me, but hey, I guess once in a while we have to have the experience. I don’t like feeling unsettled -but who likes that- and especially the feeling of not being able to shut your thoughts when you know you need to get some rest.

Thankfully, I woke up feeling rested, energized, and feeling positive. But most of all, reenergized about life itself, and projects that inspire me and fuel my inner motors.

What am I thankful for today, let me start…

🍂 I’m thankful for sunshine! Chicago starts to get a little chilly around this time of the year, and the days get gloomier, and windier, but today it’s gorgeous! I’ll be sitting on the porch for as long as my body lets me.

🍂 I’m thankful for days off from work (Thursdays will be a day off from me, and I’m all here for it!) No matter how much we love our jobs, or how many projects we have to get done… our bodies, and our minds NEED rest, they need recharging, and recovering.

🍂 I’m thankful for a daughters that get my humor. That laugh at all the dumb memes I send them, and also think they are hilarious… because THEY are! 🤣

🍂 I’m thankful for conversations with friends that see my worth, encourage me, and inspire me to live at my fullest potential. Just had two awesome conversations with two friends yesterday and I’m still smiling.

🍂 I’m thankful for my husband. For being a great male role model of gentleness, kindness, and wittiness to our girls. I didn’t have that growing up (even though I did have a dad that lived under the same roof I did), and when I witness the conversations, and laughter between Stan and the girls, my hearts jumps from joy.

🍂 And last, but never least… I’m thankful for my faith. A faith that has never let me alone even when I’ve experienced seasons of dryness in my prayer life, or darkness for whatever situation I’m experiencing.

And I could go on.

Today, and every day, not just on “Thankful Thursdays” 😉, are good opportunities to pause, be deliberate about it, and make time to think, “what am I thankful for today?!”

It can be as simple as “my warm cup of coffee… my bedsheets… my plants…” anything.

It’s proven science that expressions of gratitude, can increase the levels of our brain’s feel good chemicals. Get into the habit of saying THANK YOU, or I AM GRATEFUL FOR out loud, or writing it down. I promise it will make you smile every time, and crave more opportunities to be thankful.

What are you thankful for today? 🌿

The house is getting new siding today, and even though it a lot louder than I had wanted it for a day off… I’m also thankful that our home will get a makeover. ☺️