Mondays with Maria

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In the Presence of Saints

My childhood was pretty great! It wasn’t perfect, but it was amazing in many ways. A lot of those memories include my aunts and uncles. They were all a huge part of my life growing up.

Imagine a revolving door, people coming and going constantly, big, LOUD parties, endless barbecues, birthday parties, people visiting unannounced, laughter, meaningless conversations with a lot of heart. Ahhh, what a sweet walk down memory lane that was, and it wasn’t even a fraction of the things I remember of my childhood. I loved every part of it, all of it.

The majority of my aunts and uncles have died now and I don’t really think I can say I had a “favorite” aunt or uncle. I loved them all, individually, I loved them as whole for who they were and the gifts they brought into our lives. I embraced their presence, their individuality, their humor and even their craziness. They all made an impact in my life and looking back, I know I relied on their individual gifts and personalities based on what I was going through during particular moments in my life.

That is how I picture our relationship with the Saints. A large parade of holy people that once upon a time walked the earth and are now interceding for us. Just like an aunt and uncle would, only spiritually. Saints are there to support our spiritual needs, to help us during life trials, to pray for us and to comfort us. All we have to do is reach out.

My mom used to get us comic books based on the life of saints. They were the BEST, and I attribute my love and interest in the lives of Saints to my mom’s creativity to peek our interest in things that matter to her for our own good.

My favorite Saint growing up was John (Giovanni) Bosco. He was an Italian priest, an educator and writer of the 19th century. His bravest mission was to find ways to help and rescue homeless boys and show them a better way of life by providing them with food, shelter and an education. For this reason, he is the patron saint of youth. His Saint day is January 31st, and coincidentally, also the day my first born came into this world. I remember making the connection right away and feeling blessed by this gift and Godly coincidence.

Saints are ordinary people that lived extraordinary lives. We are all called to sainthood and to walk in presence of Saints. Happy All Saints Day!