

Welcome to my blog. A place to share my thoughts, dreams and everyday passions!

The Fools Who Dream

The Fools Who Dream

“He was exactly who he wanted to be.  He never let anyone put him in a box.  Never let himself be categorized or marginalized…” Rami Malek about Freddie Mercury

How would I describe the movie Bohemian Rhapsody… a gut punching and chill producing film that keeps you at the edge of your seat stomping your feet, wanting to reach out, dance, sing along and fall in love with a magnetic and one of a kind personality.

I have always loved all songs by Queen, but I never knew that much about their lead singer Freddie Mercury until I watched the movie Bohemian Rhapsody.  One of the fascinating things about this band is that Queen was actually a very small band.  It only had four members; two guitarists, one drummer and a lead singer.  No backup dancers, chorus, endless instrumentation and songwriters.  They did it all, just the four of them and every time, they managed to deliver thrilling and energy packed, extraordinary performances.  The little I’ve learned about the life of their lead singer Freddie Mercury these past few days has left me craving for more.  I have watched many videos, read about his life, his upbringing and background and it all keeps coming back to the same point of admiration for me (despite his magnificent natural born talent)… his guts!  Freddie Mercury was gutsy, brave, unique, unconventional and he wasn’t afraid of being himself!!!

Freddie Mercury could move and sing like nobody’s business, he was one of the freest people out there and with his daring personality he left a legacy of bravery.

Every time I meet someone, or come across anyone with half of those qualities, someone who isn’t afraid to step out of their comfort zone, that fights stereotypes and dares to be different, in my book, they are already winners.  In our “picture perfect” world of social media madness, those daring personalities are even more important now.  The Arts will always have a special place in my heart.  The world of artists is a world of dreamers and a world of color, and risk takers, all with a little bit of madness.  It’s a special world and I deeply admire those born to entertain.

If you haven’t watched Bohemian Rhapsody yet, do it!  It’s not only amazingly entertaining, but freeing in many ways.

“I always knew I was a star, and now, the rest of the world seems to agree with me.”  Freddie Mercury

'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving

'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving

Mazatlan and a Lesson or Two about Beauty

Mazatlan and a Lesson or Two about Beauty