

Welcome to my blog. A place to share my thoughts, dreams and everyday passions!

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Bag

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Bag

THANKSgiving is fast approaching and November is always a good reminder to give thanks for all that we have.

Two months ago I witnessed up close and almost personal a horrible tragedy.  Something that shook the community and forever changed the lives of many.  During the first few horrifying days and weeks that followed this tragedy and seeing how the lives of people I love were changing forever, I also witnessed immense kindness and generosity from complete strangers.  People coming out of the wood works to help in any capacity they could.  I received numerous calls, private messages and random visits at the church where I work asking if they could help in any way, making a donation or simply offering prayers.  Those random acts of kindness uplifted all of those close to this tragedy, and gave us courage to continue to support those directly affected by it. 

One random act of kindness that deeply and personally touched me during those days, was a homemade meal that a friend dropped off for my family in the midst of the chaos we were experiencing supporting our friends.  The dinner she provided meant everything that day.  It gave me the peace of knowing that my family could have a home cooked meal that week while I ran endless errands, it taught my daughters just another important lesson about kindness and the importance of being present for others and it reminded me that amidst sorrow, we are never alone, even if we feel that way.  There is always someone looking up for us.  The meal was carefully placed in this beautiful bag, with a beautiful and meaningful message printed on it.  I knew that day, I would not be keeping the bag, that bag was already on a journey of love.  


I decided to give this bag with some random things to a dear friend who has always supported me no matter what I am going through.  In the good and in the bad.  During those days of chaos in late Summer, she was one of my biggest support systems and I appreciated her friendship more than ever before.  When I received this Giving Bag, she was the first person who came to mind and I knew she'd be the next person to be part of this circle of love and support.  

The wonderful and unforgettable Fred Rogers once said "... look for the helpers, you will always find people who are helping." A crucial focus point to keep in mind when things are upside down in the world. 

This bag started its journey in September of 2018.  I hope it visits many homes, brings lots of light to families and friends and gets to the point of having to be mended due to all the love that it will spread.  I can almost picture it many years down the road, and it's a lovely and happy sight. 

May we always be the voice and warmth that whispers to others... you are loved, I am here for you, I got you. ❤

Mazatlan and a Lesson or Two about Beauty

Mazatlan and a Lesson or Two about Beauty

20 years of pumpkin bliss

20 years of pumpkin bliss