Today Is Not Monday...
How perfect for me to write my first entry on a Sunday when the title of my blog is "Mondays with Maria." You see, I've never been the patient kind, I am usually driven by impulse, adrenaline and lots of passion! After many years of listening to my friends say "Maria, you have to start blogging!" I decided to give it a go. So, here I am, not quite sure of where this is going, how to even create a blog page or where to start, BUT eager to try and give it my best, after all, one of the things I love the most in life is writing and sharing my thoughts, which are many. :)
I hope you join me on this crazy adventure of mine where I will most likely be carrying my heart on my sleeve in every paragraph I share. For now, I will hit "save & publish", and hope it does just that "save & publish". This is exciting!!!