

Welcome to my blog. A place to share my thoughts, dreams and everyday passions!

Be who you are and say what you feel...

Be who you are and say what you feel...

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”

Easy to say, not always easy to do.  We live in a world full of criticism.  Negative criticism and positive criticism that feels like negativity sometimes.  My girls always tell me that I am confident to a fault and although true (most of the time) and I take it as a huge compliment, I am not perfect by ANY means.  I sometimes get carried away by the “what would _____ think if I said _____, and if I did ______” and when I catch myself feeling those feelings I immediately get angry and disappointed at myself and the fact that I have empowered other people to make me feel those feelings I very much dislike.  I preach strength and confidence and positivity to my girls on the daily, but then sometimes I find myself trapped in moments of lack of confidence and weakness, just at the thought of “what if’s…” We can be our worst critics sometimes.

For a long time I dreamed of the possibilities a blog could bring into my life.  Something fun, something different, perhaps a new hobby… actually “a” hobby, since I don’t have any other hobbies.  I love to write, I love to tell stories and I love to take pictures and a blog sounded like a perfect fit.  Then, I started the blog and I started writing and I started sharing stories and taking the pictures and then all of a sudden I felt paralyzed at the fact that people were reading such stories and seeing those pictures and some could be judging me for  being me and then I stopped, and I was disappointed at myself.  I kept writing, but I stopped publishing, I guess I wasn’t as confident as my girls pictured me to be.  Then today my oldest daughter Michelle asked me out of nowhere “why did you stop blogging?”  And that was a very good question, and very timing.  A question that validated my initial idea in the first place.  I stopped sharing my stories at the fear of others; it had nothing to do with me, but it had everything to do with me at the same time.

So today, I am choosing to boost my own confidence channeling one of my old time favorite authors Dr. Seuss by staying true to myself, my ideas, emotions, feelings and everything that makes ME who I am! 

We are all born with an abundance of gifts that are at the palm of our hands waiting for us to set them free... be who you are!

Don't forget to smile today! :)

The Butter Knife

The Butter Knife

Father's Day with Stasiu

Father's Day with Stasiu