Mondays with Maria

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The start of lasts...

Yesterday, Bella’s Girl Scout troop bridged for the very last time.  As she skipped across the bridge at the beach to bridge just one more time, this proud mama waited at the end of the line, camera in hand and watched my little pick tailed girl go from a Kindergarten Daisy to a High School Ambassador.  Just like that, eleven years went by.  Eleven years of friendship, learning, laughter, traveling and making amazing and unforgettable memories.

In those eleven years her troop has camped, learned archery, self defense, sewing, cooking, picture taking, horseback riding, and SO much more.  They have also gone on many fun field trips and done countless hours of community service.  Bella has loved being a Girl Scout from the day she joined as a little 5 year old until now… truly, she’s loved every single minute of it!!!

Bella’s experience being a Girl Scout has been so remarkable because she landed in the BEST Girl Scout troop there is, I am almost certain of that!  Her troop leaders have not only been amazing instructors, coaches, teachers, mentors but have also loved our girls immensely.  There was never a time when I sent Bella on a field trip, away camp or night at the Museum worrying about her safety or the level of fun she was having, she always came home with lots of stories to share and smiles on her face.  Something I have always admired about her Girl Scout troop leaders was their focus on inclusion and their ability to foster positive interactions between the girls, to me, that was always top priority.  I will forever be thankful for the many amazing memories they have given Bella in these past eleven years and for the many more memories she has coming her way as an Ambassador.

And speaking of memories, to celebrate such amazing milestone as Girl Scouts, they will be embarking on a Caribbean Cruise next Summer and guess what… I am going too!!! Who is more excited, Bella or me?  I just don’t know!

From Daisy, to Brownie, to Junior, to Cadette, to Senior Girl Scout and now an Ambassador… thankful for the memories and all the love throughout the years. 

Across the land, across the sea, friends forever we will always be… Girls Scouts!