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100 Definitions Of Joy From People 3 to 93 Years Old

100 Definitions Of Joy From People 3 to 93 Years Old

What is Joy? The definition of JOY according by the Webster Dictionary:

1a: the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires DELIGHT

b: the expression or exhibition of such emotion GAIETY

2: a state of happiness or felicity BLISS

3: a source or cause of delight

I asked 100 people ranging in ages 3 to 93 their own definition of JOY. Every age group gave their own perspective on the meaning of Joy. Children under 10 years old. Teenagers. Young Adults. People in their 30’s, 40’, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s 80’s and even 90’s. Common denominator: seeing those they love happy. Joy is that simple.

Joy is selfless, joy is priceless and joy is the purest form of love.

I hope that these 100 definitions of Joy bring a smile to your face. ❤

JOY is…

1.  Joy is my husband and I holding hands at night while we fall asleep. The day is over. We have done all we can for now. We are grateful. We are at peace. 71 years old.

2.  Joy is a new adventure- seeing the world through my children's eyes and spending time together without the constraints of work, deadlines and school!  Joy is also losing yourself in a good book! My age is ancient at least that's what my body feels.  In real life it's 42. 

3. Joy is... chocolate milk in my tummy. Age 5

4. Now that I've passed sixty, joy is found in making choices. So much of my life came at me so fast that the choices seemed to make themselves. When you're in college or when you have a family, it just runs along, it seems. Now life is a little (just a little) slower and I have time to savor the ability to choose. Quiet time now, talk later. Read a book, turn off the TV. It's very powerful to have the choosing back, and joyful. Oh, and I can choose to be with my grandbaby, real joy!

5.  Joy to me is shared love... standing in the space of sharing love with others, connection.  Joy is being able to see the blessings regardless of circumstance... also seeing our kids thriving. 

6.  Joy is doing all the things I love to the best of my ability. Joy is seeing my greatest friends succeed and smile while loving life as much as possible.  Joy is hugging my momma and telling her how much I love her.  Joy is trusting in God that he’s going to place all the right things and people in my life to make my life worth living.  Joy is just loving the life that I live every day and being blessed that I opened my eyes for another beautiful day.  I am 21!

7.  Joy is... an attitude towards life. A knowledge that you are not alone.  Things can be painful, but they can also be meaningful, a sense of knowing that things will be ok.  Joy and hope go together. Age 93

8.     Joy is... my cat and our bond.  Joy is... sunshine on my face.  Joy is... finishing school when I never thought I could.  Joy is... family support.  Joy is... resting after a long day.  Joy is... loving and being loved in return. Age 22

9.  Joy is feeling connected to the world and those within it, but also feeling connected to oneself.  True joy is finding your version of happiness. 20 years old

10. Joy is my children, my family, my friends, my health and all the other daily blessings (food, shelter, work, blue skies) that I don’t take for granted.  Joy is also a good vacation and my dog!  52 and joyful for that too.

11. Joy is witnessing the amazing bond my children share with other. Age 47

12. 58 years has thought me that joy is to serve others who can never repay you. Build people up with kind words. Listen to God’s whispers and be ready to act on his behalf.

13. The best joy in my life now is my family and spending time with them.  Especially my two grandchildren.  I am 55.

14. One of the things that bring me joy is music!  Hearing people sing or play an instrument takes my mind off all my troubles.  And if I hear a song from my youth I almost feel young again! 60 years old

15. Joy is being in a room surrounded by people you love and who love you and watching them smile! 

16. My joy is my boys/being a mom.  38 years old.

17. Joy for me is doing selfless acts for people that appreciate it.  It is so rewarding and spending time with my family and friends is always amazing. Age 65

18. As I was pondering what brings me joy, I found myself with so many things, that I started to try and connect them with one common denominator. They are the things that touch my soul.  They strike a nerve, in a good way... In a way that almost gives me goosebumps.  My family, of course. Spending time with all my children, who are all on their own, except for one. Their successes and growth.  Dates with my husband of almost 46 years... doesn't matter if we're going to a movie, dinner or a long weekend away from it all.  Time with friends, some who know me better than I know myself.  Music... My concert band... The sound of many instruments blending in a Melody that literally gives chills.  Nesting... I love things as simple as hanging new curtains, a new lamp, creating a new wreath for the door.  Just recounting the things that bring me joy, brings me joy! Thanks for that!  Age 65 but my spirit is 26. 

19. What brings me joy is watching my kids turn into young women and them being so happy.  37 years old

20. Joy is knowing my kids are safe and healthy, taking a breath of fresh air at the beginning and end of the day.  Kisses from my dog. 47 3/4 years old

21. Joy is… fresh air, farm animals, open fields.  The views from a mountain, good food.  Joy is peace, harmony, good music and dancing.  45 years old.

22. Joy is being with family and spending time with close friends who understand me. It’s seeing my son smile and be truly happy.  Joy is having ugly laughing attacks. It’s being healthy.  Joy is having a secure job that I love and being able to work with good friends.  It’s sitting by the beach near palm trees, listening to the waves.  Joy is seeing and doing kind acts for others to make them smile.  Joy is seeing an old couple holding hands. It’s my dog giving me sloppy kisses and lying next to me. Joy is the key to life since this life we live is too short. 43 years old. 

23. Joy is reaping the benefits of what you’ve been working on for sooo long. I’m almost 22 and I’ve been in college for four years but I JUST got into nursing school which means I’ll graduate in 3 years. I felt lost for a long time because it felt like I wasn’t going anywhere but I’m finally seeing something come out of all the hard work I’ve been doing for four whole years.  Joy is also having your loved ones there to support you and cheer you on even when you’re going through a difficult time in life.  Joy is also having something to look forward to.  I’m going to France in about a month (!!!) and I’ve never even been outside this continent. I’m nervous but so excited!

24. Joy is surrounding yourself with friends & family who build you up instead of bringing you down and having confident in who you are and where you are going.

25. Joy is when I come home and I am greeted by our dog with pure excitement and unconditional love.  Joy is leaving work when the sun is still out.  Joy is a new season is upon us, walking outside without a winter coat, feeling a warm breeze on my cheeks, and hearing the birds chirping away. Joy is a cup of tea to warm and heal the body. Age: 49

26. Joy is… love.  In whatever form that takes. Age: 21

27. Joy is to share the simple moments of life with the people we love.  The blessing of having blood related family and family we choose in our friends and to share every day moments with them.  I wish this joy on everyone. 47 years old

28. Joy is to see my children happy, healthy and thriving. 46 years old

29. Joy is: spending time with my family, and friends, enjoying all of life’s everyday activities and simple pleasures. Knowing that they are happy makes me happy! Taking pictures also makes me happy! I love capturing the moment in time! Pictures help us to remember the past! I’m 66.

30. Joy is… a feeling that gives our life purpose.  A breath of fresh air that gives me happiness.  Joy is to wake up every day and to know that our family is together.  A hug from my children.  Joy is to be able to enjoy the simple moments in life with those we love.  Joy is to be able to enjoy life from a child’s perspective. 49 years old

31. Joy is my four daughters. Joy has been a struggle for me for the last four years. After my Dad’s brief fight with colorectal cancer & then his very sudden death, I’ve really struggled to find joy & peace again. When I spend time with my daughters & just talk with them for so long, those sparks of joy get reignited. I pray every day that I can remember that I still have the joy of my daughters no matter what life has brought. 48yo

32. Joy is the focus and perspective you want to give things and situations in life.  Joy is the way you paint your life regardless of what you are going through.  Joy is to find happiness in the simple moments in life.  Joy is touch everyone that crosses our path with our joy. 41 years old

33. There are so many things that bring me joy, like wine, the sun, my doggie, friends, love... but the first thing that came to mind was my children.  From the time they were born and from each stage in their life, the joy I feel every day is from them.  They complete my life and I can’t wait to experience all the new things coming their way. Age: 40’s

34. Joy is feeling at home after getting a hug from someone that you love. 20.

35. JOY is the time spent with my family-especially my husband, my children and my grandchildren. JOY are the friendships I feel so fortunate to have in my life. JOY is the privilege of working with young children.  JOY are the memories I treasure from a blessed life growing up in a loving family. JOY are the memories we continue to create each day.  Joy is most importantly my faith and trust that I am always in God’s hands and the love I feel. 68 y/o

36. Joy is children.  Joy comes from the raw and authentic aura that children exude, and the limitless potential that they possess. (Age 51) 

37. Joy for me is for me comes in many forms. It’s a lazy day hanging out with my dog and loved ones. At work, joy for me is being a nurse and walking away from a shift knowing I’ve made a difference in someone’s life. I am 31.

38. Joy is being with the people I love and enjoy spending my life with.  People that make me feel special.  Age 47.

39. Joy is the smile and happiness on my children’s faces no matter what age they are.  I am not capable of being happy if they are not.  I have past that lovely ‘ol 50 not too long ago.

40. Joy is... when I'm taking a shower and look out the little window to see the sun rising!!!  Oh my gosh!  His mercies are new EVERY day.

41. Joy is knowing that, in the end, all will be well. All will be well in God. There are simple reminders of that everyday... the sun shining, a child’s smile, a gentle touch. We need to have the wisdom and patience to know it. Mid 50’s

42. Joy is… joining a bible study group at church.  Our meetings bring me joy. Sometimes doing the required homework, not so much, but once we are together and sharing, definite joy. Which I guess brings me to my faith brings me joy. Without that how does one survive. After my minor medical problem last week, it just reinforced how important it is.  Age 65

43. Joy is when I feel happy, when I'm with family and friends.  Oh and slime... playing with slime makes me happy because when I'm feeling frustrated I can play with slime and it makes me feel better.  Joy for me is inside out.  7 y/o

44. Joy is intrinsic for me.  It's an emotion of contentment .... contentment in who I am, where I am in life, a sense of confidence and self worth.  The extrinsic nature of my joy have to do with other people ... the joy I feel for my children and how my husband looks at me. Age 39

45. Joy is... playing Mario Cart, pizza, and huggles (snuggles) with mommy.  Oh and the water park! Age 3

46. Joy is... I don't know.  Age 5

47. Joy is... Music that fills my soul. Age 33

48. Joy is when my house is full (when my kids are all home). When they’re not there I found joy in ballroom dance classes.  The dance studio is my happy place.  If I have a bad day at work or home I go and dance my cares away. It’s my fountain of youth. Dancing makes me feel alive!  I am 49 

49. Joy to me is seeing my children happy. Joy to me is also watching my grandchildren grow. Joy is a hearing giggling coming from the other room that my grandchildren are playing in. Joy for me is when my grandchildren see me they run to me yelling my name and hugging me because they are so happy to see me. I’m almost 62 years old

50. Joy is... Helping others.  Working together for a common purpose.  Ageless.

51. My age is 65...still can't believe that!  My biggest joy is being surrounded by my family for holidays or just routinely getting together for nothing in particular. Taking my nieces on our annual Christmas shopping spree. I took the death of my husband and turned it into a new tradition for me and them.  It's been 21 years of wonderful memories for them and me.  I asked them one time what present did you like the best and none of them could remember anything they chose.  They only talk about the time we all shared together!  My heart filled with joy over that and my eyes filled with tears... like now! 

52. Joy is… taking a trip with my bestie and laughing until we hurt, can't breathe, and crying!  Mid 60’s

53. Joy is the feeling of the sun hitting my face, the warm smell of a bonfire and roasting s’mores, and driving while blasting good music with all the windows down. 17 y/o

54. Joy is being able to watch my adult daughters raise their families along with their husbands, who are so hands on in their daily activities. I have 2 teenage granddaughters and 1 grandson who is 1 and a half. Watching the way my granddaughters have connected with their baby cousin is a joy and blessing for me. My heart is so full of love for my family. My greatest joy is being able to share in all of their lives and watching them grow into wonderful people who not only care for each other but for others as well.  Age 59

55. Joy is the character in the movie “Inside Out" Age 37

56. Joy is being able to call God, Abba, Father because we are redeemed in the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

57. Joy to me is not having to worry about a single thing.  When there is not an ounce of stress on me and I am just filled with pure contentment, that is joy.  Joy is being able to take in nature and being able to just sit outside while doing absolutely nothing with no electronics.  It is being secluded from social media and my phone (with the exception of the office lol).  It is being able to write, paint, color, clean EVERYTHING, and spend time with each of my family members and enjoy a movie and a meal with them while knowing the pureness of how much love I have for every single one of them.  Joy for me is being able to be productive and knowing that my productiveness wasn’t forced onto me.  It is being able to truthfully look into the mirror and say “DAMN THATS ME, I’m beautiful… inside AND out!” and believing it and not having to FORCE myself to say that until I believe it. Joy is many things for me, but it is being able to sit and think about my blessings, and enjoy every aspect of life without the burden of any stress on my life.  Pure contentment.  Joy. 16 y/o

58. To me joy is witnessing someone achieve what they thought was impossible.  Whether it’s a baby taking a first step; a teen realizing they can impact the life of a stranger; or an adult realizing life is more about what you give than what you have.  Age 70

59. Joy to me is sharing a good laugh with my kids or friends.  Seeing the ones I love cracking up over something silly.  The genuine smile and laughter that cannot be suppressed warms my heart.  I’m 47. 

60. Joy is seeing my children take the reins of their lives and journey forward. Joy is spending time with my grandchildren (4 and 1). They hold so much wonder and promise in their young lives. I find joy going with my husband on a hike in the woods, out to dinner, or on a road trip somewhere. I never dreamed that these joys in my life would be so wonderful! #iam60something

61. Joy is feeling loved and appreciated by my partner, and loving and appreciating her in return.  Joy is mutual love and understanding.  Age 79

62. Joy is pure contentment.   Joy is watching flowers bloom, a blue sky, the brightness of the sun, children smiling.  Age 74

63. Joy is my 15 year old daughter still holding my hand and blowing me kisses when I come watch her practice.  Age 47

64. Joy is… being with someone you love who so often is robbed of joy and seeing joy in their eyes, heart and soul.  No matter how fleeting the moment may be as it can be stolen from them at any given time.  Stolen from depression and anxiety.  The combination of these demons often stifles the soul of your loved one.  My greatest joy is to be ever so present in these moments, the very rare moments that both these demons are at rest.  You never take these moments for granted and the joy you see in the person you love is forever etched in your heart and brings you great joy and peace. 53 years old

65. My definition of joy is spending time with my family. Especially my grandchildren. Life is so complicated when you are raising your own children, that sometimes you miss the joy of childhood. When you have grandchildren, you can immerse yourself in their joys, be they big or small. Nothing makes me more joyful than seeing them be themselves and full of life. When you grow old, it’s something to remind you of what a full life you have. I’m 71 and proud to say I’ve had a very joyful life. 

66. Joy is accomplishing my goals, like when I graduated from College and marrying my dear husband.  But nothing compares to the happiest day of my life, the day I become a mother! The first moment that you can see and touch your new born is unforgettable, magical. I am blessed with 3 wonderful and healthy boys that are the reason of my happiness, no doubt! Age 46

67. Joy is a gift from God.  It lives deep in my soul.  It is unshakable and does not depend on life’s circumstances.  Age 52

68. Joy is receiving a text message on my 78th birthday from my granddaughter and grandson wishing me a Happy Birthday.

69. Joy is knowing that God is near me to count His blessings in my life and realize once again that because of His grace I have so much more than I deserve.  My thankful heart always turns into a smile! 45 years old.

70. For me, joy is loyalty.  I always try to show and feel loyal towards others, whether they are my family or friends.  Showing loyalty connects into deeper promises and relationships.  This makes me happy and also the others happy around me as well.  No matter how each person differs, respecting and always showing love makes others feel important and needed.  Making others happy is the moment I feel JOY. Ae 17

71. There are moments in life, moments that you catch your breath, and it is as though in that mini-moment God has stopped time. For me, at 47 so much of the time these lose my breath moments are tied to my kids. Watching them succeed, achieve, give back to others, and grow into the people they were meant to be.  I am so grateful for the chance to catch my breath and relish in those amazing moments...big or small. Sometimes it is even just a hug from them or a smile.  Joy is that moment... That breath...that glimpse of something amazing and pure. And, for me, may bring a sprinkling of "happy tears".

72. Joy is knowing Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and it’s realizing that He will be the first person I see when I get to Heaven.  Joy is being grateful for the simple things in life that give me so much pleasure, such as a baby’s smile, a dog wagging its tail, a beautiful moon, the smell of the ocean, chirping birds, the hands of an elderly person, the still of the night, the love of family and friends. Mid 60’s.  

73. Joy is seeing my kids recognize that life is a journey full of adventures. They can’t just sit back and wait for things to happen. . . They must resist the confines of their introverted comfort zones and find ways to open the doors to these adventures and prepare themselves with knowledge and skills and enthusiasm. Places to go, friendships to be gained, knowledge to be gathered and appreciated and shared.  Age 52

74. I have felt joy in 2 distinct ways. I’ve had a visceral tingle-in-my-belly kind of love for my child, knowing we are infinitely connected, she is perfect exactly as-is, and all is right with the world.  As I’ve come to accept both the blessings and challenges of life, I’ve experienced Joy as an underlying peaceful state, relaxed and serene. Sometimes the underlying state is closer to the surface than other times, but it’s always present. Age 49

75. Joy is… to feel alive and happy because God has a plan for me.

76. Joy is… Knowing God trusted me with my unique brood of kids! Age 53

77. Instead of a cheesy and mellow verbiage I’d rather talk about stuff that life has gifted me with when I felt more “complete” as a human entity. This will be for instance when my body, mind and soul are in concordance with my surroundings.  When words come easy, thoughts are pure and you know and feel in your heart that you are adding value to others as if everyone (present I the moment) agreed with the current mindset, thoughts, prayers, state of mind (regardless if of joy or grief).  Think for a moment when you as a child were in the company of your best friend(s) and there was nothing but laughter and happiness.... pure joy.  Also, I truly believe that Jesus’s message and teachings are all focused in achieving such body, mind and soul balance among each other so the shared (positive) energy flows freely and creates momentum and sense of completeness.  Age 50’s

78. At 46  years old, joy is having my daughters, their boyfriends and my husband at the dinner table just talking.  I feel complete and happy then.

79. Joy is happiness like playing outside. Age 7

80. Joy is knowing my children are happy. Age 74

81. Joy is… looking around and realizing you have everything you need to survive and food on the table.  Also, being surrounded by people you love and love you back.  Age 20

82. Joy is… feeling alive and knowing I have been blessed with a wonderful wife and three children.  Joy is having friends to talk to, go fishing with or simply enjoy a cup of coffee together.  Joy is to appreciate life in everything we do.  Age 47

83. Joy is my health.  Having a job and being able to support myself.  Age 44

84. Joy is playing with my puppy.  Age 8

85. Joy is… being at peace with myself, with and with those around me. Age 72

86. Joy is drinking coffee while playing game of chess. Age 83

87. Joy is rainy days sitting by the window enjoying a cup of tea.  Age 52

88. I feel joy when I go for walks with my husband. Age 49

89. Joy is… Sitting quietly cuddling with my kitty brings joy.  She purrs and rubs all over me.  Nothing better than unconditional love.  Age 65

90. Joy is seeing my children thrive at school, in life in general and having true friendships. Age 47

91. Joy is savoring a good meal with a good friend and laughing together. Age 64

92. Joy is knowing that I can find in all the little things life offers me. Mid 40’s

93. Joy is… playing with my brother.  Age 3

94. One of my biggest joys is having conversations with my elderly parents.  Life goes by in a blink of an eye and I really treasure those moments.  Age 44

95. Joy is… my faith, my health, my family, my home. 57 years old.

96. Joy is very complex but also very simple.  Joy is my well being, safety, trust in myself and others.  Joy is a state of mind.  Mid 40’s

97. Joy is… Summer road trips with my family. Age 62

98. Joy is knowing I am loved.  Age 40

99. Joy is movie nights with my family and our dog on my lap.  Age 37

100. Celebrating another birthday surrounded by the people I love. Age 47

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