Mondays with Maria

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My Bilingual Brain

Someone asked me… “what language do you think in?”

The answer was easy but complicated at the same time.  Even though Spanish is my native language, I have spent most of my forming years speaking English.  The years and experiences that have shaped me into the adult that I am now have been influenced by English words and thoughts.

I think I am able to express my feelings and emotions better in English and the same thing goes for analyzing situations and for any decision making. I feel more comfortable speaking AND thinking in English in those scenarios.

When it comes to Math and personal prayer, Spanish is the answer.  I just can't seem to add or subtract as well in English, my numbers are siempre en Español.  And the same goes for prayer.  Although I feel more comfortable in an English Mass setting and I like reciting prayers out loud in English better, when it comes to personal and private form of prayer, the most comforting way for my soul to find peace is through Spanish words.

I love being bilingual! love having the ability to go back and forth in conversation in two different languages. I love being able to communicate and connect with two different cultures that are rich in so many different ways.

I wish I spoke more than two languages. I have always wanted to learn how to speak Italian and it should come easy for me since the lexical similarities between Spanish and Italian is over 80% which means 4 out of 5 words are similar, crazy right? One of these days I might tackle this dream of mine.

This is a very interesting five minute video about how the bilingual brain works.

When you come across someone with an accent from a different country, please appreciate the journey that accent has taken them on. An accent means richness in culture and diversity. That person with an accent most likely has very interesting stories to share.

Languages are an amazing tool to connect with different cultures. Challenge yourself and start exploring the world through a second language, whatever that language might be… it can be done, si se puede! 😉