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Justice for George Floyd In The Words Of My 22 Year Old Daughter

Justice for George Floyd In The Words Of My 22 Year Old Daughter

The unbelievable continues to happen and we must do something about it.

Below, are the words written by my 22 year old daughter and I am sharing them with her permission.

Being "not racist" isn't enough anymore. People's indifference is deafening. If you are not actively fighting against racial injustice, you are not fulfilling your duty as a human being in this country. There should be an uproar spreading like a wildfire.

"I don't like politics" is no longer a way to be excused from the conversation. Who are you to speak your mind? Who are you NOT to? This is murder. Ignoring what is happening in front of you for your own mental peace and protection is no longer an option.

Our POC neighbors don't have the option and never have. That being said, the ones who will actually read these posts, tend to not be the main problem. The main problem is in the hands of the people scrolling past. Indifference. The ones who don't read. We must make them hear us. It is our job, as CITIZENS of the world, to make sure all people of color are not only heard but understood.

This doesn't end in a week when people get tired of reposting George Floyd hashtags on instagram. It must continue. It starts at the dinner table by no longer allowing slightly racist dialogue and it continues in the streets. It cannot end. It is not hard. There is no excuse.

If you have the ability to read, that is what you should be doing. Educating yourself tirelessly. Fight to hold people in charge accountable for their wrongdoings. This does not end until black people in this country stop being punished for being born.

By Michelle Borla

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