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A Journal Of My Third Round of Whole30, The Most Empowering Yet!

A Journal Of My Third Round of Whole30, The Most Empowering Yet!

Two months ago I called my general doctor to talk about my migraines which had come back full force during the COVID lockdown. I have suffered from chronic migraines for over two decades, and I can almost count with the fingers of both hands the number of weeks in those two decades, that I have been migraine free for one entire week.

The stress, the uncertainty of life, seeing my daughters struggle with school and with what life was throwing their way, opposite to what they had planned the beginning of the year and a few other things life was sending my way, because well, it’s LIFE, it got the best of me. My newly welcomed lifestyle got the best of my health!!!

Before I could even notice, I was stuck in a very unhealthy rollercoaster. Eating food that was not exactly good for me, ALL the time. It wasn’t even about satisfying a craving here and there anymore, I was eating comfort food all the time, I was hiding my emotions behind food that was literally making me physically sick. Comfort food was putting a band aid on hurts that require further care.

My conversation with my doctor (a new physician I was seeing through zoom for the first time) went something like this:

Doctor: I’m looking at your chart now, I see you’ve been dealing wit this for a long time. Tell me a little bit about it.

Me: (I shared some of my migraine history and journey with chronic pain)

Doctor: Have you ever done anything for your migraines that gave you results?

Me: YES, Whole30!

Doctor: Why did you stop?

Me: Silence… (I got a little teary eyed) then I answered, “I don’t know. I got out of the habit, comfort food makes me feel good about myself sometimes.”

I have to admit that I was definitely not expecting his question. I wasn’t expecting him being so brave at asking that specific question “WHY DID YOU STOP IF IT HELPED YOU?”

We talked a little more, he told me he would want me to also see a Neurologist again, gave me a new prescription that didn’t have the awful side effects of my previous medicine, and urged me to seek a healthier way of eating and lifestyle once again.

Talking to a doctor that was seeing the whole picture (a lifestyle makeover), gave me a lot of comfort, and his confidence in asking me honest questions, gave ME the courage to change!

As soon as I hang up the phone that morning I knew I had to do something about it and that I would be reintroducing Whole30 to my life. I started Whole30 the very next day. My grandma used to say “out of sight, out of mind.” You do it now, and most likely, you won’t do it! That mindset has helped me many times.

Whole30 requires commitment. Whole30 means: cooking a LOT, mindfulness in what we feed our bodies, awareness of how our bodies feel when we eat healthier and exercise, and also, a great deal of confidence telling ourselves over and over again, especially at the beginning of it’s journey that it CAN be done!!!

When I did Whole30 for the first and second time, I incorporated a few Whole30 ready to eat compliant food items that could be used for meal prep; this time around I decided to stay (almost completely, with the exception of spices) out of the grocery aisles and focus on the meat and produce areas of the grocery store. I cooked only with fresh ingredients, fruits, vegetables, fish and meat and tried to purchase as many organic items as I could afford. I always had almonds at hand for snacking and sliced fresh veggies to eat during the day if I got hungry. I was amazed at how easy it was to cook with fewer ingredients.

Most of the spices and oils I used were: Olive oil, avocado oil on occasion, black pepper, coarse salt, garlic powder, onion powder, dried herbs, cayenne pepper, paprika, curry powder, and Everything but the Bagel spices, which I tried for the first time this month, and it’s a game changer!!!

I ate almost every veggie there was available for me to eat and try and so many delicious fruits, but limited the intake of fruit.

I did Whole30 to alleviate my migraines, and I gained so much more at the end. My migraines decreased in an incredible way, I lost 9 llbs, I have so much more energy, the bloating I had been experiencing is basically GONE, I’m not tempted to eat foods that are not necessarily good for me, I’m drinking a ton of water now (I was terrible at that), I don’t feel hungry between meals, and my morning plantar fascitis which has been giving me issues since I turned 40 (I’m 48 now) went away.




DAY 1 (week 1)
174 lbs

Breakfast: scrambled eggs and roasted veggies (potatoes, broccoli, sweet red bell peppers, carrots)
Lunch: beef stew with lots of green peppers, onions, tomatoes and garlic
Dinner: Beef and veggies and a handful of lychees
Lots and lots of water during the day
Walked: 30 minutes (found myself out of breath a few times)
Migraine: I’m starting to get a migraine but I’m drinking lots of water and taking over the counter medicine. I’m trying to avoid prescription medication.

DAY 2 (Week 1)

Breakfast: one egg and one tomato (I was in a hurry to get to work but wanted to make sure I ate something before heading out, skipping meals has never worked for me)
Lunch: the tastiest shrimp and roasted vegetables.
Snack: watermelon and pineapple
Dinner: leftover shrimp and more veggies

Today was one of the BUSIEST days I’ve had in a while. I had to be at work early with a couple hours in between and then go back for an event we were hosting. After my work event our family had a socially distanced graduation party outdoors for my best friend’s daughter, so the day was extended to a 14 hour day outside of my home on a Sunday. Phew, that was tough but enjoyable. I knew I would have MANY food temptations at these two gatherings, and food that I necessarily couldn’t eat while on Whole30, so I made the conscious decision in the morning to come home during my two hour window for my work commitments to cook a healthy and homemade lunch and dinner, that way I would eat the things I wanted to eat and I wouldn’t be tempted at work or my friend’s party. IT WORKED!!!

I was offered SO much food by SO many people at these two events and I confidently said no to everyone. I was so proud of myself. All food that I would’ve loved eating prior to Whole30 otherwise.

I came home to a few high fives from my daughters who celebrated my “big” accomplishments of the day... staying on track on my Whole30 plan! Yay!

Migraine: I had a hangover migraine all day today, being out in the sun at work for over two hours didn’t help. I was forced to take my prescription medicine when I got home at night and I felt the horrifying side effects soon after. I hate that medicine.

DAY 3 (Week 1)

Migraine AM: I still had migraine pain when I woke up but refused to take more migraine prescription. I took over the counter medicine for migraines and prayed it went away.

Migraine PM update: my migraine is GONE!!! Yes, gone 100%! I’m scared to feel too excited about it.

I was rushed this morning for work, but intentionally made time to cook breakfast. It was simple, but delicious and nutritious.

Work was BUSY. I drank a lot of water at work, I want to teach myself to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water throughout the day. I don’t drink hardly enough water.

Dinner was even more simple. I had tuna, roasted veggies, half an avocado, steamed beets, a few green olives and a plum. I was so full by the time I finished dinner. Oh, I also ate half a banana with cinnamon while I cooked dinner.

Exercise: I went on a brisk walk with my husband for 30 minutes. Making myself move my body every day, besides the usual back and forth down and up the hallway in the office which I do a lot of all day.

DAY 4 Week 1)

Good thing I love to cook and eat all the healthy things, otherwise not sure how things would be going right now.

The barometric pressure and my need for eye glasses (I have my first appointment ever for eye glasses next week), is proving to be quite challenging, BUT I am proud of myself today for sticking to my plan, and my quest for migraine relief once again.

This morning I woke up earlier than usual to get ready for work and cook some yummy bacon I had. While the bacon baked in the oven, I prepped snacks and lunch for the day. The scramble eggs were so delicious. I whisked them in a bowl with salt, pepper and a very generous amount of garlic powder, yum!

For snacking and my attempt to avoid at all costs any sugary treats at work, I cut out celery and cucumbers and added some chili powder, some lime juice and salt.

Lunch was tuna, roasted cauliflower (a whole small cauliflower ) with curry powder, salt and pepper and half of a banana with cinnamon powder.

I was able to successfully avoid my prescription medicine for migraines and tolerate the pain with half the dose of an over the counter medicine to take the edge off. I think drinking lots of water during the day has been helping as well.

Goal #1 for my third round of Whole30 is definitely chronic pain relief that will provide me with an opportunity to live a healthier and happier life. ⭐️

EXERCISE: lots of walking at work, but no motivation to go out and walk on my own after a long day of work.

DAY 5 (Week 1)

A surprisingly amazing, delicious and nutritious lunch!!! ⠀

I came home for lunch this afternoon not knowing what I would make myself to eat. I took a raw piece of skinless, boneless chicken breast out of the fridge (I had previously taken it out of the freezer this morning to thaw) cut it in medium size strips, put a generous amount of garlic powder, salt, black pepper and dried caraway seeds and cooked them on a hot skillet with a little bit of olive oil. ⠀

While the chicken cooked, I chopped and sliced some vegetables, and charred a white onion and jalapeño on a hot skillet. Before I knew it, I was looking at a fajita skillet! ⠀

Whole30, Day 5 has been a blast so far! ⠀

I felt very proud of myself because today I had a couple of friends over on my deck for a social distanced gathering and even though there were a few “sweet” temptations that a friend brought to share, I stayed away from that and stuck to my sliced radishes and cucumber and watermelon to munch on while we chatted, and lots of water! Sticking to my plan last night felt GREAT!

NO NEED FOR PRESCRIPTION or over the counter MIGRAINE medication TODAY!!! 🥳

DAY 6 (Week 1)

Today was my day off which allowed me to be a little more creative with my meals and eat more of what I like.

This morning I made a mini veggie omelette with poblano peppers, sweet red bell peppers and onions. On the side, I whisked two large eggs and added a generous amount of garlic powder (obsessed with garlic powder this time around doing Whole30 for some reason), and salt and pepper OF COURSE! Once I incorporated the eggs wash to the veggies, I use a quarter cup to pour the mix into a skillet previously heated with a tiny bit of olive oil. I topped them with sliced Serrano peppers.⠀

On the side, a few slices of fresh pineapple! ⠀

Simply delicious lunch that left me satisfied and fueled to start my day! 

EXERCISE: Today I walked a lot, well, a lot more than usual anyways. I went on three walks all together.

I went on a 1/2 hr power walk right after breakfast with my dog, Daisy and then again later for another quick 10 minute walk with my dog again. After dinner, my daughters and I went out for a 15 minute walk, it was a beautiful night.

I’m starting to feel like I can handle those walks a little easier. Day 1 of this round was tough! I had not exercised at all in months, other than the regular running around I do every day.

I also drank a lot of water, something I usually don’t do.

Biggest success of the day: NO MIGRAINE and NO pills!!! So happy, I could cry!

More importantly, I feel so accomplished and so proud of my progress so far, and HOPEFUL that I will once again get chronic pain relief after this round. Goal #1 after I finish this round: stay on track and keep in mind the reason I do Whole30 and why it works for me... MANAGING CHRONIC PAIN and a chance for a better lifestyle.

DAY 7 (Week 1)

This morning was rushed! I had to be up earlier than usual at work and there seemed not to be a lot of time to drink my coffee, shower, get ready for work AND make me a healthy breakfast but I managed somehow.

I chopped a poblano pepper and a red bell pepper, sautéed both in a hot skillet with a drizzle of olive oil and whisked two eggs to the mix and voila, breakfast was made!

Work was BUSY, but I made time to go home and make myself lunch and enjoyed it sitting on the deck.

I’ve been drinking a lot of water every day, but around 3 pm I was starting to feel a little frustrated at work because I still had so much to do and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to leave work at my regular time, and I had zero snacks and I was getting hungry.

Fortunately, even though I left work later than usual, I avoided all snacking temptations and came home to make a super simple and healthy dinner. Mixed greens, tons of veggies, tuna and a homemade vinaigrette, yum!

NO MIGRAINE today either!!!

Also, no walk, but hopefully all the running around I did at work counts! 

DAY 8 (week 2)
171 lbs

Today was a rough day, not necessarily food wise, but life wise, and stress got the best of me which cause me to get a bad headache that started turning into a migraine. Thankfully, I was able to keep it under control with over the counter medicine, and staying calm.

I took a few walks, cooked some delicious food (cooking makes me happy), and I drank a lot of water all day which is something I’ve been trying to do.

Breakfast was delicious!!! A veggie hash, roasted tiny potatoes and a perfectly ripe half avocado.

I felt very empowered all day that I had successfully completed the first week of Whole30 round 3.

DAY 9 (week 2)

Early wake up call for work today. I made sure I woke up early enough to have something to eat and a cup of coffee, oh yeah!

I got home around 12:30 and I was super hungry! I made myself a couple of scramble eggs, with a side of leftover homemade pico de Gallo salsa I made yesterday.

Right after lunch, I started prepping dinner. Chicken, a summer salad, and a baked potato, yum!

Day was so busy I didn’t even document my migraine and exercise of the day, but walking I know I did a lot, at least at work.

DAY 10 (Week 2)

Today was a super busy work day for me, and ended up working at my part time job as well. A 14 hour day from start to finish, but I was proud of myself for sticking to my Whole30 program throughout the day.

I made myself a really good breakfast that filled me up for a good portion of the day and then went home at lunch to each a healthy and tasty meal as well.

Dinner was kind of hectic but thankfully I had leftovers to eat.

Many times in the past on my way home from my second job, after I’ve worked all day and I feel exhausted, I resource to comfort food and drive throughout some type of fast food place on the way home, late, late at night and then when I get home I eat it while watching tv and soon after go to sleep. My way of pacifying my stress and tiredness I guess.

Tonight was different, I went straight home and when I got home I had a handful of salted almonds, prepped some veggies for the next day and then went to sleep. It felt GREAT not to eat things I shouldn’t eat.

NO MIGRAINE DAY, hurray!!!
Lots of water.
No walk other than all the walking I did at both jobs, which was a lot.

DAY 11 (week 2)

Today I said no to many “temptations” but in all honesty, they didn’t feel like temptations anymore.

It was my daughter’s 18th birthday and I made her my traditional birthday breakfast of homemade pancakes, bacon, fruit, eggs. I ate everything except the pancakes.

Lunch, was on the go but healthy.

Dinner, I made homemade burgers (birthday girl request) and I had everything as well, except for the bun and cheese. DELICIOUS if you ask me!

I skipped the birthday cake as well, and it felt great staying firm to my commitment.

Long day, but NO MIGRAINE AGAIN!!!

NO pills all day!!!

Lots of water. Nice brisk walk and a beautiful day celebrating my sweet girl!

DAY 12 (Week 2)

Today was a day of leftovers!!! Yay, for awesome leftovers that save a busy day!

My personal day was very challenging with many different obstacles, but I was proud of myself for not stress eating and eating things not necessarily good for me in order to calm me down and give me some “peace of mind.”

Busy day. I’m tired but a quick update on my pain management because that’s why I’m doing this round of Whole30.

NO MIGRAINE TODAY AGAIN even though I had STRESS and it RAINED (barometric pressure is always bad for me).

NO MEDICINE OF ANY KIND, prescription or over the counter, so happy about this!

Unfortunately, no walk today. I worked crazy hours at the office, and came home late, but I’m off tomorrow and I will make up for it. :)

DAY 13 (week 3)

Today was my day off at work and I took advantage of my day to the best of my abilities, resting, cooking, going on quite a few walks and helping my youngest daughter with College stuff. It was a great day off!

I made a delicious omelette with mushrooms for breakfast with a side of avocado and a plum. For lunch I had a leftover homemade burger pattie I had made on Tuesday, a leftover baked sweet potato and a nopal salad that was delicious! Dinner was a fridge forage type of situation and my plate looked quite interesting but it was so good!

Whole30 was definitely easy today, my body is definitely understanding now my new way of eating and I’m not craving “junk” food, or food that is out of the Whole30 plan.

I had lots of water (this has been hard for me in the past) and I went on enough walks to almost get to my 10,000 steps a day goal! I was so proud!

Guess what??? NO MIGRAINE AGAIN!!! And NO over the counters meds either for anything! HURRAY!

Thankful for the progress made so far!

DAY 14 (Week 2)

Today was a good day! I had a LOT of projects done at work, and in the busyness of the day, I was able to leave the office for an hour to go home for lunch and made myself a super delicious and QUICK salad that left me so satisfied and I was pleasantly surprised how delicious it was considering how little time I had to make it. Fresh, raw shrimp sautéed with olive oil and tons of different spices, an arugula salad with cherry tomatoes, sliced onions, mushrooms and green pepper with a homemade vinaigrette dressing. I loved it so much I’m making it tomorrow for the “gram” and for me too of course, ha!

I had a few salted almonds for snacking at work and dinner was super simple, some fruit, some veggies and tuna. The shrimp salad was my main dish of the day.

I am definitely feeling so much more empowered with Whole30 this time around and even though I’ve been working a ton (today I even worked my part time job after a full day at my full time job), and I’ve had many stresses at home with some decision making about my daughter’s school and other things, my migraines have been at bay which is simply amazing!


I didn’t walk as much as yesterday, but I think if I wore a watch or something that counted my steps it would definitely show more activity, I just don’t carry my phone in my hands all day when I work. My steps yesterday were impressive, so I’ll keep the motivation going based on that! 

DAY 15 (week 3)

Today started off SO amazingly relaxing and by noon the day turned into chaos at one of my jobs while I was at my second job. You can call this a weekend hustle gone wrong. Why do I mention it while doing Whole30? Because I’ve always been a huge stress eater, HUGE!!! I used to go to food (usually not good for me kind of food) when I was feeling sad, or angry or anxious or whatever feelings opposite of happy. During the busyness and chaos and figuring things out of the day, I was scared that I would do what I would’ve done before... drive through some fast food restaurant and pick up burgers and cheesy fries or fast food tacos or something like that, but I DIDNT, Instead, I gathered up all my strength and determination and reminded myself the WHYS of me doing Whole30 - chronic pain relief, and pushed through.

After work, I drove straight home and as soon as I got home I took out all the ingredients to make fresh pico de Gallo salsa, and ground turkey for a simple taco bowl. While I chopped and diced and simmered, I snacked on a few salted almonds and black olives because I was really hungry and I knew food would take a little bit to cook.

I was so proud of myself for doing this for MYSELF and putting myself, and my health first.

Tomorrow is going to rain and usually the day before means, huge migraine because of the barometric pressure. But to my surprise, NO MIGRAINE, not even a headache, I’m still feeling a little suspicious about it, but I’m staying hopeful and confident that what I’m doing is really, truly working.


6,465 STEPS

DAY 16 (Week 3)

Wow, today was a BUSY day!!! I feel like I say this a lot haha, but today was the king of busy days for me in a long time!

I worked two jobs from morning to night but I somehow managed to eat all the Whole30 favorites during the day.

Breakfast was a super quick and simple two egg scramble with a side of cantaloupe

Lunch, leftover turkey ground meat and homemade pico de Gallo salsa from the day before and a few pistachios.

Snack: a banana

Dinner: a DELICIOUS salad I made myself upon returning home from work and being out all day. Butter lettuce, red bell peppers, red onions, seedless cucumbers, and sautéed shrimp seasoned with garlic and onion powders, caraway seeds, chilly pepper, black pepper and salt, ohhhh and the dressing? Olive oil and balsamic vinegar, amazing!!! Yum!

I walked a lot at both jobs all day, but I didn’t have time to go for a formal walk.

Lots of water drinking today and NO MIGRAINE, NO PRESCRIPTION PILLS, NO OVER THE COUNTER MEDS! Hurray!!!

DAY 17 (Week 3)

Today was a hard day on many aspects and stress got the best of me and between weather factors and high levels of stress, I got an awful migraine that required prescription medicine, I was bummed about that. 

Although it was awful, it was a good reminder to keep seeking inner peace and learn to process the daily stresses of life (today’s stresses were more extraordinary than ordinary) so it doesn’t affect my physical health.

One huge thing I noticed though. Since I haven’t taken this medicine in days, my body didn’t react in a terrible way as always. I think when I take too much of it and too often (something I simply haven’t been able to avoid before), then my body kind of goes into shock. I’ll have share this with my Neurologist.

Although I struggled with life a little, and the physical pain and everything else, it was reassuring to me to still feel so encouraged and motivated with sticking to my Whole30 plan.

Breakfast was delicious!!! A two egg veggie omelette with generous tomato slices and avocado.

Lunch was more of a snack, I was so full from breakfast. I had half a cantaloupe, a handful of salted almonds and some olives. I was completely satisfied.

Dinner was tuna, steamed potatoes, lychees and red bell peppers. Random but tasty and filling, which is important.

I wish I could say NO MIGRAINE AND NO PILLS, but that wouldn’t be the truth, at least I survived the day and stayed committed to my program.

I also went on a long walk which was my favorite walk of all my walks during this Whole30 round so far. The weather was cool and perfect, and I talked on the phone with my mother the whole time who is far away from me. It was a therapeutic walk.

I’m feeling much better in every way and a little more wholesome and my migraine is subsiding.

Thankful for the little glimpses of hope and joy.

DAY 18 (Week 3)

This morning I was able to sit a little longer on the porch to enjoy my morning coffee before work and then made myself a super simple breakfast. One scramble egg, a banana and some salted almonds, very random but that’s what sounded good to me

Lunch was simply delicious!!! I came home for lunch and made my favorite shrimp salad with tons of veggies with a homemade vinaigrette.

Dinner was another random meal of oven baked bacon, portabella mushrooms, roasted veggies and fresh sliced tomatoes, all generously seasoned. Oh, and half of a small iceberg lettuce with black pepper, chili powder and the squeeze of half a lemon, so good!

Even though I was exhausted after work from not sleeping the night before, I talked myself into going for a walk, and I made sure that it was a nice long walk.


Lots of water and a wholesome walk.

DAY 19 (Week 3)

Today was another super busy day at work but despite the many projects and running around, I managed to eat all the healthy things and most importantly, stay away from unhealthy temptations. Funny thing is, I’m not even craving them anymore.

Yesterday, something funny happened to me. I LOVE frozen grapes and I eat them often, but I hadn’t eaten frozen grapes since I started this round of Whole30. I tried a few for the first time this round and they tasted SO sweet I almost couldn’t eat them. I asked my husband if they were sweeter than usual and he said no. I’m thinking my taste buds are converting. 😉

I didn’t have an appetite for anything big today and I ate a banana and a handful of salted almonds, that sounded good to me for some reason. With a cup of black coffee of course.

Lunch was grilled chicken, guacamole, and shredded lettuce with pico de gallo salsa.

For dinner I made mini turkey patties with chopped red onions and sweet peppers, and a side salad of seedless cucumbers, red bell pepper, red onions and black olives with my favorite olive oil, balsamic vinegar and crushed red pepper vinaigrette, yum!

My head didn’t feel great today, but I think it was a hangover from the migraine I had the other day, or weather or possible stress. I’ve had quite a lot of that lately which I’m not keen of, but life is like that sometimes.

I’m feeling very grateful tonight about my progress so far, my daily motivation to eat healthy and make homemade meals and especially for getting way more exercise than I’ve gotten in a long time! Today I waked a total of 3 miles. Doesn’t sound like a lot, but after a 12 hour work day, and cooking meals from scratch before work, in between and after work, I call 3 miles a HUGE success! Day 20, here I come!

DAY 20 (Week 3)

Today was an amazing day!!! I had the day off from work but besides being my day off which is always a nice thing to have, what made it really special was that I spent a lot of time with my 22 year old and my 18 year old daughters, especially spent the majority of the day with the eldest which was much needed.

Breakfast rocked today! I made sweet potato toast with almond butter and bananas on top, a 2 egg scramble and big tomato slices on the side. I added a few blueberries to the plate which made it even more delicious.

Lunch was a combination of leftover dinner from last night (turkey meatballs with red bell peppers and red onions, half of a tomato, half avocado and half a mango), it was definitely enough to give me energy for the rest of the day.

I ran many, many errands all day and my favorite stop was definitely at Trader Joe’s which always makes me happy. I found a beautiful huge piece of Alaskan salmon which I made for dinner tonight with a side of asparagus, avocado and vine tomatoes. So good!!!

Let’s not forget what happened in between lunch and dinner. 

My daughters and I took a 4 mile walk at a forest preserve near our house and the weather couldn’t have been more ideal. Mid 70’s and overcast. We walked 2 miles, then stopped by the lake and sat under a tree to snack on almonds and drink our water.

If I could bottle up any day in the past few weeks, it would be this day! ️


LOTS of water and over 11,000 steps!!! Woot woot!!! 🥳 Whole30 I’m kind of I’m love with you!

PS: my oldest daughter said to me after dinner “I can tell your level of energy and and mood in general has changed, you are acting very Whole30!” Haha loved that!

DAY 21 (Week 3)

I honestly cannot believe that I will soon start week 4 of my third round of Whole30! In all honesty, I’ve felt the most empowered in this round. It could be the fact that I have adopted the Whole30 lifestyle into my everyday life, on and off, or the fact that I really was very much aware of the whys of me wanting to do Whole30 again.

Breakfast was super simple! A scramble egg, a banana and some salted almonds and it was actually super tasty.

I worked many, many hours at the office today and even though I had really hoped to leave the office at some point to go home and make a big lunch, I just didn’t have the time. Today was the first time that I went for a non home cooked meal, and chipotle it was! I had one of their lifestyle bowls, Whole30 of course , and even though it left me feeling very full, I craved my own food at home! Well, the adjustment today was necessary and I was grateful for the opportunity to still be Whole30 complaint and happy with the choice.

After work I had leftover turkey meatballs from a couple days ago, and a super quick salad of mixed greens, tomatoes and red onions. Filling and delicious.

Also, a big moment for me. As soon as I ate, I put on my gym shoes and headed outdoors to get some fresh air, 40 minutes of nonstop walk and a clear my mind from the hustle and bustle of the day. I am loving the way my body is reacting to activity. I’m starting to feel a few more muscles I didn’t know I had.

Today was a busy day, but a good day, especially feeling great about the process I’ve made so far!


Lots of water and 7,000 steps!

DAY 22 (week 4)
167 lbs

Another busy work day for this gal over here but it was a good day at work. Lots done and projects accomplished, it’s a good thing I love my job, I really don’t mind being there even on the weekends when I have to.

We had a family breakfast of scrambled eggs with onions and red bell peppers, and avocado and tomato slices on the side, super delicious and easy.

Lunch was kind of on the go type of situation since I had a lot going on at work and really no time to sit down for a big meal, or cook something for myself.

BUT, I was supper proud of myself because a group of people from work ordered pizza for lunch to eat between the projects we were working on but I politely declined. A couple of people asked why I wasn’t interested in eating since it was obvious we had all been working hard and I told them about Whole30, to my surprise no one knew what this program was all about and it’s benefits! I shared some of the information I have, my experience and left thinking, I got work to do, I have to talk to more people about this! This is my mission after this round, to share with everyone I can about the benefits of Whole30.

Lunch for me was a banana, a few lychees, fresh jicama and a handful of salted almonds, it was actually a great combo and kept me going and energized for the next few hours until dinner time.

Dinner was so good, and it came as a surprise. I was supposed to make scallops for dinner and when I opened the package of fresh scallops I bought just two days ago they were slimy and with a very fishy odor, no bueno if you ask me! I grew up eating lots of fresh seafood living close to the ocean in my childhood, and I know when fish is not fresh, thankfully, I had shrimp in the freezer and it saved the day. I steamed fresh green beans, sautéed a huge portobello mushroom and paired them together with the shrimp and two fresh figs that were succulent!

NO MIGRAINE TODAY. NO PRESCRIPTION PILLS. Almost 10,000 steps and tons of water later, I call this day a success!!!

DAY 23 (Week 4)

Today was a long day between work and house chores but thankfully I managed to cook all meals and even go for a long walk.

Breakfast was scrambled eggs with vine tomato slices and coffee.

Lunch was fruit and some nuts and lots of veggies and it was all very filling.

Dinner was amazing! I made homemade turkey patties loaded with veggies and tasty spices and an arugula, tomato, cucumber and avocado salad with a homemade balsamic vinaigrette.

A friend gave me a box of my favorite chocolate, and once again I was able to put them aside for now and share with my family. I am proud of my progress with this round of Whole30 and the chocolate as delicious as it looked, was not worth the hard work.

It rained tonight and I wasn’t able to walk as much as I wanted to, but at least I got 3 miles in, which was pretty good considering that I worked half day and cooked a ton too.

The barometric pressure started giving me a mild headache but I managed to keep it under control and not take prescription meds.

Lots of water today too! A good day!

DAY 24 (Week 4)

Today was a really good day in every way and I’m certainly grateful for it.

Breakfast was simple and I ate what a had a taste for. An orange, some blueberries and a handful of salted almonds.

Lunch was huge and SO tasty! I made an arugula salad (my very favorite green for salads! Actually I’m between arugula and kale), cubed seedless cucumbers, one full juicy vine tomato, one small red onion, one full red bell pepper, green olives, half of an avocado, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. I cut two small turkey patties from yesterday’s dinner and added that to my salad for the protein effect. My huge salad bowl was so delicious and it kept me full until dinner time.

Dinner was super improvised and I’m actually going to repeat it because it was that tasty! I sautéed one full white onion, one red bell pepper and when they were half browned, I added shredded chicken breast and small white potatoes previously steamed and combined gently until all golden brown. I seasoned with salt and pepper and at the end, topped it with avocado cubes, crushed red pepper and everything but the bagel seasoning, SO yum!


Lots of water during the day and a 3 mile walk. Not bad for a full and long work day. Feeling pretty content about my overall progress!

DAY 25 (Week 4)

Day 25 was a BLAST starting with the fact that I had the day off from work and it allowed me for lots of self care! Love when that happens!

I made myself a super delicious breakfast that consisted of a two egg omelette, one full sliced tomato and two figs, yum! I ate it on the porch with a cup of coffee on the side.

After lunch I went for a long walk at a forest preserve near my house and it was my longest continuous walk since I started this third round of Whole30, 4 miles to be exact but they felt like a huge victory since I wasn’t even able to complete one full mile when I first started this round of Whole30. It felt great being outdoors and seeing other people too be in touch with nature. Walking, hiking, roller skating, canoeing and fishing. One lady was even painting on canvas by the lake. A peaceful and serene walk it was.

I had a super simple lunch because I wasn’t really hungry for a big meal. I sautéed an entire cauliflower with garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper and after I plated, I squeeze half a lemon juice all over. I had a couple of small plums on the side and some almonds and that was all I needed. It was actually a lot, because I ate the whole cauliflower head. 

Dinner was just amazing if I say so myself! A skinless, boneless chicken breast cooked on a hot skillet with olive oil and my to go spices: garlic and onion powder, black pepper and salt. A side of baby broccoli which I had never made before and LOVED it! I cooked that on a hot skillet also with some olive oil, lots of fresh minced garlic, crushed red pepper, coarse salt and a squeeze of lemon at the end. I served it with some tomato slices and a generous handful of fresh blueberries that were just perfect!

Today was one of those awesome days that leaves you with a big smile on your face.

NO MIGRAINE. NO PRESCRIPTION PILLS and 5.5 miles of walking later between my forest preserve walk and my evening walk with my husband, I call that a success!

DAY 26 (Week 4)

BUSY work day, but super productive, so I call it a win!

Because work was so intense today, my meals were all over the place, but I did manage to have all the right foods for my body AND keep it Whole30, which by now, it’s SO easy to do!

Yesterday was the one day where I really felt one with this program and today was no exception. Navigating Whole30 comes natural to me now, and I love it!

Breakfast was so random, but so delish: 1 banana, 1 sliced tomato, a handful of blueberries and a few salted almonds.

Lunch: one skinless, boneless chicken breast cooked stove top with a drizzled of olive oil and spices. One tomato, half of an avocado, red bell peppers and leftover broccoli from dinner the night before, yum!

Dinner was hectic and by the desk, but I managed to have a chicken salad with pico de gallo salsa and homemade guacamole.

Early evening snack: a handful of blueberries because these are the best blueberries I’ve gotten in a long time!

I struggled in the morning with the threat of a migraine, but I kept drinking as much water as possible and then ended up picking up my new (and first ever) prescription eyes glasses and I managed to survive the day and it finally went away, hurray for that!

Exercise (or walking I should say) was super low key because I didn’t have time to escape my office for a few minutes, and I am definitely missing that now. It’s 11:20 pm and wish I could still go out now, but it’s too late and not worth the risk of being out by myself late at night. Tomorrow I’m off from work and I can hardly wait to get all the fresh air and movement I can get, I might even take a lunch with me to the forest preserve.

DAY 27 (Week 4)

Today was a great day, because it was my day off from work and it allowed me to do a lot more cooking and meal prepping and exercise.

I made my favorite childhood breakfast of potatoes and scrambled eggs and a side of juicy vine tomatoes.

Lunch was leftover chicken breast (last one from dinner a couple of days ago), and random veggies. Oh, and a plum and a handful of salted almonds too.

After lunch my oldest daughter and I went for a long walk at the forest preserve, we walked approximately 5 miles and it felt great!!!

After the walk we went home and cooked together. I made shrimp, steamed beets, roasted sweet potatoes, which were amazing by the way, and a side of sliced avocado.

I love days when I can enjoy more freely all the things I love to do and eat.

NO MIGRAINE TODAY. NO PRESCRIPTION MEDS. More time for myself and a lot more walking miles. Yay!

DAY 28 (Week 4)

Hard to believe that my third round of Whole30 is almost over!!! 

My morning breakfast today was probably one of my favorites this month and it was so easy. 2 eggs in the form of a rolled omelette, a sliced avocado, tomato slices and a perfectly ripe banana with almonds on top, YUM!

Lunch was simple (I’m all for simple meals ). Tuna, leftover steamed beets and steamed potatoes. It left me feeling full and the combination of food was super tasty.

Work was crazy busy today and I worked very long hours which left me no time for evening walks or lots of cooking, but I managed to have grilled salmon and butternut squash with spinach for dinner. I considered going out for a walk after dinner, but it was way too late and not worth the risk of being out late at night by myself.

I’m working on fitting walking into my schedule, always a work in progress. Working a full time job that is a little fuller than full sometimes and an occasional part time job on the side, leaves me little time for that after all the food prep and cooking, but I know I will manage somehow to get it done! 

NO migraine today. No pills, yay!!!

Double the walk tomorrow to make up for today! 

DAY 29 (Week 4)

Another busy day of work, but what’s new at this point! 

Luckily, I planned my meals really well today and I was able to have all my Whole30 complaint foods that I needed during the day.

Breakfast was definitely kind of on the go type of situation, and although I did eat at home, I didn’t have a whole lot of time to eat and relax, but that’s ok. Eating a healthy breakfast made me feel like I started the day on a good note, which I did.

Lunch was interesting, but tasty AND complaint which made me happy of course. I had plain cold shrimp with a generous squeeze of lemon juice, a full tomato, a red bell pepper, half of an avocado and half of an apple, oh, and a handful of salted almonds. Wow, that was a lot, but all good for you food, so that’s good! Delicious, simple and nutritious, which is my main focus right now.

After a full day of work, dinner was grilled salmon with a squeeze of lemon, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Butternut squash with spinach, steamed asparagus and a kale salad with the “works”. Kale, cherry tomatoes, artichokes, olives, mushrooms, beets, a drizzled of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Oh my goodness, this meal was mouth watering and so satisfying.

I was able to go on a long walk after dinner, hurray!!! After a full day of work, cooking, dinner and everything else in between I wasn’t sure if the day would have enough hours left, but thankfully, my husband and I were able to sneak in a long evening walk and get my steps in. It felt SO good!!!

Today was another no migraine, no prescription day. I am loving this!

I’m feeling a little melancholic about this round of Whole30 ending tomorrow actually. This round has been no doubt, my most empowering one, and I’m thankful for the strides made so far. ️

DAY 30 (Week 4)
165 lbs

It’s here, the day is HERE!!! Day 30 of Whole30!!!

Waking up this morning felt like Christmas Day! I had been anticipating Day 30 of Whole30 for... well, 30 days! 

It’s an amazing feeling of accomplishment to get to this point, but now is when the real work and fun begins for me. I am determined to staying committed to this program to the best of my ability moving forward and not only hoping for the best, but WORKING towards the best results possible.

Healthy eating is a year round commitment!

I had to be at work early today and breakfast was kind of on the run, but still managed to have an egg, some fruit and half of an avocado.

After work I came home to cook chop and dice and simmer and made a delicious beef stew and steamed potatoes for a late lunch, early dinner type of situation.

My third meal of the day was around 7 pm, later than usual but my day got backtracked with work. I had a plateful of roasted veggies, a few pieces of shrimp and a bowl of blueberries, I could’ve eaten two bowls of those blueberries they were perfection!

Today was a great example that meals don’t have to be perfectly planned to be healthy and nutritious and that by simply having food that is good for our bodies at hand, is good enough, a little creativity and mindfulness goes a long way.

Since I started this new round of Whole30 I have been working towards increasing the amount of time I walk every day, and mainly the number of steps, and today on my last day of Whole30, I wanted to end the day by walking a minimum of 10,000 and I did it, I walked a total of 10,715 steps and it felt glorious!

No migraine, no prescription medicine, good meals and exercise was a PERFECT way to end this round of Whole30! Hurray for me! 

Feeling beyond grateful for the opportunity to push the reset button on my healthy lifestyle journey. 💗




A Love Note To My Youngest Child, Bella

A Love Note To My Youngest Child, Bella

An Unexpected Roadtrip To The Big Apple Amidst A Global Pandemic

An Unexpected Roadtrip To The Big Apple Amidst A Global Pandemic