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Self Honoring

Self Honoring

Self Honoring. What does it all mean?

I’ve always been of the idea that we must take care of ourselves first, before we can take care of anybody else, or anything else. Have I succeeded at following my own advice? No! Not the way I want to anyways.

This year has been particularly challenging for me in many ways. I’ve put everyone first, and have left myself at the very end of the “self care” line.

There have been many moments where taking care of someone, or something else before me first, has not been an option, and that’s ok, I had to do what was necessary, but my body has definitely kept a score.

I have neglected myself in almost every possible way this year, and lately my physical health has been suffering because of it. I’ve suffered from chronic migraines for a few decades now, something I wouldn’t wish on my least favorite person, but life goes on. I’ve dealt with it with medicine, ALL kinds of different treatments, but what has worked best for me in the past is food, an anti inflammatory diet. Environment is also HUGE for me, not only stress, but barometric pressure, but I don’t have much control over that, especially nature.

My migraines have been horrific again lately, and I’ve depended on my medicine the last few weeks, like I depend on water, but you wouldn’t know because I’ve learned to cope with it silently, and I’m become pretty good at hiding pain. The invisible chronic pain sufferer, eventually masters this technique because no one really sees what you are suffering from.

Life has been challenging personally, and I’ve had many sleepless nights worrying about family members, and situations outside of my house. Somehow, some years, some seasons are just different than others, that’s what makes life, LIFE.

Wednesday night I had some type of epiphany and things became very clear to me. Honoring myself has to become a priority, it doesn’t mean I won’t love, and care for others in the same capacity I always have, but I must treat myself with compassion, understanding, gentleness, acceptance, and love, in order to become the person I want to be, with my flows, and gifts, but me.

When it comes to self care , I love the air mask analogy. I recently flew on four different aircrafts to take my mom back to her hometown, and get myself back home. If you’ve flown before you know that the plane never takes off before giving you all the necessary instructions, precautions, warnings in the event of an emergency. One of the first announcements after telling you how to properly put on your seatbelt is, “if there is sudden change of pressure in the cabin, the air masks will automatically drop down. Put on your oxygen/air mask first, and then assist children, or anyone else who might need assistance next to you.”

Why is this crucial?! Because if we don’t take care of ourselves first, we cannot take care of anyone else!

Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom (it sounds dramatic, but it’s a good comparison), in order to wake up, and realize we need to start putting ourselves first, start saying yes so freely and easily, take time to say our prayers, meditate, eat foods that nurture us, get some fresh air, and surround ourselves with people, and situations that brings us joy, and peace.

I am a huge foodie, staying away from foods that are tasty, but not necessarily good for my body, is not easy, but once I start doing that, motivation kicks in, and I’m on a roll.

Determined to make the rest of this year, a good year for me, nurturing every part of my being, body, mind, and soul. Sounds easy… but it’s a journey. ❤️

Cheers to the rest of the year, and the rest of our lives choosing us, so we can fully -and well- be there for those we love. ☕️