Mondays with Maria

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Friendships That Nurture The Soul

June has been a hard month for me. Life has seasons, and sometimes those seasons are broken up into months, weeks, or a handful of days. June 2023 will be a month I’ll remember forever. A month of walking in my own desert, with no direction, and as awful as it sounds, almost with no hope, and some darkness.

My body was feeling tired, my soul spent, and one evening as I sat alone reflecting on what the past few weeks/days had felt like I thought “in all my life, all half a century of a life, I have never felt like this before, because even when I felt the most pain about situations I was going through, I had somehow taken the time to nurture myself, and do what I had to do to find my way back… a way back to myself.”

Not this time, this time felt different because I felt as if I had been getting “hit” from every possible direction.

A dear friend of mine who often texts hellos, how are you’s, and constantly inspires me and encourages me to take care of myself without being pushy, sent me a text early of last week as I was in the midst of a super busy work week just checking on me. “I’ve been thinking of you…” Every time she texts to check on me, especially when she’s aware that I’m going through hard times, she says “how are you? I’m thinking of you! No need to reply, but if you need ANYTHING, please let me know!”

I know she always means it! All I have to do is say “yes, I could use some help with…” and she’ll be there.

This time when I received her message I thought, you know what, yes I’m super crazy busy, but I have to eat, and take a little break, so I decided to text back and asked if she’d want to meet for lunch, or maybe a walk.  She replied right away and said “how about I pick up lunch, and we go from there…” DEAL!

She showed up at my work, and we decided to sit under a huge, empty tent for a big event that was starting that evening.  It was just the two of us, the weather was perfection. She picked up burrito bowls and chips for both of us (my lunch choice), and we sat down to eat and enjoy our time alone. We talked A LOT, we shared from the heart, I poured my heart out to her, I cried, and we had the best time connecting, and making sense of the messy life we sometimes have. I could only meet for a short while because I had to go back to work, and projects I had going on, but by the time she left, I felt a lot lighter, and with a lesser burden on my shoulders. I felt heard, understood, and most importantly… loved. My sweet friend’s name is, Juliette, and she’s as lovely as her name. ❤️

The next day I reached out to a dear friend with a question I had, and I said to her, let me know when you can talk. She replied in a matter of seconds quite literally with “I can come now!” and next thing I knew I was hearing her voice at the front office of my work place asking to see me. We went outside for a few minutes to chat, and for me to get some air, and as we talked (nothing super deep or emotional this time 😅), she made me feel so much more at peace with life, and her empathy, and humor made me breathe a little better. Two hours later she showed up at my work again homemade dinner in hand, DELICIOUS grilled salmon, and veggies, a cookie, and my favorite iced tea from a local eatery. And… written notes of support in the wrappings.

She dropped it off, gave me a big hug, said I love you, you’ve got this… and then said “see you later!” at the work event I was getting ready for. I went inside after she left and ate her delicious meal, and treats at my desk, and with every bite I gave thanks for the gift of her friendship.

A gift of love, no strings attached, just an opportunity to say “I’m here, I’ve got you, you are not alone.” Actions speak louder than words, and her gesture and care meant so much. My sweet, and funny friend’s name is Katie. 🥰

PS: We took the picture the day before! I did change clothes! 🤓😂

The next day I experienced a powerful healing moment at a meditation garden, which I almost canceled because I just “didn’t have it in me”, but I am so happy that I decided to go forward with my commitment, because that day was magic. I am hoping to share some of that day next Monday, because it touched my heart in bigger ways than I had anticipated.

I needed moments of grace last week, healing, understanding, love, and empathy, and I got it all in the form of lovely, caring, and amazing human beings and I feel SO much better now. I needed all of these lovely humans.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.

I am grateful for friends that nurture my soul, love me, and appreciate me unconditionally. Sometimes, our bodies, minds, and souls just need a little bit of love to help us embrace the beauty of life that surrounds us.

I hope you have someone in your corner that puts smiles on your face, and reminds you that life IS indeed beautiful! ❤️✨