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Cantigny, Goebberts and DQ

Cantigny, Goebberts and DQ

After a long weekend (literally) I’m doing what I love most, well, one of the things I love most.  I’m sitting on the deck, writing and looking at all the pictures I took of my family today.  After what it felt like one million degrees outside, right now it’s a pleasant mid 80’s with the most soothing breeze.  Ah, how I love this weather!!!


Memorial Day weekend had a little bit of a rocky start, as it greeted me with a lovely migraine.  I have been blessed with migraine free days for weeks, but this one showed up like a fierce hurricane in the calmest of weathers.  Thankfully, I woke up migraine free today and I was able to enjoy the day with Stan and the girls.

Early morning, we headed over to Cantigny Park in Wheaton, Illinois, a place I’ve always wanted to visit and today being Memorial Day, it felt like the perfect day to visit.  Cantigny is a beautiful 500 acre park formerly owned by Joseph Medill and his grandson Colonel Robert R. McCormick, publishers of the Chicago Tribune.  It has beautiful walking trails, an education center and a First Division Museum (among many other things) which features microfilms about World War I and II which was both fascinating and haunting to see.  We owe so much to those solders who sacrificed it all for our freedom. 


This Memorial Day, Cantigny had a full day planned with activities for their Centennial Commemoration.  100 years of World War I and the Battle of Cantigny history.  The day at Cantigny started with a touching Memorial ceremony and a release of pigeons, family activities, reading of war letters and a poppy display.  Wearing of a poppy means to honor the dead and help the living.  One of the displays that impacted me the most in the First Division Museum was a displayed called “What They Carried”.  It featured personal items soldiers carried with them during the war that reminded them of home.  Along with those items, they also carried, fears, hopes, friendships and immense responsibilities.  If they were lucky to come home, they also carried memories and stories of their service.  To all the soldiers, thank you for your service.

After a wonderful visit at Cantigny, Stan and I headed over to Goebbert’s Farm to pick up some flowers.  Ohhhh, I could spend an entire day there admiring their beautiful flowers.  We found more than we needed and came home very, very happy,  especially me!   Now, our deck looks even more beautiful and inviting.  I am so looking forward to lazy summer days on the deck, admiring our flowers, Stan’s fruit trees and sipping flavorful drinks while enjoying some good conversations and lots of laughter.

Thankful for this weekend, for what we learned, for the opportunity to give thanks for years of service, for good weather, for healthy bodies, delicious food and endless trips to DQ for ice cream.

Happy Memorial Day! 

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