

Welcome to my blog. A place to share my thoughts, dreams and everyday passions!

Love Endures All Things

Love Endures All Things

Look at them both.  So beautiful, so handsome.  I will never get tired of looking at my parents pictures from their youth, they just looked so perfect in every way.  I can almost feel their joy on that walk through the fields on what seemed to be a pleasant summer day in sunny Mexico.

My parents have been married for forty seven years now, an easy number to pronounce, but the stories that could be told of those years together could be book worthy.


According to my parents, my dad met my mom at her place of work during a business visit and from that moment he made a point to "accidentally" run into her every time he had an opportunity.  They had very different lifestyles, very different upbringings, but they were attracted to each other and shared some common goals.  My mom told me once that my dad was quite committed in pursuing her and apparently hard work paid off. 

It hasn't always been easy for them.  They've had many struggles in their years together, but I have always admired their commitment to each other.  They have walked side by side through the good and the bad, in illness and in health, faithful every step of the way.  My mom has been visually impaired for a few years now and my dad continues to be her biggest source of support through this life challenge.

They've had plenty of good years also, many happy days.  My dad has always been a nature enthusiast.  I remember many road trips to the river as a child.  My mom would pack up a lunch, a thermos with coffee for my dad, pillows and blankets for us kids and off we would go!  He took us hiking regularly and wanted us to fully absorb the beauty of the outdoors.  I remember my dad behind the wheel sharing stories and facts about the mountains and landmarks we would pass, he's always had a brilliant mind and has read more books that any person I know.  Those were precious years that I will carry with me forever. 

Their pace has slowed down quite a bit now, life has tired them, but the love and commitment for each other has only grown stronger through the years, and they have remained each other's biggest support system through it all.  They are not the physically affectionate kind, but they have their own ways to show their love for each other.  My mom is vigilant of my dad's sleep when he needs to rest and my dad is my mom's eyes for all her vision needs.  They may not look the same way they looked forty seven years ago, but they walk side by side closer than ever before.  They care deeply about each other and their life story will always be a pillar of strength and commitment in my own life.

When we think of someone, that thought becomes a prayer and so, with these memories I shower them both with endless blessings.  Blessings of health, peace and comfort. 

Father's Day with Stasiu

Father's Day with Stasiu

Cantigny, Goebberts and DQ

Cantigny, Goebberts and DQ