Mondays with Maria

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Call Me Martha!

In a blink of an eye, Summer was over!  I know Summer is not “officially” over, but somehow the beginning of a new school year always marks the end of Summer for us.  For the first time ever (in my recollection), I witnessed my carefree High Schooler experience a certain level of anxiety about the start of a new school year, and I didn’t like it... at all.  All of a sudden she was worrying about everything and anything, and the fact that her class schedule had changed drastically just a couple of days before school started, didn’t help matters.  I didn’t really know how to react to her stress since I am not used to it.  Bella has always been the cheerleader and sunshine of our family, always happy, always carefree.  I thought that perhaps if I ignored the stress she was feeling and went on with the day, that would be a good way for her to 'get over it'.  Well that wasn’t the case, that is never the case when it comes to worry.  Thankfully, I had Stan and Michelle to remind me that sometimes you have to face your fears in order to overcome them.  This was a big test for me as well.  I had to face MY fear of seeing my little girl hurting, to help HER overcome her own fears and uncertainties.  I was suddenly gifted with the wisdom I needed to guide Bella and to provide the comfort and love she needed to build herself up again.  We talked, we hugged, we cried, we laughed and then we planned a picnic by the lake. 

That simple gesture turned out to be one of the best Summer memories we will have this year. 

We carefully made cute little sandwiches, cut the watermelon, packed veggies and dip and homemade lemonade.  As we pulled up into the parking lot at the forest preserve and I started setting up the picnic while the girls and Stan played frisbee, I felt my burdens from earlier in the day being lifted and everything was ok with the world again… for the time being at least. 

We ate the food, we had the best conversations, we laughed a lot and recharged.  It was a perfect way to end the weekend and set the tone for the start of a new school year.

The alarm went off at 5:15 a.m. this morning for Bella to start another year of High School and I am excited to see what her Junior year will bring!  Tennis tryouts have started, a trip to New York City with the school Orchestra is in the making and College preparation will soon be starting.  My little girl is not so little anymore and although taller, smarter and more mature, my heart rejoices at the knowledge that despite the few bumps on the road and disappointments that life might bring from time to time, she still remains the sweet Bella she has always been.  Thankful for the gift and light of her life!