

Welcome to my blog. A place to share my thoughts, dreams and everyday passions!

My Girls

My Girls

The countdown has began for Michelle to start her new College journey. It feels different this time, it feels real. She is excited, she is thrilled and most importantly, she is HAPPY!!! Maybe one day I will elaborate about the first two years of her College experience from a mother’s point of view, but for right now, I want to let my whole being feel all the emotions of being the mom of the two most beautiful, kindhearted and loving sisters.

I remember the days prior to Bella’s birth as if it were yesterday. I found myself overwhelmed with worry thinking "how am I supposed to love this new baby as much as I love Michelle".  Michelle was four and a half years old, bonds were developed between her and I, and in my eyes she was perfect in every way.  Then, the day came and Bella made her grand entrance into the world.  A heart with walking feet, that's what I’ve always called her... funny, loving, kind, forgiving and selfless and she proved (as I knew) that loving two children equally as much would be the easiest thing to do.  

Motherhood is not always an easy paved road, it has it's challenges too.  Countless times I have played the role of a driver, a chef, a nurse, a doctor, a personal assistant, a personal shopper, a counselor, a physical therapist, a motivational speaker, a spiritual guide, and the list could go on and on... sometimes I have played those roles all at once and loved every minute of it.

Many times in the quiet of the night I watch them sleep and I thank God for trusting them under my care. I hope and pray that the miles that school or professions that will separate them from time to time in the future, will never get in the way of that special bond they’ve always shared.

Michelle is Bella’s biggest protector and source of inspiration and Bella is Michelle’s constant ray of sunshine that is always tugging at her heart reminding her of the goodness in the world.


If life has taught me anything, it has taught me that the love of a mother has no expiration, knows no impossibles and it's selfless in every way.

My dear friend Kelly

My dear friend Kelly

About that November day in 1996

About that November day in 1996