

Welcome to my blog. A place to share my thoughts, dreams and everyday passions!

My dear friend Kelly

My dear friend Kelly

New York City… a novel.  That’s what my next blog post should be named.  So much happened in such short amount of time.  Before the trip, during the trip and after the trip, but I will leave that story for a later time after I collect my thoughts because right now, I don’t even remember if Ohio came before Pennsylvania or if I had that delicious pumpkin ravioli in New Jersey or Indiana.  Is there such a thing as “road trip” jet lag?  Because I think I have it!  But for right now, I’d like to dedicate some space to my amazing friend Kelly who lives 200 miles away from us and is selfless in every way.

A few weeks ago Kelly and I were on the phone chatting about our everyday life and in conversation I mentioned that we were still trying to figure out logistics with Bella for our time away in New York.  It is very challenging not having family near us, and with Bella being a Junior in High School, missing four days of school and important extra curriculum activities she had over the weekend, it would’ve been very stressful for her.  Without hesitation or me asking, Kelly offered to stay at our house during our time in NYC.  She booked a trip on Amtrak and arrived at our house a few hours after we left for our road trip.  It ended up being the best possible solution to our situation!  Bella was able to continue with her school and daily routine at home and in her free time, they were able to spend time together shopping, eating out or simply chatting, and according to Kelly, Bella even offered meaningful insight about life. 😊


 “We need Joy as we need air. We need Love as we need water. We need each other as we need the earth we share.” I love this quote by Maya Angelou because this is what friendship means to me.  A true friendship is joyful, pure, and honest.  A true friendship feels like family.  A friend that feels like family is always there to support us, to listen, to help, to laugh, to vent and to love us unconditionally.  I have been immensely blessed by amazing friendships and I feel fortunate to call Kelly, family.

Friends are the family we choose! ♥



My Girls

My Girls