

Welcome to my blog. A place to share my thoughts, dreams and everyday passions!

One Hundred Candles

One Hundred Candles

This March 8th would’ve been my grandma’s 100th birthday.  Even though she's been gone from the physical world for a little bit over a decade now, there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about her, truly.  I speak of her often, and she is the first person that comes to mind when I think about goal setting, great personalities and people with remarkable life accomplishments. She was a woman of great character... in every sense of the word.  A widow at the young age of 41, she raised six children on her own.  When my grandfather died at the age of 44 from an aggressive form of cancer that took his life in four short months, their oldest child was 19 years old and their youngest 3.  My grandma faced great challenges throughout her life, but nothing stopped her from achieving her goals and always craving for more.  She became the first woman Director of the city's town hall, great accomplishment in those days.  I remember seeing a picture at my parent’s house of my grandma attending her first town hall meeting dressed in a woman’s suit, high heels, make up and hair done sitting among an audience of all men.  So powerful.


My grandma also held a position as the Director of the food program for the school districts in our state.  She opened and operated (along with my aunt) a vegetarian restaurant that was a big success in the city. She strategized the location before committing to one. She said “if anyone is going to want to try a new way of eating, it’s going to be young people.” So, she opened the restaurant right across the street from the biggest University of the State.

My grandma also taught Language Arts and English for many years.  She made elaborate wedding cakes from start to finish, she was a great cook and an amazing baker.  She was the biggest humanitarian, activist and advocate for social justice issues.  A woman of great faith and the most elegant lady I have ever known to this day.  Her shoes and purses always matched, along with her lipstick and manicured nails, she was the epitome of class.  I could go on and on about her.  She always encouraged us to follow our dreams and to dream BIG!  She used to say to us “if you can dream it, you can do it!”  My grandma was simply amazing.

I was talking to my mom earlier today, reminiscing about my grandma’s life and with every word she spoke, a new tear rolled down my cheeks.  It was as if I could almost feel the softness of my grandma’s hands and her voice with every story my mom shared.

In our conversation from today, my mom shared that was she admired most about my grandma -her mom- was her tenacity, her intelligence, her goal setting and her altruistic efforts.  Interesting enough, those are the same talents and gifts I admired most about my grandma.

I was very close to my grandma, and I had the privilege of witnessing endless acts of kindness and compassion towards many people that were in need.  She would pick me up at home and say “do you want to run some errands with me?  We can also get lunch!” And she would blink. Apparently, she knew what my soft spot was! 😉 We would go on these “errands” to the grocery store and she would buy carts of groceries.  I knew they couldn’t be for her, she lived by herself.  We would then go to these unknown (to me) neighborhoods and addresses and she’d say “I’ll be right back.” And off she’d go carrying bags and bags of groceries to people’s houses that she knew were in great financial need.  We would leave promptly and quietly as soon as those groceries were delivered and she would never speak of it again. 

I remember once, we were driving somewhere in the inhumane heat of the Sonoran dessert in her air conditioned car and we drove past a bus stop where an elderly lady was waiting for the bus with her groceries.  She made a quick u-turn, pulled up and offered the lady a ride.  I hopped in the back seat so this lady could ride in the front with my grandma.  On the way to drop off this lady, my grandma engaged in conversation with her.  I am sure, that was her opportunity to “screen” her also, and I can almost count on the fact that my grandma visited that lady’s house again with some type of assistance.

My mom told me two stories today that captivated me.  She said that in one occasion a sick woman with little to no financial resources approached my grandma and told her that she had been diagnosed with tuberculosis and had no health insurance and no money to be treated.  My grandma immediately started contacting people to get this lady by the name of Nieves, medical help.  Not only did she get her an appointment to be seen by one of the best Pulmonologists in the state, but she also made sure she was admitted and seen in a hospital until she had completely recovered  On another occasion, she met a homeless man that would beg for food not too far from a place of business where she worked.  The man was very elderly and frail and my grandmother contacted a local senior living hospital where he could go for no charge.  He was taken to that hospital, where he was given a room, fresh clothing and food.  The man was able to stay in that senior living until the day he died a few months later.

My grandma was also FUN!!!  She always planned field trips for the grand kids and all sorts of adventures for all her children to get together with their own families.  She would take us to the circus, camping, out to eat, the rodeo, and she even flew a bunch of us grand kids out of state on vacation.  We even made the newspaper that time at the airport.  I think the headline read “Grandma travels with grandchildren to Mexico City.” My grandma looked impeccable and so elegant in that picture, and all the grand kids are standing around her holding on to their own piece of luggage.  Amazing memories!!! I was always so proud of being her grand daughter.

I could go on and on with these stories.  My grandma lived a life of service, a life of honor, a life of great faith and joy.  Her journey was not always easy, in fact, I think she had more uphill moments than glorious days, but you’d never know if you met her.

She kept her tears and her charity work to herself and she only shared with us her smiles and her love for those around her.

Grandma, you might be gone from our sight, but I can still feel your presence, the softness of your skin and your encouraging words as if it were yesterday.  I can see you smiling as I type this and saying to me “come on, wipe those tears, I am here with you, I have never left you and I never will.”


Happy 100th birthday, grandma!!!  Thank you for all the lessons and all the love.

I will always love you more. ❤

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