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Back To School Advice From A Mother's Point Of View

Back To School Advice From A Mother's Point Of View

As a mom, a new school year always comes wrapped in all kinds emotions and feelings for me. I get excited about the new possibilities and positive interactions my children will have with their peers and teachers, but I also get butterflies thinking about the “not so great” experiences they might face during the school year. It’s a mom thing.

The day before school starts I get a million thoughts racing through my mind. This year feels particularly different for us. My oldest child is starting her Senior year in College and my youngest daughter is starting her Senior year in High School. How did we get here so fast???

As I browse through pictures and memories from previous years, all I can think of is “these kids were just babies a few years ago!” If I close my eyes, I can still see finger paint and dress up clothes spread throughout the house, I can smell the play-doh, hear cartoons playing on tv and even smell the magical scent of Baby Johnson shampoo. Time slips though our fingers quicker than we think.

What grade are your children starting this year? Are they excited about the new school year? Nervous? Do they feel optimistic? Overwhelmed? A little bit of everything? All those feelings are completely normal. At least that has been my experience as a mom.

My advice for all the children, teenagers and even young adults going back to school this year is:

1) Be kind.  Always be kind.  You never know what the kid you are interacting with any particular day might be going through.  Sometimes, kids have to hide behind a smile to make it through the day. 

2) Make new friends.  Welcome others.  Make them feel like they belong.  If you see someone sitting alone, not making friends easily, walk up to them and introduce them to your friends.  It will mean the world to them and most likely they will go home and share the story with their family. 

3) Get good grades, study, try your best, take advantage of the academic opportunities you are given, make the best of it.

4) Respect your teachers!  They want to help you succeed.  Don't give them attitude, they have a personal life and sometimes they too, have to hide behind a smile to give you the best of themselves every day, regardless of the struggles they might be facing at home.  They want the best for you. 

5) Get involved!  Schools have many clubs and activities for everyone to get involved in and it's also a great way to make new friends.  

6) Don't waste too much time behind a screen, notice the people around you.

7) Be humble.  If you have gifts, share them and help others.  The more you give, the more you will receive. 

8) Have fun!!!  Life is a little sweeter when you are sharing special moments with friends. 

9) Don't be afraid to be yourself!  Be genuine, there is only one beautiful, wonderful you!

10) Remember that your family loves you and they are always there to support you.  Reach out. 

And one more thing… Always be kind! I know I already mentioned this but I think it's worth repeating.

May this upcoming year be a year of growth for our children in every possible way and may they always feel safe, happy and immensely loved! ️❤

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