

Welcome to my blog. A place to share my thoughts, dreams and everyday passions!

November Pages 🧡

November Pages 🧡

Monday, November 30, 2020


The last day of the month, I can’t even believe it’s here.  A lot happened this month, and at the same time it felt like all we did was run around in circles. 

I’ve been very busy at work with Advent and Christmas preparations, the weeks don’t seem to have enough days or hours, but it’s definitely a good think I love my job, because it never feels like work.

This month my oldest daughter also signed a lease for a new apartment and she’ll be moving out in a few weeks to start her new life.  It’s very exciting but at the same time frightening in some ways because there is so much uncertainty about life these days, with the virus, and finances, but I feel very hopeful and enthusiastic for her and the new life she will begin. 

My youngest daughter has done so much studying and school work this month it’s exhausting even to watch, but she loves it and seems very passionate about some of her classes which is good. 

This month I have also felt a rainbow of emotions within myself.  Between the political campaigns, covid, social distancing, social media which some of it has left me exhausted by what I see and read, and everything else in between, it’s been challenging, but we made it, and here we are celebrating a month lived, memories made and emotions survived.

Tomorrow we begin a new chapter, the December chapter and we wait in joyful hope for blessings to embrace our lives and those around us. 

Enjoy today. 💛

Sunday, November 29, 2020


Think for a second about how sunny versus gloomy days make you feel.  For most of us, sun means cheerfulness, happiness, positivity, while cloudiness means dullness, lack of energy and an overall blah feeling. 

Don’t take me wrong, I love and embrace a nice cloudy (preferably rainy) day spent at home, on the couch with a blanket over my lap and a good movie or tv show, but sunny days bring me immense JOY. 

It’s science that sunshine increases our serotonin levels, which reduces anxiety and boosts joy and happiness.

Where am I going with this you shall ask?! 😊

Well, just now, as I sat on the couch to sip my second cup of coffee of the day, I was thinking of the people in my life, or people that cross my path on a day to day basis, that feel like sunlight! 

My body, my whole body feels HAPPY and joyful when I come across people that radiate joy.  I feel it, my whole body feels it.  Genuine affection from others to us, is like a love letter to our souls.

In the contrary, when you encounter people or interact with people that when you leave their presence you feel drained, that’s the equivalent to a gloomy day, without the coziness of the rain and blanket over your lap. 😉

Seek people that bring light into your life.  Surround yourself with goodness, people with kind hearts. Choose joy!

This little life of ours is the most precious gem, and we must guard it like the value that it holds. ❤️

Saturday, November 28, 2020


A very long day in many ways and I’m not feeling too inspired to write much today, but one thing I do know; I’ve been eating way too much and a lot of things that make me feel tired and lethargic, but hey, I’m still on Thanksgiving mode. 😉

Good night. ❤️

Friday, November 27, 2020


When my daughters were little I dedicated my whole self into being a mom.  Having a good family life, and happy, well balanced home life was fundamental for me.

The word “tired” was hardly ever in my vocabulary, I thrived with household chores, and decorating, organizing, cooking for my family and driving my girls to and from to their many different activities and commitments they had. 

When you children are little you don’t really put a lot of thought into what they  will be come when they are older, and that’s a good thing, we shouldn’t, the importance should be placed in living the moment and making the best of those moments and that’s what I did.

Looking back, all those memories make me smile really big, but what makes me smile even bigger is the fine young adults my children have become.

This Thanksgiving holiday they decided to do all the planning, and preparations to celebrate Thanksgiving, and I really didn’t know what to expect.  I’d say, I was cautiously optimistic because holiday celebrations take a lot of effort.  There is cleaning to do, and decorating, and grocery shopping and dicing and chopping and baking and roasting and then cleaning again. 

They did all that and more.  They started all the preparations the day before and set the mood for a great celebration. 

My oldest daughter loves setting the ambiance with background music and lit candles when she doesn’t anything homey.  

It was so heartwarming for me to see them enjoy this holiday as much as they did, even more when they insisted they’d be doing everything, every time I volunteered myself to “help out”, they took it upon themselves to give our family a wonderful Thanksgiving. 

They cooked every dish from scratch, made many vegan dishes, baked a huge turkey breast with many spices which turned out so delicious and juicy, made a pumpkin pie and when we finished eating they cleaned up and put everything away.

The table conversation was so much fun and refreshing and I kept watching them with admiration as they talked and expressed their feelings about different topics. 

My “little” girls, are not so little anymore, they are not even little, they are grown up, mature and smart young ladies that I couldn’t be prouder of.  I am looking forward to witnessing the many opportunities that life will present on their paths.

For now, I’m fully enjoying their presence, their gifts and talents and many yummy dishes they’ve been cooking for our family lately.

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with love and special moments. ❤️❤️

Thursday, November 26, 2020


This is certainly a different kind of Thanksgiving.  We have all experienced a lot of challenges, some more than others, but we continue to be strengthened by the love and support of all those that love us and provide us a helping hand when we most need it and lift us up in prayer. 

Holidays have always been difficult for me, well, I’d say in my adult years.  I think it’s the fact that for almost 25 years I’ve been far, far away from my parents, brothers and family.  The celebrations of holidays that I grew up with that included tens of people, have transformed into very small gatherings, most of the time, just our little family of four.  That took some getting used to. 

Stan, Michelle and Bella LOVE the holidays and that has always helped me appreciate these especial days a little more and see things from a different perspective.  Their enthusiasm for special celebrations like Thanksgiving, bring me joy. 

Today I woke up thinking about friends that have lost loved ones this year.  I pray that they will feel the loving embrace of family as they grieve the loss of their children, spouses, parents and siblings. As they reflect on their empty chair at the dinner table today, may they be reminded and comforted by the memories they created during their earthly journey. 

Today especially, I pray for:

🧡 Those feeling the isolation of this Covid Thanksgiving holiday. 

🧡 People experiencing financial hardship and worrying about how they will pay their next bill after providing their family with a holiday meal.

🧡 People that have felt excluded from family and friends due to the new dynamics this season has brought.

🧡 Those experiencing anxiety for the first time about all the unknowns, and those struggling to keep their constant and long term anxiety under control during these challenging times. 

🧡 People that woke up today feeling lonely and are anxious for the day to be over. 

For all of them, I pray. 

Today especially, I give thanks for...

❤️My family. Stan who makes me laugh every day and loves me unconditionally.  Michelle and Bella who are my sunshine and the inspiration of my every day.

❤️ My aging parents and the amazing gift of their lives in mine.  

❤️ For my brothers who love me, support me, appreciate me and put up with me and my crazy ideas every day.

❤️ My cousins, our best and biggest tribe of fun. 

❤️ My friends, near and far away who support me and love me unconditionally. 

❤️ My job that continues to teach me so much about life itself. 

❤️ MY FAITH.  The wind beneath my wings.

For all of these, I pray. 

May you all experience the love and blessings of this day.  Sending my love from our little corner of the world to yours. 🧡🍁❤️

Wednesday, November 25, 2020


Today was an interesting day.  My office was officially closed for business in observance of the holiday, but I had to go in for a few hours to get some things done for the thanksgiving holiday.  The “couple” hours I had talked myself into, turned into a full day of work, but the fact that the office was officially closed gave me an opportunity to get more things done, and for that I was very grateful. 

Between work projects, I took a small break to pick up dessert for tomorrow and on that drive I talked to a long distances friend to catch up on life, and it was great. The older I get, the more I value and appreciate genuine relationships and people that fill my heart with joy. 

My daughters have been cleaning and decorating and cooking for tomorrow all day long, literally.  They put together a menu, went shopping, and got to work.  I call my 22 year old the Holiday Fairy because she LOVES the holidays!!! Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter... loves them all, but I think especially Thanksgiving and Christmas.  She’s always so, so happy and she sets the “mood” in the house by lighting candles, putting background music and making the ambience super homey. 

After work, her and I went to Whole Foods to get a few last minute things she needed for her dishes and a couple of appetizers and we had a few really great conversations.  Her take on life right now, perspectives, her focus on the life she’s trying to create for herself, upcoming plans and starting a new life in an exciting city that she loves.  I’m so proud of her in every way, but especially in the way she embraces life, the good, the not so good and the challenges.  She’s always working on improvement and growth, she makes me proud, sometimes, I don’t react as maturely as she does to certain situations. 

I’m sitting on the couch in the living room, I can hear the girls in the kitchen cooking, talking, laughing, listening to music.  Stan is in the family room watching a special program about the Galapagos in the National Geographic channel and soon, he’ll be joining me to watch a movie on Netflix. 

Life might now always be ideal.  It never is actually, even if it looks that way, but tonight, I’m rejoicing in the blessing that loving my job means, my family of course, and all that life has given us, for even the challenges have taught us important lessons about life. 

Enjoying my last few sips of the pumpkin spice latte I got on the way home from the grocery store and enjoying every moment of rest and relaxation I have right now.

A tiring, productive and blessings filled kind of day. 💛🍁

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


Happy first day of Chicago snow this winter season!!! 🥳

I LOVE the first snowfall of the season, I really, really do!  It makes as excited and giddy as a little kid.  I usually open all the blinds, go outside for a little walk and simply stare at the beauty of nature in fill form

Although the precipitation of upcoming snow and change of weather is like poison for my head as it gives me excruciating migraines, once the “storm” of that migraine passes and the snow falls, I’m ready to enjoy it all.  Snow, coffee in hand and the simplicity of that moment. 

I have a few things to do on my work calendar for today and I am just as excited about these projects as I am now looking at the snow and drinking my coffee.

My husband has been working from home lately and I said to him, almost excitedly commanding, “come see the snow it’s beautiful!!!” He replied “This is only first snow. There will be more of that between now and May. Lol” 🙄😂

Obviously, he doesn’t feel the same level of enthusiasm for snowy days as I do haha - funny thing he grew up with winters like this, but he very much would like to relocate to a sunnier state and never have to deal with snow again.  Me on the other side, although I am with him on sunnier states, I do really enjoy the excitement of the first snowfall and a few cold, and wintery days here and there... and I’m the gal that grew up in hot, steamy weather 365 days out of the year! 😉

Off to enjoy the beauty of this day, all of it! Have a lovely day ahead! 💛

Monday, November 23, 2020


And as the saying goes “the calm after the storm”, that’s what today felt like. 

Yesterday, was one of the most intense days I’ve had this year in many ways, and I cried quite a few tears, and today was a day of good news, calmer waters and less physical pain.

I got a lot done for work, met some important deadlines, cooked, spent time with my girls and Stan, made a few appointments, and talked over the phone with a long distance friend for an hour, and we laughed a lot. 

Life has made shades of yellows.  Some days are faint, some are just right, and some are as bright as the sun.  Today, was calm and exciting all at the same time, and I am feeling very blessed with the gift of appreciation for the simple moments of life.  The ordinary is in most cases what makes our life extraordinary.

Life seems pretty strange these days not doing the things we want to do or how we want to do them, but focusing on what I have around me and the moments of grace within my reach, is certainly giving me peace and balance.

I planned on going to sleep early tonight and here I am, still wondering if I’ll be able to shut my eyes for the day soon before my mind starts wondering again and get at least 7 hours of sleep.  At least I’ll try... 😁🥰

Sunday, November 22, 2020


Another nasty, nasty migraine and I’m starting to feel quite desperate about them, although now I’m curious if some foods I never suspected of being a migraine trigger are triggers. 

I’ve been keeping a diary of my food food for a week every day and did not introduce dairy in any form until yesterday (yogurt).  The entire week I’ve been migraine free and early this morning around 5 am I woke up with one of the most excruciating migraines I’ve had in a while, and if Covid wasn’t growing at the speed of light right now, I would’ve had Stan drive me to the ER.

It’s 2 pm and I’m just getting out of bed, after laying on heating pads and applying ice packs on my head, plus of course taking prescription meds around the clock.  I’m not even hungry, but I’ll make myself eat something.

I feel like I have to try yogurt again sometime this week to see if I’ll have the same effect, but in all honesty, I’m scared.  I read an interesting article that says that cultured dairy products like yogurt and kefir are big migraine triggers, but a cup of plain yogurt can have that forceful of an effect. 

I just yawned and my head felt like it would explode. Praying for pain relief soon. 

Stan just told me the barometric pressure is dropping too and some areas not too far from us are getting snow... well, that completes the picture for me. 

This too shall pass. ❤️

Saturday, November 21, 2020


Today is a BIG day!!!

Today, my parents celebrate 50 years of marriage.  FIFTY.  Amazing accomplishment in so many ways!!!

What an incredible milestone this is in so many ways, especially for my parents. 

My parents have gone through many of ups and downs in their marriage.  Relationship conflicts, MANY differences in opinion, financial problems, health issues, two separations, but they have also done a lot of wonderful things together, the most important one being the fact that they always worked on their relationship in one way or another and now, in their aging years, they are each other’s biggest support system, companionship, eyes (literally since my mom is visually impaired now), and now my mom is my dad’s arm to hold on to as he ages and gets wicker, dad is 12 years older than my mom, and he faces his own physical challenges and limitations.

Today, I’m feeling particularly grateful for the opportunity to celebrate their life together, for the privilege of having all of us still together, my two brothers and I, and for especially for the gift of life, and family love, something I give thanks for every single day. 

I am a bit heartbroken because I can’t be with them on this special day due to covid and travel restrictions, but it’s just how life is right now. I’m hopeful that we will be able to celebrate together very soon again. 

Wishing my parents a wonderful day of celebrations in their own home, and many more years of love, acceptance, understanding and friendship. 

Wrapping them in love and blessing them from 2,000 miles away! ❤️❤️

Friday, November 20, 2020


“This is a wonderful day.  I’ve never seen this one before.” Maya Angelou 

Oh, how I love every word she ever spoke.  I think she’s my favorite writer, dreamer, poet, memoriest, she was simply unique.

Today was a day with every color of the rainbow, and a long day, but now that I’m sitting down and reflecting about all that occurred during the day, I feel immense gratitude.

Gratitude for the love and support of my family.

Gratitude for the jokes and healthy doses of sarcasm at home that makes us laugh during the day.

Gratitude for the gift of loving the jobs I’ve been trusted with, in every way.

Gratitude for the gift of friendship, and my the gift of faith that allows me to support them in prayer when they need it.

Gratitude for helpful hands at home that voluntarily cook, clean and do what needs to be done when I’m busy or tired.

Gratitude for a home filled with joy, a kitchen that always smells of something delicious cooking, a tv on with news or a silly show, and a teenage girl in her room laughing with friends on her computer. 

Gratitude for my long distance family who despite the 2,000 that separate us, keep me connected as much they can during the day so I don’t miss out too much of the extraordinary of the ordinary lives of our parents. 

GRATITUDE for the gift of finding JOY in a world that doesn’t make too much sense right now.

With what we have and who we are right now, I feel very thankful for the gift of life, family, friendship, faith and love in my life. 

Today was indeed a wonderful day, that I had never seen before... ❤️

Thursday, November 19, 2020


Today will probably be one of the last days of the year that I can sit on the porch and drink my morning coffee. 

It’s a glorious 55 degrees and sunny and the wind is blowing just right.  The rose bushes in front of me are still in full bloom and our dog Daisy, seems to be loving the outdoors and wind in her face, and she looks adorable that way too! 🥰

Can you tell I’m fully enjoying this moment??? I’m loving it!

There is a lot that has been upside down in our world lately, and yesterday (personally for me) proved to be a challenging day this November month, to the point that it took some of my sleep away, no bueno if you ask me.

BUT, today is a new day and I’m ready for it with all the positive attitude!!! ☀️

When I was 12 years old my mom got me my first diary.  My parents never had extra money laying around for expenses that weren’t within the family budget, I knew this diary meant something for my mom.  My mom had always been a writer and a big dreamer herself, I think being the only girl, she had the same hopes for me.

It wasn’t until adulthood that I developed or discovered I should say, some of the same gifts, likes and dislikes of my mother, but I could never be anything close to what the essence of my mother is, I’m just grateful that she’s always had so much faith, acceptance, encouragement, trust and LOVE for me.  I’ve might’ve doubted people’s love, trust, acceptance and affection from time to time, but never my mother’s unconditional love.  How great is that?! ❤️

I don’t think I’ve ever told her what that first diary has meant to me all these years, it’s funny how we keep some of our deepest feelings to ourselves.  I think I will share that with her in our next conversation.  The thing with me is that, I have a problem with my eyes “leaking” easily when I get emotional and half the time I decide to avoid sentimental subjects all together to protect myself and not look silly, not thinking that maybe, my sharing of a story could bring light to the people I love.  Apparently, I just made a decision for myself, right here, right now, drinking my coffee. 😉

And speaking of a nice day, I think I’ll go for a walk today, even if it’s a short walk, and enjoy the neighborhood before the sidewalks turn into snow and ice and sleet and all that “fun” stuff.

Enjoy this beautiful day! 💛

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Well, not much to say today, other than it’s been a long, long day and I’m glad I can finally relax.

On a good note, I managed to eat very healthy all day today, despite all the things I had going on, and the fact that my husband made a pizza that looked delicious, and that is quite a success!!! 

Good night! 💛

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


What is the one thing that gives you joy and makes you feel in control of your life, just a little bit? 


This past Sunday I decided that enough was enough of stress eating and eating anything that comes my way. When I’m feeling stressed or rushed or overwhelmed or tired, which has been a lot of that lately, I resource to food, usually not the best of foods for me, so I decided to put a twist to the stress eating and turn it into something that nourishes me and makes me thrive a little more like, healthy eating. 

Good, simple and nutritious food ALWAYS makes me feel better about myself, food plays a huge role in my life.  For other people is exercising (which I should probably do too 😁), or painting, or knitting, or doing anything else that brings them joy, for me is cooking healthy food.  I always feel vitalized seeing all fresh ingredients on my kitchen counter, my pans sizzling with olive oil on the stove, the oven heating up to welcome some type of veggies or meat and feeling the love that these sights and smells give me. 

Sights and smells.  Another gift we have in life, which on most days we take for granted. 

I started a food journal on Sunday, something I’ve tried to do for a long time and always failed to do.  My neurologist has always recommended keeping track of the food I eat and also tracking how I feel each day.

It might’ve taken me almost two decades to get where I am right now with my food diary, but I have finally landed and I couldn’t be happier about it. 

Today, I will rejoice in the meals I cook, the food I eat, and the little or big progress I can accomplish at work and at home.  

These are unprecedented times for all of us, and if we work on taking care of ourselves, even with one little thing, we are always a step ahead. 

Surround yourself with people that nurture you, eat the foods that make you happy, listen to the music you enjoy, read, sip coffee or tea, journal, knit, quilt, paint, run, go for a walk, call a friend, watch a favorite tv show on tv, pray, meditate... do something that will being a smile to your face.  

We might not be able to create a perfect world for ourselves or those we love, but we can start by pausing and reflecting on the things that make our world spin a little faster, while doing something that brings us joy.

One day at a time, one hour at a time, has been my motto.  It works on most days. 😉

Monday, November 16, 2020


It’s a new day, it’s a new morning and the sun is shining brightly, and I’m choosing LOVE and light and positivity, I need that today, I need that now more than ever. 

Life has been very hard for many people this year, and lately hardship has touched the lives of people dear to our hearts, people who have suffered losses and who are struggling with health issues and financial struggle, both heart wrenching experiences.  

For a few months now, I’ve been following the story of a sweet little girl who recently celebrated her 10th birthday and who has been fighting leukemia for a couple of years.  Her family is one of the strongest, sweetest, and most faithful group of human beings I’ve witnessed in a long time.  During hard times like the ones they are experiencing, it’s not always easy to keep the faith and to stay strong, I admire them greatly.  Please say a prayer for Ali and her sweet family, that they will constantly feel the love, faith and strength thousands of people around the world have been sending their way.

It’s not easy talking about hard things, or sad things, but sometimes it’s necessary. We are not true to ourselves, to our humanity, when we put all the sadness of the world aside, in order to have a more enjoyable life.  I’m not saying we have to look for sadness in order to bring our moods down, but we must have empathy for the pain, the grief and the loss that others experience.

It’s funny how sometimes you might relate to some stories more than others and how some people just by the light they radiate in the midsts of their struggles, touch your heart a little deeper. This has been the case for me with this little girl Ali, another young mom of five by the name of Tia, and a young, newly married handsome man named Johny.  All struggling and fighting their own battles, and the characteristic that pulled me to their stories was their incredible FAITH, the incredible faith of their family who loves and cares for them.  Faith is the most incredible source of light and hope in our lives, we must continue to dig deeper for it, especially during these challenging times.

“Faith includes noticing the mess, the emptiness and discomfort and letting it be there until some light returns.” Anne Lamott 

Sunday, November 15, 2020


This morning I started the day by setting up some goals, organizing myself and planning on staying focused.  I’m confident I’ll be able to achieve those things, I know myself and the little sparkle I feel when I really want to challenge myself. 

I had been doing so good for a while eating all the healthy things, going on walks and taking care of myself in every way.  

Life got very busy for me, stress happened and I neglected myself.  Why do we always (almost always) do that when life gets challenging? It’s in those times that we should nurture ourselves even more.  Reinforce the care. 

Yesterday I was home all day.  That hasn’t happened in a long time, and it made me realize that eating healthy and taking care of myself comes natural for me.  Time, commitments and stress outside of my home is usually what drives me to the “not so good” foods for me and bad habits. 

This morning I started a new practice I created for myself.  Journaling by hand all the things I cook and eat, in an effort of keeping myself accountable and focused! I’m feeling inspired.

I’ve always noticed that the longer I stay on a path (good or bad), the easier it is to stay on track.  Habits are formed, and they required work, wether is conscious or unconscious work. 

Right now, I’m focusing on my ruled paper, my markers and pen and most importantly, MY HEALTH!!! 

I can do this, yes, I can! 🥳💪🏻

Saturday, November 14, 2020


Happy Saturday!!! ❤️

I’m embracing this moment of silence and quiet at home right now like the moment when you capture a ray of sunlight bouncing off a window. ☀️

This morning I woke up thinking about the talents and gifts we are given at birth or developthroughout our lives.

Gifts of wisdom, languages, discernment, empathy, creativity, knowledge, vocations in many forms.  

I believe that we are ALL born with unique gifts and talents.  We all have something meaningful to share with the world around us, and although we develop our gifts and talents at different levels according based one opportunity and the way we thrive and chase dreams, our talents and gifts are there, always there, either showing on the surface or hiding, waiting to be explored and discovered. 

We have a responsibility with the talents we are given.  We have a responsibility to share those talents and not keep them buried to ourselves or our own and only good. When we give, we multiply the talents and gifts we posses. 

Sharing our talents and gifts is very similar to investing financially or in business.  The braver and more courageous you are with your investments, the better changes you will have at getting the results you wanted and having more. 

Sharing our talents and gifts works the same way, even better!  When we develop and share our gifts, we create a ripple effect.  Our gifts and talents continue to spread and affect others in a positive way.  One may never know how we’ve touched someone else’s lives, and if by sharing our talents, only ONE person is changed positively, we all benefit from it.

Our wealth, our knowledge, our wisdom, our talents and all those amazing things life has blessed us with, are not for us to hoard and keep away from others.  We came to this earth with nothing, but bearing our own unique gifts, and also with a purpose, to share them with those whose lives we touch. 

May we be always conscious of the way we are sharing our gifts, our treasure and our talents. 

Have you ever really reflected on your gifts and talents?  Have you spent time developing and exploring those talents and thinking about a way of sharing them with those around you? 

Meditate on that. ❤️

Friday, November 13, 2020


A long day in many, many ways, but I’m home, I have my feet up on the ottoman, I’m drinking a hot cup of chamomile tea and trying to unwind. 

Around 4 pm this afternoon I was feeling like I wouldn’t be able to get all my work done and then voila, a big wave of blessings came over me and I was able to get most of my work done in the most amazing of ways.

After a long, long day in so many ways, I’m thankful for the blessings and kindness experienced throughout the day. 

Good night. 💛

Thursday, November 12, 2020


A week ago I attended a prayer service focused on meditation and silence.  It was powerful in so many ways but I also found it challenging.

I thrive on moments of solitude at home, moments when I’m by myself and there is nothing but peace, quiet and all I can hear is the fridge running. 

When I’m home by myself or I’m up before anyone else so I can spend time with myself, I usually have a book, my phone and/or a notebook and a cup of coffee.  See, I’m “alone”, I think I’m experiencing solitude and silence, but my mind is distracted by other things and thoughts.  

Silence in it’s pure essence is very challenging, unless you make it your daily practice. 

I decided to start practicing silence.  Not solitude, I seek that on a daily basis, it’s almost crucial for my mental health, but silence is different.  I have started by setting aside ten minutes a day in the morning.  Ten minutes of silence. Ten minutes of NOTHING in my hands.  Ten minutes away from the noise of the world.  Ten minutes to pray, ten minutes to allow my soul to feel what it needs to feel. 

I can’t say that it has been easy.  Ten minutes seem like nothing, but when you are not used to practicing something, ten minutes can feel like a long time. 

Practice makes progress, and if that practice will renew me in ways I never saw coming, then... welcome silence! Perhaps with time, those ten minutes will turn into fifteen and eventually into half hour.

Our bodies need moments of nothingness and connection with ourselves.  Seek it and feel the transformation within. ❤️

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Today has been a wonderful and productive day all around... for me personally, and for everyone at my house as well.

I love it when projects get done, when we check off boxes in our to do list, and when we work as a team to accomplish all the things we want to accomplish. 

The big kid is making big plans, and the little, who is not so little, making her own exciting plans.  It’s fun so fun to witness their passion and enthusiasm for what they feel called to do in this world.  Youth and excitement at it’s best, and at their prime of their lives. 

Today was a colder day in Chicago, but a beautiful and sunny day nonetheless.  

After a day of work, errands, and some housework, I’m finally sitting down with a cup of coffee (yes, coffee before bed time 😃), a lighted candle and a funny show, because these days, I need all the humor I can get! 

Thankful for a day of ordinary blessings that make our lives a little extra special. 💛

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


I had a really good night sleep last night and then the barometric pressure changed, rain is coming our way and my head is like “Oh no! No, no...” but I’m thankful that I have the resources to tackle the pain before it becomes the unpleasant visitor I’m never excited to welcome. 

Today, is the last day in the 70’s here in the Chicagoland and tomorrow we will he waking up to temps in the 40’s, yikes, quite the rude awaking after having glorious days in the mid 70’s, but it’s been wonderful to have them.  I think I might go for a walk before the rain comes. 

I’m going into work a little later today and right now I’m enjoying the peace and quiet of my home.  The quiet that I’m experiencing right now is exactly what I’ve been needing. 

Stan is at work, the girls are still sleeping and our dog, Daisy decided to take a morning nap.  I can almost hear my breath is that quiet and it also feels peaceful, if you know what I mean.  The peace you can sense with your full body. 

I’m drinking my coffee, eating an avocado toast with yummy vine tomatoes on top and simply taking in the wonders of ordinary moments like this one.  

I like adventure, I like exploring and thrills (to a level), but I also 100% enjoy the art of doing absolutely nothing and just being one with the world around me.  I think that’s what brings me the most joy actually. 

The world has felt so uncertain lately, for many people, including our family for various reasons, and moments of peace and tranquility like the one I’m experiencing right this moment are a huge blessing.  An ordinary blessing. 

I have a few fun projects that I will be working on at the office later and I’m excited for that as well.  I love working with creativity and letting my imagination guide me.  I’m thankful for what I get to do and experience every day. 

It seems like today we will be eating homemade ground turkey tacos with a homemade pico de Gallo salsa, pickled onions and guacamole, YUM, I can hardly wait until dinner time, it’s going to be muy delicioso! 😉😋

Make someone smile today! ❤️

Monday, November 9, 2020


I’m sitting on my porch drinking my coffee as I do almost every day and it really couldn’t be a more beautiful day!!! It’s 70 degrees and sunny, five big Canadian geese are keeping me company just a few feet away from me snacking on grass. Right now, right this moment, life is good and I’m taking it all in.

Not much is going on today other than the fact that is another working day, THANKFUL for that, I love and need my job, and I’m making tacos for dinner from scratch with all it’s fixings (fresh salsa, marinated onions and all), I’d promised my family that I would make them on Saturday but then the day got magically away from me and I had distracted with happiness.

Today is the day. Today is taco day and taco day is always a happy day at home! 🥳

Writing this makes me realize that I love ordinary moments, I really do.  Yes, of course I love extraordinary moments of celebration and extreme joy, but the ordinary is what keeps me the most joyful, grounded and grateful. 

A new day. A job to be thankful for. A fresh cup of coffee.  A beautiful sunny sky.  Tacos in the horizon, and a a body that allows me to do and enjoy all those things.  Thankful, very thankful! 

What ordinary moments are you thankful for today? ❤️

Sunday, November 8, 2020


You know that typing “bubble” that shows up on your phone when someone is sending you a message? If you have an iPhone, you’d know what I mean, I am not familiar with other smartphones. 

That’s how I’ve been feeling lately, a constant typing bubble that then disappears into thin air after I’ve typed and typed because then I decide that, “nah, it’s not worth it...” or even if it’s not about something I want to say, and it’s just my head. My head is a contact typing bubble.  I’m talking life in general, it’s my nature. 

This year has been hard, we have all gone through hard things. Some have experienced pain in bigger ways than others, but we have all experienced pain and disappointment to a certain degree.

If life has taught me anything is that patience and tolerance are great virtues.  Virtues that I am still working on, and will always be working on. 

Yesterday was a great day in so many ways, but I experienced pain too, pain that left a few extra scars in my heart, that I now have to process and heal from. But, isn’t that what life is all about after all?  Joy and pain. Pain and joy. Life is a healing process.

After a long day of ups and downs, I received a text from one of my brothers, “please call mom when you get a moment.” Well, if your mind works like mine, you know it didn’t go to a happy place.  My parents and brothers live 2,000 miles away from me, and usually those texts, especially if they don’t come with a smiley emoji 😉, you know it can’t be any good.

I was right. My mom shared with me a couple of unsettling news, but things seems to be starting to look up.  After our conversation, a few breaths and a prayer, that phone conversation made me feel a huge disconnect from my own birth family, who I love dearly. My family seems to be of the idea of “why should we share and worry her when she’s so far away?” I know they are trying to protect me in a way, but it doesn’t make things any better for me, especially when I feel isolated enough.

They say “distance makes the heart grow fonder.” Not sure how I feel about that phrase after being away from my birth family for 25 years.  Can you tell I miss them?! 🙃

Well folks, I didn’t mean to be a downer today, but my intention with this blog is to share how I feel in each present moment, and this is what’s in my heart today. 

It’s another beautiful day today, the sun is shinning bright, the air feels amazing, I’m going to finish enjoying my cup of coffee and then I’ll take our daisy girl 🐶 for a walk... maybe I’ll take Stan too! 😉

Have a lovely day, find a reason (or two or three...) to make you smile! ❤️

Saturday, November 7, 2020


I remember when my girls were little and I was 55 years younger 😁, I used to be scrupulous about my house. Scrupulously is not necessarily a quality, in the contrary, but I did love having a clean to almost perfection home, every corner of my house organized and everything, everything in place.  

I used to have a bin and a cabinet for every need our family had.  I had a special organizer for art supplies that was color and item coordinated, a bin and box for every toy according to it’s theme and so forth.  I hardly ever went to sleep before fluffing, yes, fluffing every pillow on our family room couch and washing every dish in the kitchen sink.  In my mind, my family worked better and felt better when things were in “control.”  Control was all in my mind, but it worked for me, and hopefully made things a little easier and more pleasant at home, although, I am positive those are not the things my girls who are now young adults, remember.  Not at all, I’m sure.

For the past few years I’ve worked a lot, especially the past year or so.  Long hours, many commitments, and years (age) later, I definitely don’t seem to have the same energy, interest or enthusiasm about the upkeep of my house.  Yes, of course is clean, and we do the regular household chores to maintain the house clean and somewhat organized, but I have lost, almost completely, interest in obsessing about it.  And that’s a good thing, but I do miss the days of walking in and feeling like I had just walked in to a well kept bed and breakfast.  

Last night I went to bed with many thoughts in my head, because what’s new, I do way too much thinking on most days, and I was reminiscing about the “good old days”, when things always seemed to be under control.  It didn’t take me long to understand that control is the least of our human abilities.

This morning I woke up fueled up, and energized and EXCITED about organization and cleaning (I know, weird!), and all things that bring zen to my life.  I like a house with a homey feeling.  I’ve been a busy bee all morning and even though I wanted to sleep in today, that didn’t happen, my body would simply not allow it, it’s been too many years in training with this “time to wake up”, type of situation, but it’s ok, I like... doing things. 

Today, I will focus on some of the things that bring me joy.  Organizing my house, cleaning to have a feeling of peace, finding new fabric to reupholster our kitchen chairs (I’ve done that twice before, we’ve owned our kitchen table for 17 years), and moving some things around.  We also need a new couch for the living room which has become our big family gathering place.  I’m also spending time in the kitchen organizing the fridge, and cooking!!! 

I know, it all sounds a bit odd, but these are the things that bring me joy the most.  My home and those in it. ❤️

Friday, November 6, 2020


It’s November, the thick of Fall in Chicago and I’m sitting in my front porch wearing a tank top because the sun is as hot as ever! It’s a great feeling!!!

I used to go on early morning walks with a friend who happened to be my neighbor too in my old neighborhood and we both would take our coffee cups with us as we walked leisurely around the block after we had put our daughters in the school bus.  

I remember these walks, I can still feel the warmth of the hot coffee in my hands and the fuzzy feeling of knowing that I could enjoy that moment and be one with the world, maybe even for just a few fleeting minutes.  The memories of those days feel comforting right now.

A lot has changed since then.  Years have gone by, we changed neighborhoods, our kids got older, our own personal relationships have adapted to the circumstances and lifestyles, but I will always cherish our bond and friendship.

This morning I decided to take my coffee for a short walk around my block and take in the beauty of the season.  The trees outside our home have turned a glorious yellow and half of them are decorating the path of the sidewalk, and it’s simply breathtaking to see. 

These days I need all the peace and solitude I can take.  The world has been way too noisy, and quiet calms the heart. 

I am currently designing (sounds better than working on 😉), a plan to allow more peace, more quiet and more self care into my life, and I have to do it purposely.  I believe that if we assign time for ourselves every day, we can begin to change our perspective and the way we perceive others around us as well.

One thought, one breath and one day at a time... that is the best gift I can give myself. 💛

Thursday, November 5, 2020


Yesterday I woke up feeling extremely tired, extremely nervous and unsettle about the election and over all drained from the night before and going to bed in the early hours of the next day. 

I needed a distraction from all the worrying and thinking and resourced to cooking which always seems to make me happy.  

Before making breakfast, my oldest daughter and I sat on the porch with coffee (me) and tea for her and we chatted for a couple of hours.  It was so refreshing to simply sit outside, enjoying gorgeous weather and sharing each other’s concerns and hopes about the current state of the election.  I have always admired her thirst for knowledge and her resourceful personality when it comes to anything that interests her.  She’s a great conversationalist too which is refreshing. 

After talking for a goo while, she went on a long run and I got busy in the kitchen while my youngest daughter still slept. 

I made the most delicious breakfast of roasted potatoes, kale, mushrooms and fried eggs and the three of us sat down to eat it after I was done cooking. 

Cooking takes time, but it’s also one of the most enjoyable things, at least for me. 

I’m very thankful for the opportunity to spend time with my girls yesterday talking about things that matter to us and to our country.  Thankful for my passion of cooking which provides an outlet for the every day stresses of life, but most importantly, for the promise of a new day that allows me to continue on my quest of peace and faith. ❤️

Wednesday, November 4, 2020


Good morning. Sitting on the porch all by myself, taking in the beauty of this day, it’s such a beautiful day, the sun is shinning and I’m letting the breeze and the vitamin d heal me, I needed all of this today.

I’m feeling a bit shattered this morning I’m not going to lie, for many different reasons, shattered and shaken, and incredibly astonished by the division. 

I went to bed after 2 am this morning (for obvious reasons), and at 3:15 am I was awoken by screaming sounds coming out of the hallway right outside our bedroom.  Lights went on, and there was so much commotion going on!

I thought the girls, and by girls I’m referring to 22 and 18 year old young ladies - I thought they were still up following all the events happening with the election since they had been up with up until the moment I went to bed.

Nope, it had nothing to do with that.  Apparently, Bella saw a “wolf” spider in her bedroom and sent her into a panic. She is extremely afraid of spiders and give her awful anxiety, but last time I checked, we don’t live in the Utah mountains or any mountains by any means.  Based on the screaming performed early this morning, you would’ve thought something horrible was unfolding at the end of the hallway. 

I didn’t see the mentioned “wolf” spider, but I’m pretty such it belonged in the story “the itsy bitsy spider...” 😬

After hours of stressing yesterday and staying up all night and into the early hours of today, I woke up with my stomach in knots, literally, and a horrific migraine which I haven’t had in a few days.  I’m nursing it already and starting to feel some relief. 

I’m going to enjoy today.  I will continue to hang on to hope as I always to have FAITH! ❤️

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


I will start this post by saying that I am not an expert on politics, I actually don’t know a whole lot, but the years I’ve lived on this earth as an adult have giving me enough knowledge to understand some of it, and my natural born empathetic self - which sometimes is honestly hard to deal with on many levels - has made me especially aware of our political climate lately.

We can no longer say “I’m not into politics.  I don’t care about politics. I’m impartial to politics...” Not now, not anymore, not when there is so much on the line, and so many important and crucial issues at stake. 

Health. Families. Race. Climate change. Security. Leadership. And the list can go on and on. 

I certainly can’t do a whole lot when it comes to changing the world around me, but if I can do my part by voting, I’d do that and that’s what I did. 

This election has left many scars in our souls, I know it has affected mine for sure.  We have witnessed so much hate and endless insensitive towards human life in general and in all honesty it has been devastating to watch.

I pray that whatever the results in the next few days are, we remember that we are civilized adults, people who respect each other, and human beings who more than anything seek PEACE!

Seek Peace.  Promote Peace.  Be the Peace our world needs. ❤️🇺🇸

Monday, November 2, 2020


All Souls’ Day. A day dedicated to remember our family members and friends who have departed from this earthly journey. 

Working at a church means, long days on special liturgical days like today; and today was no exception, but it was inspiring seeing the many people that came out to celebrate Mass with us during the day and remember their loved ones who have died.

May we always be reminded of the love of our family members and friends who have departed and be comforted by their memories.

Long day.  My feet are tired but my soul is wide awake. ❤️

Sunday, November 1, 2020


Giving thanks doesn’t particularly apply to a day or a month even, but since November is the chosen month of giving thanks in the US, I always love to take this opportunity to rejoice in all the blessings in my life.

I didn’t grow up celebrating Thanksgiving, observing thankfulness on a specific month or day, and especially in social media world where there is a day dedicated to everything, almost literally, but I remember feeling always thankful for what I had. 

Today, on this very first day of the month, I’m thankful for a full day of rest that allowed me to recharge and get strength for the week ahead.  I did absolutely nothing other than relax, watch tv shows and eat at random times of the day.  I know it all sounds super basic, but some days, ordinary can be the extraordinary we need in our lives. 

Happy November month to all of us! May the days ahead be days of joy, health, change and positivity! ❤️

LOVE IS: Kind, Joyful, Understanding, Humorous, Accepting, Encouraging, And So Much More ❤️

LOVE IS: Kind, Joyful, Understanding, Humorous, Accepting, Encouraging, And So Much More ❤️

October Pages ❤️

October Pages ❤️