Mondays with Maria

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Dunes And My Personal Metaphor On Facing Challenges

A few days ago, I was talking to me husband and our daughters about challenges we’ve experienced in life, whether they are personal, professional or simply the challenges of learning to coexist with people or a social environment that doesn’t have our same beliefs, and that can be really hard at times.

Challenges can seem eternal when we are going through them, but you just have to keep moving forward, always with the knowledge and clarity that if you stay focused on the end result, even some of those challenges can be worthwhile.

I grew up near the ocean, simply an amazing experience.  A privilege that I don’t think I fully appreciated when I was younger because it had always been there, it was a given.

I remember countless trips to the beach as a child, but especially I remember those trips as a teenager and young adult, glorious days of sun, and rest and fresh seafood.  The beach is approximately an hour drive from my hometown and it’s glorious in many ways, but there is one thing I remember in particular from all those trips when I was growing up, and something that would help me navigate certain challenges later in life; it’s dunes.  

I remember parking at the top of the dune and having to make the long walk down to where the water was, sometimes that walk seemed eternal.  Most of the times we visited, the dunes were almost scolding hot, and I remember always highly disliking the feeling of that sand on my feet.

I’ve always had a sensory processing issue when it came to certain textures.  Everything that involves dry powder, like handling flour for baking, cornstarch (yikes, even typing the name makes me cringe), and also sand, yes, sand gives me some anxiety!

Imagine all those years going to the beach, having to wear sandals walking down the dunes, sand creeping in my shoes, or simply having to remove my shoes to walk down because it was just easier being barefoot and everyone was doing it.  It was though, probably not for anyone else, but for me it was a great challenge and I don’t think I ever shared that with anyone, I wonder if my mother even knows about this silent challenge of mine. 

Every time I went to the beach and I had to make that walk down the dunes to eventually arrive at this magnificent pool of ocean water.  Every time I made that journey, I kept telling myself “you are doing great, just keep moving, one foot in front of the other, you are almost there, the reward would be worthwhile...” I did this every time, I’d have this conversations with myself, conquer my fears one step at a time (literally) and then fully enjoy the “finish” line, in this case, beautiful sandy beaches with warm water, friends and family around me, good food, great music and lots of laugher.

This metaphor has been a saving grace for me during my life.  Even when I’m going through challenges in life, when a daily, routine task seems impossible due to the level of  physical pain I am in, or simply because life was just not designed to be perfect and challenges will present every once in a while, I always refer back to those countless beach days when I struggled making it through the sandy dunes and then rejoicing about the end result, a great day at the beach. 

When my children share their challenges with me, or I see those challenges on their faces without them having to speak a word (I know them well) I pray for them to give them strength, I pray for myself to have the wisdom I need to guide them, and I share personal stories of my own experiences and struggles; NEVER to compare as we all feel differently and face challenges in our unique ways, but in the spirit of adding a spark of hope and love to the challenges they are experiencing in their own personal lives. 

Looking back, I’m thankful to those sandy dunes that taught me so much without them knowing. The sand between my toes will always be a great reminder of the challenges and victories that lead me to where I am right now.  A life that is not perfect by any means, but one that is lived with gratefulness and always hope. ❤️