Mondays with Maria

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Turning 48 And The Lessons I've Learned Along The Way...

“Love life. Engage in it. Give it all you’ve got. Love it with passion because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it.” Maya Angelou

Celebrating another year of life is a perfect opportunity to look back and reflect on our life journey, on all the ups and downs that make us who we are.

I can say with great confidence that  my life has been a rainbow of colors.  Almost five decades of teachable moments, hardship, love, friendship, obstacles - many of them - achievements, celebrations, tears, laughter - lots of it too - and no regrets.  I have learned from it all. 

My book has many chapters, many pages written and I continue to embrace all the moments in my life, even the ones that I find disappointing. Life is certainly not perfect, but our individual life story is perfect because is unique. 

In my 48 years I have moved homes 8 times.  4 times in my childhood/youth, and 4 times as an adult/married woman.  Most of those moves were joyful, but some were painful.  I can almost feel the joy and the pain experienced from each and every one of them as I write this.  Teachable moments that have made me who I am right now.

In my 48 years I have been involved in a serious and devastating car accident that took the lives of some people, and taught me to appreciate life in a special way, and certainly not take anything for granted.  The experience left me with more than physical scars, and I continue to grow from it.

In my 48 years I’ve undergone 5 surgeries, none of them elective.  Each of them have been painful both physically and mentally and have taken me years to recover from them, but I have also learned a great deal about the meaning of life from every moment spent at a hospital and every minute of recovery.  Recovery is a work in progress, and in a strange kind of way, I am thankful for the pain endured because it has shaped me into the person I am today. 

In my 48 years I have birthed two beautiful daughters, with two incredible different personalities that have taught me so much about myself.  I have tried my best to be the best mother I can be to them, and even though I think on most occasions I have succeeded, I know some days I have failed them, perhaps in the way they had hoped I had been there for them, but I can say with all my heart that I have tried every time, my very best.  I have taken my responsibility of being entrusted for their care very seriously and I give thanks for their gift of their lives in mine every day. 

My life story has many chapters, and I have worn my heart on my sleeve in each of them and that, not only makes me happy, but proud, because it makes me unique, something I strive to achieve every day. 

This year I was supposed to celebrate my 48th birthday in New York City, a city I love with all my heart.  Two days prior to my birthday I was supposed to board a train that would take me to New York City from Chicago.  I was so excited about my alone time and rest I would get on the train that I paid the extra money for a roomette with a private bathroom and all, after working so much lately, I had earned it and I was SO excited about it.  I had pictured myself boarding the train, going through my list of movies to watch and books to read.  I wanted to write, listen to music, catch up with friends, simply do it all during that commute, I was even afraid I wouldn’t have enough time for it. 

In my mind I was already walking the streets of Manhattan upon arrival, attending a couple of Broadway plays and musicals, eating at some of my favorite eateries and embracing the beauty of Central Park.

I was excited to spend time with my oldest daughter who attends school there and also attend her performances and this weekend her Graduation ceremonies, when everything came to a sudden halt due to the current health crisis our world is experiencing. 

If I were to be honest I could sincerely say that even though I was sad about having to change plans, I was more thankful for the opportunity to be able to drive to New York City instead to pick up our daughter and bring her home so she could have a safe place to live during this crisis.  Central Park will still be there when this is over, and we can again rejoice in the beauty and magic of the city. 

The morning of my actual birthday started with a wonderful breakfast surprise from my family and a decorated lawn with birthday signs.  Bella made an amazing breakfast of the fluffiest homemade pancakes, bacon and fresh fruit, with lots of coffee since she knows that’s my favorite way to start my day.  They all decorated the kitchen with birthday banners, flowers, birthday cards and fancy dishes. 

After breakfast Stan and I went for a walk around the neighborhood, it was a beautiful sunny day and while we were out, Michelle made homemade cupcakes with a dulce de leche frosting that was soooo amazingly delicious!!! 

Michelle was also in charge of my birthday dinner, vegetarian chili.  While she was chopping and dicing and simmering, Bella lured me outside for a “picture” when all of a sudden I saw a caravan of cars parading down my street honking their horns nonstop, people shouting happy birthday, laughing and smiling from ear to ear and my best friend Laurel leading the way as she had orchestrated this wonderful surprise. 

Social distancing might be keeping us from hugging these days but definitely not from showing love and appreciation for each other.

Turning 48 years old in the middle of a global pandemic will certainly be one for the books for me!

So incredible thankful for the people in my life, for the lessons learned, and especially for all the love I have received and continue to be blessed with day after day.

Looking forward to the next 12 months ahead and the many memories that will be made on the way.  Thankful, grateful, BLESSED! ️❤